Shut-in Magician

549 Dinner party

The first to come was Count Vixtreme. My daughter, Amalia, came with me and had a gorgeous atmosphere at once.

Caspar greeted the guests as he had done and sent them to the guest room where the close guests were invited. I also haven't forgotten to say thank you for imposing strict security on me.

When I actually saw the response as a nobleman, I realized that Kaspar was really noble too.

The next person to come was Fabian, and a little late Tiberio came as his father's substitute.

"He really wanted to come, but I'm sorry he couldn't take it off because of the rush."

"Terrible. I'm glad you came to Tiberio."

"Next time, you said you wanted to talk slowly. It's not a social code. Come to the next night's club."

Students are shown to the room in close conversation with Kaspar. He also spoke to Siu, who was in the pick-up line, but sometimes he was grasping after and it really just ended with a greeting.

One guest came after another, but Kaspar greeted him well.

There were some insane people in there trying to talk, but subtly induce them, hosts I can't imagine from him usually.

Some of the guests I invited were Count Agrell. I'm Jewen's father. He doesn't have a territory, but he said he is in an important position within the House of Lords in the Wang capital, and would have liked to have come from Lord Vixtrem's relationship.

He seemed to be close to Count Vixtrem, and he hung out and enjoyed himself while heading to the Great Hall where the dinner party was held.

When the dinner party started, everyone was intrigued to enjoy the meal.

Originally, the Brad family served their guests mainly Steyburn dishes, but also proposed new forms, such as creative ideas for Latrician-style ones.

Not to mention the ingredients that Siu has changed, and the luxury ingredients he brings, so it seemed to be rumours of visitors each time.

"Oh, is this that rumored horned beef"

Viscount Pedro-Lombaldi, the head of the security department who is entrusted with the security of the King's City, speaks to the surrounding area with joy. He seems to be on the spot because he hits the boss putting together the police force. I have a connection to Count Vixtreme, and I will also be an official subordinate.

Count Vixtrem seems to be a rare man on the civilian side who also "works" in the House of Lords to put together drafts of guards and such in the King's City.

"It seems like a dark flavor as a snack, but it tastes refreshing without the smell of meat at all. This is going to go in as much as it takes."

This happened because the steak is seasoned with garlic soy sauce, so it may feel spicy for people who are unfamiliar with it, but I was serving a simmer of salmon cream sauce before that.

Simply salt and pepper is good, but many Latricians don't understand simplicity. If it's just salt pepper, they sometimes think it's been missed.

"Oh, next, this is"

The chef devised a sautéed river crab. I use a light flavor sauce made from horned cow's milk, but it is spiced and delicious.

"It's a flavor not found in Latricia, but I didn't expect to eat the river crab this time of year like this..."

"It's delicious. And the sauce doesn't stick, but it tastes good."

"It's made from horned cow's milk."

Caspar explains, this is that! And he was raising his voice.

Afterwards they serve dishes that are normal in the Brad family, such as fried shrimp, but still anonymous in Latricia.

Unlike regular course dishes, the invitees seemed to notice why each plate was small.

The meal ended on time, even though the number of plates was more than double than usual because of one serving after another to keep my stomach from swelling.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to show you to the smoking room or playroom after this, but before you do, please enjoy our dessert."

There was also a mouth-watering ice cream, but the guests, who thought that was the end of the story, were full of joy.

And the example confectionery house came out.


It was Viscount Vaino-Colavolpe, who shouted a little loud. He belongs to a place called the Special Cases Department within the Ministry of Justice and is familiar with legal relations. The name is the Special Affairs Department, not the Countermeasures Department, because it is a difficult department to which nobles from other countries are associated. Theodoro was here once, too, and Vaino falls for junior.

"How delicate and beautiful. What is this, sweets, etc."

Oh, and I'm thrilled with my trembling hands.

As for Siu, I think it seems a little too much attitude, but surprisingly the other nobles have also spoken, so is this their way of expressing it?

It's been strange for a long time, but maybe the aristocracy has a manual that says this should be the case and is in line with it.

Siu apologized in his heart, remembering the people he had met in the past. I thought he was a comedy actor, but he was rude.

Nevertheless, I felt like training was needed to see how the people in front of me were doing.

"Siu, you're laughing too much."


I was whispered and Kaspar noticed.

"My eyes are laughing, and my mouth is tingling. Be patient."


"Well, I think it's strange to watch this kind of big deal with ordinary people, too."


"Loud voice"


As one way of self-expression, I guess I won't tell them unless I make it as big as this.

"No body, I can't believe I broke this and ate it!

"Right. An artistic beauty."

Caspar approached them, surrounded and talking, away from Shiu.

"There's nothing permanent about it. Hand folding this beautiful thing is what cooks want and admire. Please, enjoy."

"Lord Caspar says something wonderful, even though he is young. It's like a piece of poetry."

It's outrageous, and Siu leaked a small sigh of sight at Kaspar speaking with a grin sticking to his face.

I can't imitate that.

The next dessert was then also brought in to feed it after the treat had gone to all.

From the chocolate cake that helped Vincent eat the brandy, to the light cheesecake made with horned milk.

The invitees were very happy and seemed to dominate almost everything.

The majority of the adult men went to the smoking room, but Siu and Fabian, Amalia, etc. headed to the playroom.

"No, it was delicious. I envy Caspar."

"I'm really surprised. We had dishes from Lord Sioux in the summer, but you know many of them."

"Because I like to eat. The Brad cooks all like to try new things, so they often come together and think about recipes."

Talking about that, when we arrived in the playroom, Sorol and the others brought us Ferres.


I hadn't dealt with him since noon, so he was ringing in protest about whether Blanca was obstinate or not. She also missed that cro, and she was looking at Siu's shoulder with her feathers bummed even though she still couldn't fly. He wants to fly that far.

When I take each of the two heads that were on Ferres, Ferres himself sweetens or rubs his body.

"Well, you missed me"

"Because I was busy getting ready today and I left it to Sorol and Luca to take care of me. Thank you both."

"Yeah. Um, excuse me"

I shook my neck sideways and then we both walked out of the room with the courtesy we had learned.

"You've made me care. You could have stayed with me."

"Thanks, Fabian. But now that I'm studying manners, I think that's a good idea."

"Right. But the Brad family is full of servants who feel good too."

"Right. I've never been more nervous at a dinner party while I was waiting."

"I think everyone would be happy to hear you say it that way. Thanks."

Sitting on the couch, the Susas quickly prepared drinks and more.

There was also on-board play, but I spent most of my time talking to the Fabians.

Because when I was sitting on the couch, Ferres wouldn't stick around on the floor and leave, and Blanca moved urocho and wasn't at the game when it was time to go to sleep.

Along the way, a group of adults came from the smoking room to look at the rare riding beast larvae had their eyes narrowed, but no one said I wanted to just hold them.

Later in the night, Clo started to get upset and the guests left where Blanca was completely stretched out.

If it's true, I'm glad the dance was also held, but I ended up just talking about it except for a meal.

Still, everyone seemed satisfied because of the meaningfulness of the conversation, the deliciousness of the meal and the sweets handed over as souvenirs.

When I dropped off the last one, I was in the middle of a huge stretch to Ferres, and I got a little pathetic.

"Come on, a full clean up is good tomorrow, folks, let's just clean up and rest now. Good luck."

Kaspar was working hard on everyone and then instructing the young to sleep early as a matter of priority. Of course, Siu was in there, and she said, "I need your help, but you have to hurry up."

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