Shut-in Magician

527 Love Deal, Split Riding Beast Child, Pressure Cooker

In the Warcraft Demon Ecological Studies class, Bartolome gave me a class while derailing a few stories after taking a talk from the students.

"As Siu said, the rare beast is a creature that feels just as loving as a human being, so showing affection to teach also makes it something completely different than if it wasn't"

Looking around everyone, Bartolome writes on the whiteboard.

"So what about the Warcraft without love? Summon and yield, and you can serve."

"When I learned it before, I heard it was always a deal because I couldn't get along with Warcraft."

When one of the students raised his hand and spoke, Bartolome did nod.

"However, a recent study has shown that the thread of connection thickens with each repeated summons, and when it shows more affection, it actually returns trust. But that doesn't seem to be the case, either, if we impose a way of fighting that presupposes disposability."

"You can't even keep it as a pet."

"It is."

So the teacher took a breath in before continuing.

"What you're trying to say is that even Warcraft can be taken in if it's done well. Um, even the Warcraft, yeah. Of course, they say it's cash because they keep giving them consideration, even if they're fishing with food, because they supply magic vegetables."

When that happens.

"Yeah, we all figured that out, didn't we? At last, humans are the dirtiest. Those who betray you, even if you are feeding them, betray you. Man is the hardest person in the world to deal with and not get what he thinks, love doesn't work and he has to be constantly distrustful"

"People, are you a person that means?

Pluwia asked me a hard question to ask. Then Bartolome answers with a bitter smile.

"As a whole, human beings are. But people are probably the ones who are bad at it."

Plus, keep looking around at the students.

"Among other things, nobility would be even worse in nature. It's only possible that noblemen always need the number of martial arts."

Shoulder to shoulder, joking and telling, but it seems genuine.

I didn't think most students would often say in their classes that they were noble children, but Bartolome himself was noble.

"Sometimes, when you look at a loving family of ordinary people, it bothers you like a dream."

"Sometimes I envy you, Doctor"

"Oh, do you understand?

"Especially if you're looking at Siu."

One of the students spoke and a laugh rose during the class.

"But instead, you get tangled up in nobility sometimes, don't you?

When Siu returned it, a laugh broke out even more and it was a big bang.

"Even if you get tangled, Siu will do something about it. Plus, there's Ferres."

"Yes, yes. It's big to get away with."

Siu is the one who can live even if he runs away.

"But don't run away. You work hard, right?


Then someone said that the rooting and the number of martial arts were their own business, and the class started naturally.

It was at a time like this when I think you were blessed with good friends.

The next day, on Wednesday, when I went to the production classroom, the students who had transferred along the way were questioned.

"Maybe that child is the child of the horseman?


"It was! I always thought you were a cat."

Only those of ordinary origin and nobility ranked low in production, and Amalia was a rare presence. For that reason, it seemed that I had finally heard the rumors by now.

"I was rumoring in the dorm that I had two horsemen, in a bad way."

"Some people asked me, and we don't know each other very well."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fool you, but I didn't tell my students because it would be a pain in the ass."

In the dark, everyone shook their heads when they said they had permission on the school side.

"I don't care about us. You should keep your mouth shut."

"I guess we're blunt when we don't notice."

"Maybe they said something about me? Sorry to bother you."

"Fine, fine. We've had a lot of help in class, and I appreciate the inconvenience."

"Yes, yes. Never mind. Tell me if there's anything I can do to help. You won't be able to help your noble opponent very much."

"Yeah. Thanks"

Amalia also came there and she was so impressed with the attitude of her classmates that she was just thanking them for not holding hands.

All the boys students, thanked by the beautiful women of the high nobility, were leaning bright red.

In class, Siu made tools for cooking relationships.

The walking board was already finished, and I was riding around during the last class, and my classmates were on distractions, but it didn't seem like there was a problem.

"Now what are you making?

Siu answered proudly as Regro peeked in with interest.

"It's a pressure cooker"

"... Hmm. Something strange again."

"Even though it's good for shortening the time. You don't cook, do you, Dr. Regro?"

"It's okay because my wife will do it."

Hmm, I said it in a great way, but I'm probably not sure because my face was blushing.

"I made it a long time ago, and they told me if I spread the word because it's convenient"

"In a boarding house."

"Yes, the head chef used it a lot. So, we're reworking it for the public."

"What do you mean?

"I've tried to improve it so that it doesn't use magic, but can normally be used as just a cookware. It's also dangerous, so take measures to make it as safe as possible."

"Safe is what you say."

I stroked Siu's head, wondering if so, and usually stopped to leave there.

"So what happens when you use that apparatus?

"I can shorten the time. It can be made quickly, either in soup or stock, because it presses and speeds up simmering and other times. The simmering relationship is amazing. You can also cook rice. Noodles are fast."

"Whoa, whoa, really?"

"Shall I make it for a try"

Ah? and ignoring the regro that replies weird, I used a ton of tomatoes to make the sauce.

"It's thick because it only contains tomatoes, what do you think"

When I gave it to him, he was surprised and licked it.


"It's ripe, so what's in it? However, if you try to make this normal, you have to have a prolonged scratch in front of the fire. Yeah, well, with this amount, I guess four to five hours."

"Oh, so much!

"Sauce takes time."

Was it, Regro looked like he was in shock. You said rude things to your wife. Is it also the past, and your complexion was red.

"... Doctor, would you like to test me as an experimental bench at home"


"Even the chef used it for me, but when I thought about it, there was no one else to experiment with it."

Shayla would definitely let someone use it instead of doing it herself. If I remembered and laughed bitterly, Regro, bewildered, received it.

"It says here how to use it. I think it's okay because you were looking at it earlier, but be careful."


"And for recipe reference, here too"

I gave him something that said how to make some sauces and soups.

"Oh, the one on the dining room menu."

"That's right. I thought it would be easier if I had a pressure cooker because I could make tons of them in the cafeteria, and I plan to call them over there."


Seemed to lose strength from my shoulders when I heard that.

I took half of the sauce out and gave it to him with the rest in it for reference.

By the way, there was a student who bellied at the smell, so the sauce was hemmed in a bottle.

"It's delicious on omelette."

When I said that, I didn't know the omelet itself in the first place.

So I hastily added explanations to soothe it in pasta or attach it to ham eggs.

"Oh, but I guess it's best served on fried potatoes"

Next to Omelette, it's Siu's recommendation.

"Put it in a curry, it's delicious as a tomato curry."

"... Mr. Siu, no more"


"I'm dying of hunger"

"Me too."

"I thought I'd finish class early. It's the first time."

It was the first time Siu had also been seen with resentful eyes by his classmates.

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