The finals began.

Most of all, the Fei Long Tutorial and Courtesy Race, followed by the Riding Beast Tutorial and Courtesy Race. This one was like an outpost or a front seat treatment. However, I may be raising my feelings so that I can take this and thrive gradually.

That's also why you bring the last of the popular races.

I mean, the speed race comes at the end.

After these four races are over, take a short break, and then there will be an obstacle race for the horseman. Ciu backed Dorothea, partly because of his familiarity with her face. The rigdors I was listening to join me and call Dorothea and Karen by their names.

What a second place she came.

If I was clapping my hands and honoring the good fight, the next race began soon after I dipped in the aftertaste. It's an obstacle race for the Fei Long. As well as the horseman, several of them compete in a state of conflagration, so the individuals are snug with each other, and if something happens, they may hit them, but unlike the horseman, they are fierce. Some flying dragons clashed against the rocks with excessive momentum and flew away. This one was taken first by the Fei Long Squad of the Federal Country, as was the Fei Long Squad of 2nd and 3rd, and the possession of nobles was monopolized from 4th or less. Within 10th place there were also two Fei Long Squads of other countries, one of which belonged to Steyburn and one to the Delf Country.

Next, the Mixed Race of the Horsebeast begins. Dorothea was also in the war, but lacked the glory of whether she was tired earlier. Still in fourth place. They were out as Knights Squad III, so they literally seemed to be out on the team.

The winner was an ordinary man specializing in racing; within 10th place, he also included the Delf Knights and Latrician Knights, while the rest was about half on the race-specializing Ordinary and Federal Noble Embrace teams.

In the mixed race of the Feilongs, it was literally a mixed battle in the form of two teams of the King's brother, two teams of the country's Feilongs, two teams of top aristocrats such as Uncle Borderline, and two battles from other countries.

This one is not only about Fei Long's ability, but also about the human ability to direct. In other words, it's important to know exactly how well you can fly the instructions and move the Fei Long.

Use that as an obstacle course for a face-to-face match. Seven teams did it at the same time, so it was full of force. It's a dynamic event because it has more space to use than it did when riding a beast. Everyone watched, cheering.

The competition originally had time limits, but the race had the most time allotted, with a line-up of one hour long.

Hit the opponent's position and take the colored balls and you win. You can get it back. However, if you return to the battalion, the side taken will lose.

As they fell off one after the other, the last thing left was one of the Flying Dragon Squads, one of the Borderline Uncles, and one of Steyburn's Flying Dragon Squads.

The Rigdors naturally supported the Dragon Knights of Steyburn. Siu was also led by Erik-Lips, whom he had met, and was surprised by the lavish instructions. When I met him before, I thought he was going to take more delicate command because he seemed like a type full of care for the soldiers.

Most of all, the same goes for other teams, but those riding the Fei Long may have a rough temper to go out with.

Brother Wang was also shouting out loud when the balls were taken, and the conductor of the Fei Long Squad of Federals is out loud.

It was Borderline Uncle who eventually took the balls to plunder them. When I saw the box seats next door with a chill, Kirik, the same borderline uncle, looked funny and smiled slightly.

By the way, appraisal showed that the leader of the winning Borderline Uncle team was Havel-Weiswasser Borderline Uncle Himself. I'm only 29 years younger, but I felt something going through Kilik.

Finally, we took another break. So the final race began.

Let's start with the speed race for the horseman. All that's left is a bunch of holy beasts, and not a single rider beast. Naturally, the royal aristocracy was full of lords, and the royalty of other countries stood up and supported them.

"It's early, but it's kind of graceful."


"Ferres would have beaten that place."


"Is it difficult when the straight distance lasts long? Maybe if I polished my moves more."


"You use wind attribute magic."

"Nha, nya... nya"

I don't know, I look up anxiously about what's going on. The riders are also highly magical and originally equipped with attribute magic, but when they become adults, they become naturally usable. I think this is the embodiment of some kind of image power, but because of this, I have not been able to put it into practice in theory.

It's like I'm finally using it with high magic or for nothing.

"Ferres is also studying and saving money while using it, so maybe he can win the tour."

"Nyah. Nyah!!

Good luck if you can win! and a tempered reply, Siu laughed.

Behind Siu, Rigdor and the others were listening and getting mixed up in the conversation.

"But I heard that rare beast magic is the same as instinct. Is that something you can change in tune?

"If it's Ferres, I think I can. It's a flexible idea."

Your instincts don't seem to go all the way down. Anyway, I had a past where adventurers wanted me to make a child. Siu instigated me to come with my training while playing in the woods, and I have learned how to defeat the Warcraft as well.

Flexible. Flexible.

With a bitter smile, Rigdor and Christoph looked at Ferres' back. There's a cat bag there.

"I've never seen a horseman put this on before."

"Me too."

"Till the collar, at best."

"I was worried about how to compliment you when you showed me a scarf with a pink frill on it, me."

The two conversations were mixed with Kaspar.

"I was surprised by the lace scarf, too. He's happy to know what's most amazing. Though I was surprised when you showed me your treasure."

That's because I let it go directly out of the magic bag, but I just didn't expose it that far.

"Riding beasts are cute, aren't they?"

"Mr. Caspar, but I think it's just Ferres"

Rigdor said, and Christophe was laughing and nodding beside him, too.

The winner of the speed race for the horseman was decided by King's brother Adrian.

After this, he will also be in the speed race for the Fei Long, so he will drink and work hard in the potion as well.

Eventually, the last race began.

Sanael was also out in the Fei Long speed race. Fighting with national prestige, not so much, but at least one had competed from a country other than the Federal.

Ten heads come out to make it look good. Showcasing each flying dragon in the most prominent part of the center, he flies one after the other to the runaway place with grace. I guess this is a spectacle, too.

Audience seats Some people fly awesome and entertain me.

And then the signal for the start rang and the competition for the speed freaks began.

Flying at a terrible speed in front of you is a roll. And because it's a complete dinosaur. Even now, Xiu thought this was a different world.

Fei Long, also known as Wyburn, has a body length of about 3m to 20m and a face that made the lizard look harshly scared. These fly in desperate shapes, so it's interesting to make.

I'm getting used to this world too, but it feels strange to think about it again.

The Fei Dragons are getting cluttered in the way they fly each time they overlap, but the rider is instructing them to do so well. I felt the same way about horse racing.

They say the common man also makes bets, so in a sense it's horse racing itself.

I was blurry looking at it as funny, but something came up that lagged behind gradually.

"Saul's fine. Looks like he's got plenty of strength."

"That's just sticking around to show Luna the good stuff"

Kilik moved out of his box seat and told me.

"Is that good?

"Can you deal with a nobleman on such an important occasion?"

"Oh, my God."

Looks like he was pushed by nobles until this time. Even the nobles in countries like Federal seem to work hard on such networking.

Sounds better than Latricia though.

"Luna, are you close?

"Oh. I'm standing by at the North Fei Dragon House. They're pulling it out, so you'll see it."

"They pulled it out? Why?"


With a fun laugh, they told me to keep it to myself.

Speaking of which, it was like this when he invited Siu.

Come to think of it, Kirik didn't even enter the race, and yes, he didn't exactly watch the race every day, but apparently there is something.

That's right.

"Even though it's my turn, I'm still trying to show you the good part. Males are tough."

"Ouch. It's tough being a male. You still don't get it."

He got his head around me, and then he told me in a whisper.

"To Luna, it's time for a full-fledged sex season. I couldn't last time, but I might be able to have a kid this time. Saul's motivated, too."

"Oh, yeah."

"Saul's about to start the season first, I screwed him into the race thinking it was just a good divergence, but oh, it's about time"

It was in contact.

All that remained until the end were Adrian's Kerasos, Weissvasser's Borderline Uncle's Shrem, this one had a different rider, but then the Fei Dragon named Brassica of the Fei Dragon Squad, and Saul.

However, Kerasos is starting to slow down because the rider is tired. I screwed up a few times in the corner. He said the thread of the spirit he was straining was broken, or he didn't pass the shortest course.

Kirik laughed as he explained those things.

"Don't win."

The soliloquy seemed to be heard by the rigdors and the boys who were listening, as well as by the women next door who were opening up.

He stood up in support of Saul with a full face of joy.

It would be said as a child of nobility, aloud, but no one would have pointed it out.

Everyone is calling Saul's name as one.

And as Kilik declared, Saul cut the goal with a triumph over Sandragon.

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