Shut-in Magician

516 How to take evidence, how to escape

Seems Siu's dialogue arrived well, and Hildegard must have felt provoked, staring at Siu with tremendous shapes and gaze. No, so much so that the gaze of her knight Camilla was more scary.

The silt that was next to Siu was inflating his tail, so maybe his eyes met. Poor thing, my ears were falling down.

On the other hand, Benigud smiles with his mouth up for fun. However, his eyes are not laughing at all, and he narrows his eyes and observes Sioux and the others closely.

The other students didn't seem to know half of what it meant, and the rest didn't, but because they assumed it was the ruling side, they couldn't understand the meaning of what the Sioux thought it meant to be the ruling side.

Only the sensitive ones who noticed disgust were revealing their anger.

Siu smiled and met with a smile and raised his hand softly to tie the line. It's not a transparent thing, it's a white coloured junction. Now I won't even get a voice if I don't even feel the sight from them.

On the other hand, this voice never reached either.

I heard them cursing because they were transferring senses, Siu, but I told my classmate with an unfamiliar face.

"It's surprisingly easy to take evidence."


"For example, a knife wound may be lightly received. It would be better if we could take that knife."


"It's not so hard to reconcile wounds and follow the owner of a knife, and with magic, it's easy. Instead, it's the clergy who gets you healed."

"Ah, enough to be. I mean, we should make a temple where we can escape, right?

"Others, you can use vow magic, so it's good to rush into the temple."

"What would happen if that cleric had been bribed?

"Oath magic, let them swear first."


Siu chuckled and taught everyone.

"That's why you should always make a stop at the temple, and you should keep your interactions after prayer. It's not just one thing, but there are all kinds of things there if you have a realm, if you have a king's capital, so it's good to keep your face everywhere."

"... so is Father making a stop from time to time? I thought it was kind of a bad mechanism."

"I'm sure there's a priest for gold. Because vow magic doesn't lie, even though some temples are corrupt"

"But is that really all right?"

Isotta pinched her mouth worryingly. Being Clarissa's squire, she will also be more than aware of the hardship of the Count family.

Siu explained that there are other hands.

"There's also automatic clerical magic. I also sell this as a magic prop. Oh, it's not publicity."

So everyone laughed.

"I'm making something interesting."

"I also heard that knights have testimony."

"Sure. When we graduate from Knights School, we swear by God. They say that speech is great, and that your power as a witness is sometimes greater than that of nobility."

"That's why they say you have to always keep it in the right direction,"

"The aristocrats are always making the knights obey, and I suppose they are also taking such measures"

"Shouldn't we have some third-party eyes for the rest?

"If so, it's important not to keep it a secret when you run away, but to tell the people at home, the gate soldiers, etc."

Finally, Clarissa declared.

"In the first place, from day to day, you have to behave like a nobleman."

"Right, Miss Clarissa"

Edgar nodded over and over again, and I guess we both have that kind of education all the time because our father is Earl.

"Once again, I thought it was important not to be tough, but to serve as a nobleman."

"Me too. Networking can also be a fabric stone in times of need."

"After all, that's what you do to protect yourself."

Exhaling like sighs, the two were grinning bitterly.

"But you can't be like that if you're a common man. We're especially the Beasts."

Not intransigent, but somewhere shitty, Silt said.

Uberto, who says he will join the army there in the future, also agrees.

"I have to obey incompetent commanders. In the end, the one below will change depending on the helm above."

"Yes, you are."

Siu agrees there, too.

"So I don't want to belong anywhere."

"Wow, I'm out of words"

"But that's because it's Siu, right? You know, you're just creative enough to do it even if you're free, or you're just capable of living in the woods, for example, right?

"Yeah. Normal people can't do that, can they? So, the time is important now."

"Time now?

"When you say you have a problem, you get the power to avoid a fugitive who just manages to survive the attack."


"I don't think tactical warriors are just a class to fight for anything positive. Tactics are also a way to identify who you can't win, right? Dr. Reynald often tells me to see what they're capable of, to brush my eyes."

"That's what I meant..."

Clarissa raised her hand so that she could cover her whining voice.

"For example, I learned to be protective, but can that help me escape, too?

"Of course. I think it's a good idea to run in and build strength from time to time, and the flexible gymnastics I always do before training is important."

"Yeah, that really made my body easier."

Gemma and Isotta are also nodding. Darira is also nodding late, and the women seem to be particularly benefiting from its effects.

"Siu. In this, who's best suited to escape?

"Well, if it's training earlier, Venerio if you're going to run alone, Silt if you're going to run to the woods, Coilette if you're going to run away with a noble warrant."

To that answer, both Edgar, who asked the question, and the students whose names were called, were astonished.

Clarissa also sees intrigued and named students.

"Why is that?

"It's Venerio who specializes in fleeing. I think he can hide and keep running away. For example, if you ask for an important message, it's for him. That's because he's good at personal behavior and has several moves like climbing walls. On the other hand, you mustn't take people. Because it only specializes in the abilities of individuals"

"As good as it gets."

Venerio was also convinced.

Next I explained looking at the illuminated silt with a red face.

"Silt is the most used to the woods in this. Then you might think the other two would have the ability, but the one with the most courage is Silt. Sometimes there's just enough weight to protect the princess, and she's excellent at sword moves."

"Oh, yeah?

The silt was pulling its own ears in the light. That ear was moving piccolorly again was adorable.

"However, compassion for the princess is characteristic of someone who has never been in a weak position and is dull."


"In that regard, Coyle can think of things from the position below, and if his legs are going to go through the woods slowly but smoothly, I think he's the best overall"

Coyle looked troubled, while her ears stood proud. No one seemed unhappy to be praised.

Siu looked around at everyone and added:

"I don't think that's why other people can't, they have flavors for each of us. Different people can be active on that occasion"

"I mean, the commander has to be the best person on the spot, and he has to have more or less the ability to stand on top of us."

"Yeah. Sometimes it's the key to a situation where a knight needs a knight, a scene where an escort can be asked for, or an adventurer can cut through the danger. It is the commander on the spot who chooses it. In the case just now, you're a noble lady. Or that knight."

Clarissa, as well as the knights, and all the other faces were squeezing their faces together.

"What you need to train in this class is to develop specialized abilities, but also to acknowledge and absorb good things about each other's abilities."

"Right. What's the matter? I don't have enough power to wrap up armor like Uberto and wield a long spear. But that power is very important."

"Even I can't cross the walls with the lightness of Venerio. But you can use my shoulders to get me up there."

Everyone started saying good things about each other and it was a quick embarrassment story.

Siu also had trouble waiting until they were all done saying it, and to protect a few classmates in the light, he stopped talking.

"So let's recreate what we just did and start over"

"Oh, oh, yeah."

"Let's do it. Let's do it."

A few people who panicked have turned their gratitude gaze to Siu. Siu, who felt the same way, laughed and nodded.

Uberto and Venerio, who, by the way, had been praised, were bored for a while and not trained.

The silt that had been praised before that was either because it had been raised and lowered, or the guide had calmed down.

And Coyle is calm from the beginning, so it was just right that he was demodulating.

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