Shut-in Magician

530 Look in the mirror at what you do.

Hildegard called her Amalia.

Things at the salon had been like this in her, and Siu was shocked inside.

"You told me something with a personal grudge to keep me away, didn't you? Something was wrong with him, too. Still, I trusted you to come and pick me up."

So she shuddered in defiance.

"I didn't think that would even be caught imitating you like a thief!

"I can't believe you're a thief."

"Let's be!? You insulted me in front of a lot of people, and you tore me apart from him!

You tore it up, didn't you start anything from the beginning?

I couldn't say. It feels like I've already assumed this. of a dangerous atmosphere.

"I'm noble with him. You must have been worried about the difference in personality. So they pushed that kid with the injury, and I guess I had no choice but to accept it. But you think that's the way it works? I'm flabbergasted by your cowardice. So I came to teach because I thought I was the only one because no one would say it. Even that was useless."

Interpretation, I guess the displaced don't understand the high human language, and laugh with a smile like a Virgin.

Looks like he's really gone somewhere in the world, and Siu freaked out. At the same time I had the same feeling for Benigud's smile, which was visible in sensory metastases.

As he chewed down the sigh, the guards, who apparently felt that the story had come to a paragraph, took them.

I never caught Hildegard, who wasn't exactly sword-drawn, but female knights and the like were coming and moving him around as he surrounded him.

When the cause of the noise disappeared, it was found that the venue was a sin.

I couldn't resist, so as soon as I started walking, I started bothering, and then people came together.



"Were you okay!?

It was ruined by those who said they were surprised, those who were stunned because they didn't know what was going on, and those who apologized that they were afraid of noble opponents and could only watch.

In the noise, Benigud went back to the salon's private room with a boring face. Hildegard disappeared lightly, so I guess it stopped being funny.

I was sick and tired of glimpses of irresponsible endurance about child-specific cruelty.

I don't know what power I have, what influence I have. No, I know and I play, but I really don't understand.

Oh, that's the worst part of it.

Maybe troublesome things will happen in the future, and I was a sigh of sigh just imagining it.

The lunch break was quite past, but the students were rather intrigued and listening to Siu without taking a seat.

"So it's also true that you got blessings from Poenix?

On behalf of the students' doubts, Dino seems to have taken on the questioning clerk. While eating Momogu, in his usual seat, he listens with a higher voice than usual.

"It's true. If you're lying, that's what you're gonna get for being disrespectful. Even the displaced."

"Buha,... yeah"

Cornelio is gently cleaning up what Dino erupted.

"But if you think about it, displaced people are a loss, right? Even though I'm guilty, I'm usually insulted or scorned."

Cornelio put in the supplement as he did the work, so Siu nodded as well.

"Taxes are well taken, too. But instead, you don't have to obey the rules on horseback beasts, and you don't have to accept the impossibility of nobility. You'll be charged with disrespect for the royal family and the state, but if that's a crime, you can run away."

"Oh well. You can get away with it, you adventurer."

"If you have proof that you really have sinned and the Alliance signs it, you can make arrangements for the nomination of the Alliance, but this is also difficult to acquire the Alliance staff because they use vow magic. Even so, it's possible to trap it. In the past, there have been many examples of Alliance officials committing fraud and impersonating adventurers."

"What, then, what do you do in that case?"

The silt was startled and the tail was swollen. Ferres also has his tail upside down next to it for some reason. He didn't know what it meant, but he was caught by a silt.

"We'll just have to have proof all the time. Grievances exist not only between nobles, but also close to the outside world. Rumor is the best part of it. It's better for you to think it's a picture story and not believe it."


Students in distant seats were holding their breasts down. He seemed to have an idea.

"Believe the rumors, blame someone for keeping it peppered. That's cowardly behavior, and most importantly, it eventually comes back to me. If you fall into a person, do it to yourself. Bad talk bounces back, too. So they say," Look in the mirror. "


"A cleric from the time of the ancient empire talked about it in a theory. - Let's assume there's always a mirror in front of you when you take action. What do I look like when I talk to people? Would you be greeting me with a smile? What about myself when I get angry? Am I not being irrationally angry? In times of sadness, would someone in the back have reached out for help? Would I have conveyed my joy to others when I was happy? How was your face when you did something nasty and spit it out? Weren't you looking scared? Wouldn't it have been ugly? Take a good look at your face when no one believes you and there is no one around you in the mirror, alone and hard and depressed. The self that is there is the self that I have built up so far. What kind of person were you? Even if there's no one else, you have to love you the most. Then I should be laughing at myself across the mirror one day. If you laugh, someone will surely reach out to you. So you always think about what you do when you're going to look in the mirror."

By the way, the students got quiet and snug when I briefly talked to them and made them listen.

One breath down, someone opens their mouth.

"I've heard that story in the temple"

"I'm new here."

Speaking of which, I haven't been to the temple lately, I...

"I thought the theory was depressing..."

"I thought you were just asking for a bounce."

Siu is not a believer either, so rather an unbeliever, so I know exactly how they feel. So I said it from a different perspective.

"But if you think of the temple as a useful place, isn't it? You can remember it if you've been through your feet thriving from time to time, and that's convenient. Sometimes you can protect them in person."

"I've heard that story."

"Will you use vow magic as a priority, too?

"Yes, yes."

"Everyone pays when they buy a product, and I think that's what Bushi means to pay for it."

"Oh well!

"Besides, the amazing thing about the bounce is that it's an amazing system of paying as much as people with money, and in a way it's equal to society, right? Even though it is a normal product. This is very gratifying for ordinary people. And the more people with money, the more virtuous it is."

"As long as it takes!

"That's funny to hear. That was an interesting theory."

"I used to take care of the church, so they kept asking me about the priest's theories one-on-one."

When Siu confessed, they all turned out to be rough.


"That's a pain in the ass."

"He was a good cleric who took care of the end of parenting, though. You don't force me to have faith. They'll let you read valuable books."

"That's where Sioux's book lovers come from."

Crail told me to smile, but it's a little different there. but let's just say that.

"So I don't know when I'm going to be put in a trap of wrongdoing, and it's something you're going to keep in mind from time to time."


That's right, and the students were nodding, apparently remembering the earlier noise.

They were all trembling when they found out the "correct information" they had already heard from students from Steyburn.

"How dare you tamper with it that way!

"You're scary, really"

"Besides, you're bending over like that to talk about what's settled in the national investigation."

"Is that, could it not suck?

I made it shin again.

Claire clapped her hands as she grinned bitterly. Where everyone's attention was drawn, he stood his index finger in front of his lips in a distracted manner and said, "Shh."

"An ignorant man touches an ancient magic object and gets a handicap."

Most ancient magic props are a metaphor for dangerous things in the spell system. Thus, they do not sneak up on the untouched God.

Everyone was snorting.


I know it's okay, just in case.

The author is not pushing some religion.

Please be advised that I do not intend to.

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