Shut-in Magician

519 How to Increase Inherent Magic, Allied Declarations and Reports

Very, very loud throat sounded, and his mouth was open when he found out it was coming out of Varnelli in front of him.

"So, what's it about?

"Roughly speaking, it creates a silent state on the inner side of the bond, and then grants the surgical formula with linguistic magic, in space. And if you untie it, chanting will happen automatically."

"... it's a huge composite move, isn't it?


"Aren't you out of your mind?


When I showed her the puffiness, Fabian laughed small. Then the other students finally seem to have lost their strength.

"But you, by that I mean the experiment was a success, right?

"Composite moves are my specialty. And this magic, which allows me to register chants, is very convenient to me with very little magic."

"... I'm just horrified to think about how much I spent on research"

I get in trouble when Valneri tells me. Siu shrugged his shoulder.

There Fabian pinched his mouth with such intrigue.

"Specifically, may I ask what combination?


Firstly, the junction needs at least three or more levels of nil, wind, gold and dark attributes. But it also means that only then can a minimum of boundaries be established. If this requires a fireproof junction, it will be a combination such as soil or water, and if it is to be more effective, the level must be further increased.

This time it's just to protect the surgical ceremony, so it was good at a minimum level.

"The silence is easier next, and it would be better if the wind and dark attributes were level one at a time. within the small contiguity, so that was enough"

"Well, if that's about it?

Lambert was sighing as he said. He has both wind and darkness but only level one. Other students also have almost all attributes, but few have a level of 1.

"Language magic requires nothing, light and darkness three levels at a time."

"That's an unexpected combination."

It's not metallic.

"I thought I needed a wooden attribute."

Everyone got up and started talking. I guess I still like talking about composite moves just taking this class.

"I thought linguistic magic could only be used with something unique because it's special, right? You didn't know."

Siu also has appraisal magic, which is mostly cheating because he realized it might be natural. I felt sorry for myself and kept going.

"Granting is also easy. It would be nice if the gold free attribute was level 2. However, if you have a high level of magic to chant, that's all you need."

"Still, I think it's useful to be able to register. Long chants are tough for wizards."

"I wish I'd worn it enough to be unchanging, mostly because I can't change it anymore with my childhood habits."

"It will take some time to activate without chanting."

"Sure. If you don't get a good grasp in your brain, you're often underdeveloped."

They say chanting is also necessary to avoid underdevelopment, but the problem is that it takes time. After all, others seemed to be taking longer.

Especially when exercising a high level of magic, they need time to hone in.

"You think you can combine those four as registration magic because you could use them as composite moves from time to time?

That, around here, Siu realized he was making a mistake.

"... Could this not establish intrinsic magic?


If so, is it a class? Though I thought it was natural to have more intrinsic magic.

That was on his face, apparently.

Valneri, usually unaware of a person's timidity, sparkled his face.

"Maybe, maybe!

"Uh, Siu, you"

"More intrinsic magic?

Oh, when I didn't think it was a good idea, I was hailed.

From what I heard later, I learned that, apart from people who actually use it even when research is being done, it doesn't increase that easily.

We need a wizard who can help us with a large number of experiments in making intrinsic magic, and if one succeeds, that seems to be enough credit to be a lecturer at the Seeker School of Magic.

By the way, Valneri is a genius, so a few people in the past, he said, have created such an inherent magic hold.

That's why I'm an authority in neo-magical development research and can be a professor.

"I didn't know."

"I mean, you're amazing at what you do."

"Because it's convenient..."

"But your head hangs on, right, this"

"It's easier when it's inherent magic."

That too, Fabian convinced me.

"Dr. Tristan said he was thinking a lot about other composite moves, but you, you're crazy. I knew it."

"I don't want my teacher to tell me -"


Lambert and Jewen were also laughing at the match between the two.

"This content alone is likely to enable you to graduate."

Meaning wow, Oliver said that Siu somehow wondered if that would be okay.

Trouble still persisted, and I felt like running away somewhere.

It's Siu's bad habit, and I know that's not a good thing. I decided to stop the pull, so I'm going to step on it, but it was true that I got a little intrigued.

"Oh, you look bad"

Fabian pointed me out, and Siu smiled bitterly.

"I thought it was a good idea,"

"But you want to take more classes, right?

"Yeah. It's surprisingly fun. Many kids have become friends, so I think we should try harder."

"Yes, yes. Let's fight for our friends. Because we're on the right side, right?

Apparently Fabian noticed what Siu thought, winking at his tea eyes and saying, so Siu also smiled and nodded.

"I'm a friend, too. Though I have no power as a back shield."

"Oliver...... thanks"

By calling him away, he looked like he was impressed and nodded naggingly.

Lamberto and Jewen looked ghoulish, but never dared to point it out to Siu. They just told me that they would work together as friends.

By the way, even at this point, Valneri didn't seem to know what it meant, and properly asked the Rustees, asking questions.

"You got something? Like fighting, war? Is that why my brother's been forcing school to rest?

Rusteer, while keeping his forehead down, said no, it wasn't, but didn't explain it in detail. However, with Mariel, I dragged Valneri away.

"Yeah, but not yet, talk to Siu..."

"Let's give a detailed explanation in the office. There is a stigma here. Are you sure?


Literally dragged by his squire, Varnelli left.

The remaining students gave me a lift to the gate because they were worried until Xiu left school.

The students, supposedly senior aristocrats, who waited in the meeting and locker rooms to get tangled up, couldn't seem to say anything without Oliver, a leading nobleman, or a position of His Highness.

Looks like someone approached to inject, but it also helped that Lambert and Jewen were bouncing back. The dialogue that His Royal Highness ordered me to do so seemed to be the heirloom's treasure knife.

Oliver told me that he would give me a carriage back to the royal castle, but Siu turned it down and walked home.

It is Siu's opinion that there will be no tangling outside the school.

In fact, there was no shadow of anyone with problems in omnidirectional exploration.

When I got home, Kaspar had already returned, so I reported today.

I have decided to report as closely as possible these days.

Because there must be no information, and there must be no involvement in him.

"That's what happened. I've heard rumors, but there's nothing you can do about the Strategic Command professor."

"Isn't that a problem on the board?

"Looks like it's a problem, but his back shield's gonna be annoying."


"You sound like a Kustodian. Even the professors and boards can't be skewed candidates, so they have to choose from each faction."


It seemed troublesome on my face, and Kaspar poked me in the forehead.

"The Dean of the Academy is burning his hands."

"Is the college presidential race normal?

"This one doesn't seem to work without strength. That sounds like a really decent candidate."

I thought Caspar would say the same thing, and I said something about stopping it.

"There's a nomination for His Majesty the King, and if you choose to be externally weird, it's a big problem as a country. I'll pick the personage just fine. I mean, people like Nilsson and, in another way, Dr. Varnelli, they won't be chosen, never."

Yeah, right, I grinned and nodded.

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