Shut-in Magician

546 Refusal to stay, cancellation, suspicious arrest

Therefore, I also went to the room of Shvikzam.

I was obstinate when I honestly told him that, but when I said I had a new treat, I gladly brought Siu into the room, as I returned my hands.

"By the way, you're a horned cow I just kept, and you haven't made sweets out of milk yet?

"Looks like I'm having fun with all the cheese. The kids won't try to drink it, so it seems to be too much."

Siu laughed as he said with a blurry face.

"I was happy to give you a drink of fruit ole earlier, so why don't you start drinking tomorrow?

"Really? Well, I'll be looking forward to it."

"I tried to make it into grape ice cream today."

"Oh! I like cold"

"There's some pomegranate juice, but I'll keep it in the item box."


I was kind of late when I was talking to Shvikzam, and I resigned and went home, although I was persistently invited to dinner.

At that time, I was a little surprised that Shvikzam said he wanted to eat the dish Siu had made. I didn't think you'd be interested in anything other than dessert.

I replied that I would bring it again next time because I feared that I would be there until night if I stayed put. Night is dangerous. Anyway, I don't know when Vincent's gonna ask me out.

I don't really want to stay in the Royal Castle.

Sometimes I came because I wanted to tell Oliver this time, but not where I wanted to be for a long time.

I told Oblate half of those things were wrapped up and I just left.

Light Day was another training session, and I didn't see any Niebari officials this time, apparently eliminating me. However, the elimination meant that we were also looking to participate.

Taurus was genuinely angry and the Alliance General Manager said he would put his back into the investigation as well.

By the way, this training session, but because of the many times I've been there, the staff at headquarters remembered, and it's time to talk about doing it on their behalf.

It's also a decision that it's not a good idea to keep Siu in custody, and it also seems to be to avoid trouble.

Anyway, a member of the Nieballi branch is making a strange move.

If anything bothers Siu here, Latrician Adventurer Guild is a big blow.

He's also been stabbed with a nail by a merchant guild, and he's been stabbed by the adventurers to protect Siu.

We do not yet know what will happen next week, but for now, the training session was conducted by the headquarters staff instead.

The training session was free in the evening because it continued to be well staged last week.

So I put my face on the Merchant Guild.

Recently an official came to the Brad house at night, but I thought sometimes.

I thought Cheryl was resting because it was Light Day, but he was still arranging in the office to see when he was resting.

"Siu! Could it be a big story?

When they come here, they think there's a big, lucrative story.

Siu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Yeah. I recently made about a milking machine"

"Oh, that's amazing."

"Oh, yeah?

"'Cause you don't have to do it in people's hands, do you?

"Yeah. But people do the mounting. You're a pain in the ass."

"I wonder. Sounds good to people who aren't used to it."

While we talked about that, we discussed when we were going to announce the pedal board, and so on.

"Speaking of which, it looks like Baomvole's growing well. The temperature is still important. The researchers are happy to keep track of it."

I feel like I've pushed a lot of hard work, so thank you.

"There is also an increase in the production of products that you have patented, so they are vibrant. You really look like Sioux."

"When Shayla tells me, I wonder if there's something behind it."

"It's terrible, it"

Mumbling, he shaped his red lips into a form of garlic and laughter.

"Yes, the royal servant shop, the royal highness, immediately gave me the intention to cancel."

"Oh, not so fast?

"Hey, I knew it was royal power over Alliance pressure."

"That way."

"There was a shield behind the aristocracy, and it was a trick, but it was supposed to work. I'm a little sorry you got ahead of me."

"Shayla's not in charge, is she?

"But I'm in charge of Siu. It matters."

"... er, thanks"

"What, in the meantime"

Though teased, he was then taught the future view of the store and the trend of the nobility behind the shield.

In time, rumors would disappear, so it was good for the Brad family to keep watching.

As soon as I got home, I told the story to Roland and Caspar, and also told the cook Lylan who cared.

So I also told him that there would be talk of having a dessert competition next time, not just "confectionery house" etc.

"Mr. Shayla also said he hasn't decided when, but it looks like His Highness Vincent is positive. He said it would be nice if he came out of the main house before, so I think he might have a request."

"Wow, can you do that to me?

"I can. Never."

I also supported the chef and undertook that Roland would do his best to join me when he had the chance.

When I was about to finish my job, I also insisted on studying sweets.

The chef saw that and was in a good mood to say that his work here was really fun and wonderful.

At night, by the time it was time to go to bed, there was someone caught in Siu's tense vigilance net.

There is also a line on intruder control, but besides the main entrance to be easily caught on the outside, he set up a spider's nest moddle. Besides, it fits right in.

I had no choice but to get up and leave Blanca and the others to Ferres to go out into the garden.

The night shift of the escort was also awake, and as he headed with Siu to the stone wall near the back entrance, the man was jittering as he said hi-hi.

"In the meantime, I'll call the police force"

"Be careful."

Even if I caught him, I had trouble coping with him, so I kept looking at him, and he noticed the noise, and the nobleman's escorts from the neighborhood came out.

"Amazing, this"

"How long have you had these devices?

It's convenient.

and had a relaxing conversation, the man became quiet when he realized no one was going to help him.

The police force that came was also flashy.

"How is this stuck?

"I use Rufus Alanea yarn. I'm putting my knitted knitting on the line."

"What, that poisonous red spider?

When it's big, it's about 1m. Warcraft (bugs?), poisonous but surprisingly easy to hunt and easier than lupus. The adventurer just doesn't like me because I can't take the material. He hates Warcraft just as much as Perwar.

"I use water attributes to remove it from my belly yarn bag, and I use metallicity when knitting. And then, if you strain it along the line, you can use it this way with persistent adhesion."


"That's funny. You invented this?

It's been a tense conversation, but the soldiers in the police force pulled the man off when they were pinned down by a twisted Brad family escort.

"Well, the collar for the captivity and, hey, don't go wild"

If a policeman beats a man often, he suppresses him and attaches a collar for slavery.

"I knew it would be nice if we didn't peel it off."

"Oh, I don't want any trouble."

"That would be more helpful to us. You don't have to let the injured out."

They laughed bitterly, but they were better off with that, too.

"The interrogation will be tomorrow. Just in case, could someone on behalf come today"

"Then I will. Paperwork applications, right?

"Yes. I'm sorry to bother you. After this, we will also enhance our outlook around the area."

That said, the neighborhood escorts wanted us to take every road there, but they were describing the neighborhood with the anxiety element.

At the end of the conversation, they also called for an extra police unit to come and look around.

The neighborhood escorts and I were going to talk to each other again at a later date, and it ended there.

"That's kind of disturbing."

"It's amazing how peaceful I've been. It's surprisingly troublesome being a nobleman."


"That's why we train every day."

"Oh well. Good luck every day."

When Siu worked, the night guards laughed at him.

"You are more tired. I go to school every day and work even more. Much harder than we are."

Laughing, he pushed Siu's back, and now the child was taken to his room where he had to go to bed early.

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