Shut-in Magician

492 Celebrations

The move began in a hurry, not to be excited and chilled.

There will be a dinner party in the outhouse in the King's Land of Creal, which will be a celebration of the successful conclusion of the tournament and the participation of the top winners.

The guests, including the invited Kilik, can attend.

The nobles of the Federal Nation are traveling to attend.

Rebecca was taking out the women in the way she was accustomed to, amid all the fuss up and down. The sioux and the others will be escorted by Digire, who will even take them to the carriage of the dragon's pull.

Cyril and Amanda and the others were already waiting at the dedicated carriage stop for the nobility, which allowed them to leave smoothly. Because you hear rushing voices from all over.

Even though it is every year, it seems that what you call a step changes every time, and I heard a lot of chopped conversation between you.

In the outhouse, which serves as the venue for the dinner party, a considerable number was secured as a holding room for the Oscarius family, where it was as if it were a "mansion" itself.

Anyway, there's a door from the hall to each room, but if you open it up and check it out, it's the end of the line to our servants' quarters. Of course, there is a front room, with a private room in the back and a closet room next door.

There was also a room dedicated to the squire and samurai to follow, which was splendid.

In the hall, Amanda was sticking out and giving instructions to everyone. But she has a more important role to play.

"Dear Amalia, and Dear Alice. I accept both of your escorts. Thank you very much."

"Nice to meet you."

"I will also try not to pull Amalia's legs, thank you, Amanda"

It's a light meeting because of your position. Amanda is the Baroness, so the rank goes down. Although the two women are still in a "child" state, you can assume that the parental title will remain universal, so this is what happens.

Cyril and Christoph raised their hands to Kaspar as squire clerks. Because Dan alone doesn't mind, and Cyril has the whole instructions.

Looking after Kilik, the pivotal museum, seems to be accompanied by Yeld, who has been rushing.

Digirre will be guided by Shiu and the others as well.

However, no other familiar people had come to see me at the inn. Again, they can't let the men close to the average person in. The sioux and the others are the same thing, but you think they are greatly seen for being magic school students?

"And then I brought my adoptive friend, because it won't be a reason to take Princess Amalia out without her body."

"Oh well."

They're not engaged yet, so it means to avoid unwanted rumors. I was convinced to hear Digirre's explanation.

"Your father had a rare drink yesterday because Kirik was motivated."

"Mr. Cyril? Oh, yeah."

"Master Yeld, you must be tired because you've been rushing, but you've been dancing."

"Were you dancing?

"Yes. Something like this, in a weird outfit"

Digire made me try, but I wonder if that was simply surprising and mellow. I thought so, but I didn't say it.

Either way, the two of us looked at each other wishing we could do well.

Clothes had already been prepared and we hurried to support them.

I could do it myself. Siu said no and helped Rigdor instead.

"Sorry, 'cause I didn't think you were dressed this far"

"You didn't bring it."

"I didn't think you'd get a chance to be in the social world. It's just that lunch might be possible, so, you know, sometimes you're present with Master Kilik, right? So Dad told me to take it."

Speaking of which, you were kidding at lunch.

I was dressed as soon as I finished eating.

"My shoulders are stiff."

I know. I know. I'm nodding, and Christophe just arrived ready.

"You guys are swallowing."

"Christophe is fast, after all."

"Because you're a squire. Besides, Master Kaspar can't help you."

Instead, he was bitterly laughing that he had taken the trouble to prepare Dan.

"Master Caspar says if we're together, and the boys are going to be hardened?

"Right. Oh, but the rig's going to Alice's?

I just casually asked, but Rigdor's face turned red.

"No, I'm over here"

"Sioux. It was Sioux who said no to that."

Christophe made me angry around laughing bitterly. No, I denied I was teasing you, but then I got stuck smiling for a while.

The women took a long time, so Shiu and the others went to the venue first.

By the way, the horseman is supposed to be able to take him, so Ferres also wears a scarf spun in delicate lace and carries Blanca on his back, walking with him.

By asking me to carry Blanca, I was allowed to unpack the example cat. I felt a little guilty when Blanca induced me to think it was awkward and uncomfortable.

Instead, I tried to make the string to bear into a luxury piece made of fire dragon leather or something.

"Looking good."

And, praised not only by Siu, but also by his surroundings, he was pleased. Because I'm glad my nose and ears are tingling and twinkling somewhere.

Blanca fit perfectly on its back. I put it in the back version of the cuddle strap, but it is widely used to make it easy to spend time. It's a shape you can hang around on Ferres' back even when he comes out.

However, I would be in trouble if I fell or was kidnapped, so instead of putting a lead on the collar, I made a vest and mounted a harness there. It connects it to Ferres' backstring.

In case you fell off the top of Ferres and wandered into space, it wouldn't be painful because it's the best.

"Is Crowe good there?

Rigdor looked at Siu's shoulder bewildered.

Clo likes it on his shoulders, so he's putting on something like a detachable shoulder patch made of leather and letting it stand there. There is also a bag of leather underneath, so I try to open it with my own mouth and put it in.

"I told you a few times and I remembered, and when I get sleepy, I'll be in here, so I guess it's good"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Oh, is that bad? I tried to make it look like that."

Sounds like a shoulder tag. Because the leather surface is embossed with a design that mimics plants, I thought it looked good.

"I thought it would be amazing to put a bag of rare beasts in my outfit."

"Oh, yeah, I guess."

Siu looked at Digire in trouble because he didn't seem to be complimenting him. Digirre then gave the same puzzling smile as Rigdor.

"But, you know, it seems rude. I don't think so, Siu."

"... ugh, yeah"

Behind it, the Kaspars were laughing.

By the way, lower-ranking escorts are allowed to eat and drink in separate rooms. Only some narrower people can enter the venue.

Siu and the others had Kilik's references, held by Digire, so they were able to enter the venue lightly.

Nothing special or weird was said, and Ferres and the others never moved.

If I thought there would be more amazing people, there would already be people in the venue with horsebacks.

What a look around, someone took Pongo. Pongo is an orangutan type, or a large monkey species. I can't hit the horseman, but there's a little girl in Pongo's arm, walking with a mild hug. Big enough for even adults to walk on, and powerful enough.

"Su, wow"

"The escorts shouldn't be surprised."


There are other rare rare beasts, and dishes have begun to be prepared everywhere in a large venue.

"You're getting more aristocrats. The ladies are coming in a little bit."


When we all looked back, there were a lot of people coming in line at the entrance.

A regular dinner party seems to read out the names of each person, but this time it seems to be skipped because of the large number of people because the celebration is the main one.

"Listen to that. If anyone wants to see you, hurry up."

"Yeah. So if someone doesn't want to see you, you're gonna hide, right?

Asked Caspar, he smiled silently and returned.

Rigdor in the back was whining about the social world. I agree.

The celebration started somewhat, with no particular opening remarks, etc.

In the form of a standing meal, the nobility of what is prepared for meals hardly seems to get his hands on.

Of course the sioux and the others eat because they don't have any body. These people were gathered in the dining seats prepared at the edges. Finally ordinary people, common people.

"I think I'll eat it now, too."

And Caspar came with it. Dan and Christophe seemed happy to hear that. They can't eat like that in these seats.

Together, I will designate this and the cook to take it and eat it.

Most of the people eating the same seemed to be the top winners of the race, getting along with nature.

We talked to them as they moved to the table to eat, but we had an out-of-the-box fun time listening to the back of the race, etc.

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