Shut-in Magician

484 Tea parties, guilds and dinner making with dancers

When they went to the cafe near Central Park, the dancers appeared to be regular and heard from clerks and guests.

When everyone sat near the garden on the deck, they ordered drinks and light desserts to begin the conversation.

"It's an outfit I don't see around here, but where is she? The child of someone who participates in the Riding Beast race?

Seemia didn't seem to be the only one intrigued. A relatively young, freshly grown girl among the dancers came to voice.

"Oh, I'm Chloe. This is Rosakino, Cat Sister Xanthos, Bear Brother Mellers, Dog Sister Cuanos."

"What are you doing as an introducer?"

A woman of a person named Rosakino pounds her head lightly. Apparently she is the summariser of this group.

"Go - hey! Rosakino, it's terrible."

"Because you're running away. I don't want the orchestra to look like this. I'm sorry, Siu. That's an unusual name, but it's not..."

He looked at Siu from top to bottom, then shook his head as he looked down at Ferres chilling. The outfit is certainly all tailored and anyone who understands the material will be able to determine that they are wearing a good one. But you're right about the contents.

"It's the kid from the border. I'm a picked up kid. My grandfather raised me in the back of the mountain. I'm on the verge of going to magic school now."

"Wow, wow. It's a better career than Chloe."

"So, Mr. Chloe has a turbulent life?

"No, Chloe's fine."

"You're lit, Chloe. Unusual Things"

When a Cat Beast tribal woman named Xanthos made fun of her, Chloe turned to her pussy. It's a childish trick, and I can't call it an adult yet. but she was fifteen years old when she appraised, and she's already an adult in this world.

"Then I'll call it off. Everybody good too?

"Of course. We don't like being tough like that."

I got what I asked for there. For some reason there was also an increase in the assortment of fruit.

"It's from a customer over there."

Ahead, indicated by the waitress by hand, a wealthy merchant-style man sat, waving his hat. Then Rosakino stood up and let him try to send a kiss with his chubby hands. At the same time, the other members have had a lively reaction to wave and whistle.

A merchant-style man put his body back on somewhere bragging as he seemed to smell, giggling furiously at his attendees. As long as it is done, do we thus show where the measure is?

I'm sure he watched the gig earlier.

I also know that the members of the orchestra are coming, and maybe I did.

"Do these things happen often?

"Being luxurious? I do. Well, they're using us over there, and it's not a good deal for each other."

"Nothing dangerous? I'm new to the Federal, so I'm still confused about good security and bad security."

Rosakino, uh, raised his voice and glanced at the ceiling, then smiled bitterly and looked at Siu.

"You said you were an adventurer. You're not the kid you look like? Yeah, yeah, well, that's kind of dangerous, too. That's why you took the luxury of sleeping with me."

"Rosakino. You're blowing everything too much. I'm sorry, would you mind not asking?

Siu laughed, too, as Mellers laughed and would meet him.

"Yeah. But look, because I told you. I'm sorry."

"That's okay. Stupid guys like that, too, because there are people in the world. Thanks for your concern. But we also have a guard who's proud of his power, and we don't want to play around with girls alone. You're bringing Mellers this time too, aren't you?


"We tend to think we're not feeling well because we dress like this, but we tend to be surprised"

Cuanos made a troubling statement. A woman who speaks in a so-called colourful way, whose tail stretches, but looks really cute because she is a dog-based beast tribe who looks like a firewood dog. If I don't tell them they're human, they're going to be adored. Anyway, Shiba Dog is the number one pet Siu wanted to have in his previous life.

"You don't tend to, do you?

"Whatever, Xanthos, you'll be the same."

Seamia got her hands on the fruit while the two were friendly with each other. When she looked cute and sneered holding a banana, she rang on her back.

"Is Blanca hungry, too? Want some?"


Clo is also jumping a bit on his shoulder, so I checked with everyone before putting him on the table.

"Yeah, well, I wanted to see these kids. Maybe it's a rare beast, isn't it?

"Yeah. This is Blanca. This kid's a Glarkles crock."

Seamia brought me bananas, grapes, etc., so I explained them as I peeled them and fed them.

"Ferres said I picked up the pebble. These kids were picked up by another kid, but they asked me to give them up instead because I couldn't raise them. Now is the hardest time to move around."

Ferres can eat dinner alone, but these two can't eat on their own yet.

Moreover, since it is not yet possible to do so, I naturally do not listen to what I say. I'm still at infant level.

"That's cute again, though."

"Yeah, I can see that. You're really cute."

I crushed the bananas and fed them, and the grapes squeezed and fed them. Both Cro and Blanca had their mouths dirty but full of happiness and swallowing faces.

"The orchestra also has Leopardos and Wespertiglio. Leopardos isn't on the table because he's an escort replacement, but Wespertiglio also does art. I'll do it in the evening, you want to come check it out?

"We have to go back to the inn in the evening."

"Oh, too bad. We'll be in Creal the day after tomorrow."

"We're gonna watch the race, too, so I'm gonna go to Creal."

"Oh, my God, then, he said he was an adventurer, but the race was destiny"

After I said that, Rosakino lurked his voice.

"Did you miss the qualifying round? Sorry to hear that. But if it's a fake race, I can't."

Looks like I thought Siu had taken part in the Riding Beast Games. I denied it with a bitter smile.

"Yeah. I'm not answering. Um, it's tricky, but an acquaintance invited me to watch the Fei Long Games. But during the qualifying period, Wang Du wanted to sightsee, and now he's moving freely. It's a big area, so some people are watching the game. I'm on my own."

"What, then, it's really pure sightseeing. That's amazing. That acquaintance isn't rich Madame, is he?

Seems like he had a funny imagination, and Siu laughed a lot.

"Haha! No, no. But yeah, acquaintances might have money. He even invited my friend to bring him here."

"Hih. Wow. There's some fancy rich people in the world. It's totally different from our patrons! Hey?"

"Chloe, you sound too loud. And don't disparage the patrons."


While he was angry and sober, Chloe now has a scandal story for the orchestra (?) and so on. It was funny and crazy, and the tee time went by for fun.

When I broke up with the Rosakinos, I took another long trip down the road to the inn and hung out and walked home.

I also found the Adventurer's Guild, so I showed my face, but there are a lot of people in and out and it's busy. Looking at the requisitions, many were unique at this time of year.

First, it's escort work. Necessary for getting to and from Creal Street, sightseeing at tournament venues, etc.

Next is the work on the carriage of food. We collect loads from all over because there are quite a few people in Creal but also in Leah.

And I guess it's because you get a lot of injuries, a lot of herb collection work.

I have a lot of stock of medicinal herbs, so I was very happy when I only released them for emergency treatment. He even found out he was from Latricia, and he was surprised.

Normally, if they just came to race related sightseeing, they wouldn't care about guild work or anything.

In the meantime, Alliance officials were given information about herbs that could be harvested in the vicinity.

It's a corner, so you might want to use your morning time to pick it up.

It was already evening when I returned to the inn, stopping around.

Ask the innkeeper if he plans to eat in the hall this evening. I talked to her about whether I could make some siu too, so I borrowed the edge of the kitchen quickly.

The dishes served to everyone are fried rice and kelp and tuna dishes. At any rate, tuna feels more interesting like a demolition show and I'll just be ready.

Preparing it by renting the corner of the hall, Rigdor and the others found it.

"You were here! I said Digire was supposed to be back, but I didn't see him, so I thought," What are you doing? "

"I thought that would happen to me."

"Me too. Siu, you like to cook rice."

Caspar and Dan laughed bitterly and were forgiving Rigdor.

They seem to have enjoyed the sightseeing today by splitting up among themselves. Caspar goes without saying. I hear Rigdor went out with Alice and the others. Instead of taking on Alice's escort, she asked her brother Michael to tour. Christophe taught me that, slightly. I cautioned you not to laugh at other people's love paths, and I was a little surprised.

"Siu said," Love... "

"I say so too. Hmm."

Even Siu will fall in love one day. Probably.

Although I never had that tendency later than Kaya's sister, there must have been a long life, maybe once.

God wants that too, I'm sure.

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