Shut-in Magician

472 The Truth About Love and Things About The Lord Who Gone Too Far

I have a new plate for you, and you also served me, so I decided to have it.

It was still a sweet treat as it seemed.

Shvikzam ate what was served, but did not demand the rest.

"Not bad, but Siu's made confectionery tastes better"

"I'm glad you compliment me, but let's pick a time and a place."


"It's rude to compare what was put out earlier that disturbed you with something or to say something that would discredit you indirectly, and it's an act that breaks the heart of your utmost desire to treat your customers more than that, isn't it?

"... Mm, that's, sure"

He put his arms together and thought, looking at Chilah Siu, then Shvikzam bowed his head to Oliver.

"Hospitality, thank you. Earlier statements were frivolous. Forgive me."

"Oh, no, it's a hell of a thing"

Answering with amazement, Oliver looked at Siu with a glimmer and then glanced back at Svikzam again.

Then he pulled out his shoulder and laughed like he was horrified.

Sveekzarm told Oliver to feed him, so he took it out of the magic bag and the three of us started eating sweets.

One of the samurai rushed in, but Oliver was letting her back down. I wondered why, and I came to think of something.

"You needed to see the poison. I forgot, I'm sorry. Even when His Royal Highness Vincent was here, he was poisoned."

"You got some sweets for my brother, too? Sure, this is delicious, but my brother ate it a lot."

"Because I made it less sweet. I put rum in it, I made it taste like an adult."

I'm not eating.

"Shvi, modest sweetness with alcohol, can you eat it?

"… eat, I think"

Hmm, when I replied and stared jizzily, I insisted I should be able to eat it, so I promised I'd bring it next time.

"Still, you two are close"

"I wonder. These people, because they're holy beasts that weren't? I feel like I can't help but be in awe, and I'm making it normal."

"If it wasn't for Siu, I'd be angry. Vin, we're gonna have a good fight."

Heh, and when I replied with ease, Oliver was making his face snap.

Once he finished eating often, Oliver started talking by paying people.

"It is also true that I wanted to see the Holy Beast, but in fact, there was something I wanted Lord Sioux to ask me. We can't keep people away if we don't put them in this shape."

I bowed my head to Shvikzam and Siu saying I was sorry that they were each in the form of use. Shvikzam was not angry or anything, but rather, he was embarking on whether he was interested or not. Siu, too, is not angry about it. More than that.

"Well, we have people trying to eavesdrop on us, so that strengthens the bond, right?

"What, the juncture?

"Yes. Done. Originally, we needed to protect ourselves, so we had ties around us."

"Yes, it was..."

Surprisingly, I wander through the room, but I can't even see it.

"I can use kingdom magic, too, but I can't use anything so far. You're still amazing."

They said it was amazing, but Oliver has junctional magic and level three. Quite a user.

However, even if you are royal and live in a royal palace, there will be a lot of trouble when you use it. In fact, he told me that he was wearing an annulment ring himself to prove his innocence.

"I'm putting that on..."

"Actually, there are two, and one is a fake,"

He smiled bitterly and showed me the other thing as well.

"I can't stand out and use it, but I think it might be for the good of the country."

"It's a bad job. I can see through it."

"I guess Shvi is. You don't normally know that, do you?

When Siu said looking at the ring, Oliver nodded vaguely.

"Sounds like a familiar person will soon find out. Especially the nanny Lusana."

Ha, and leaked a small sigh, Oliver stared at Siu.

"You're sure you're close to Countess Amalia-Vixtreme, aren't you?

"Ah, yes. He's a friend."

"... someone who's not a nobleman, and I really wanted to confess to her acquaintance"

So I wondered if he had come near me.

"You know what's going on with her now, don't you?


"That cause, in the first place, is me."

As if to confess to God in the church, Oliver began to speak with his hands together. There was distress in that face.

Originally, from the position of concubine and the rank of sixth child, Oliver has also grown up as having no right to inherit the throne.

There was also little way to live as a royal family, and my parents were distant underground branches of what was bordering the Doreves family, and moreover my mother herself was a common son.

Then Oliver's path is about to become his son-in-law's adopted son in the house of nobility.

Because he was not in enough position to descend from his post, Oliver was also sent to a magic school to get himself up, and he was willing to serve the country as a single minister even if he could not be a son-in-law.

"But my nanny, Lusana, wanted me to be a nobleman no matter what."

Lusana, it seems, was formerly Oliver's mother's maiden. It looks like Oliver's muscle has gotten worse since his mother fell ill at the puerperium and died in a few years.

"At first, the concubine princess who came out of the branch muscle, it seems that the Doreves family also used their luxurious assets to support me in this, but not since my mother died..."

That seems to have unnecessarily crippled Lusana's mind.

The Dreves family had also recommended the daughter of the main house to Prince Vincent's rightful wife, and Lusana seemed more and more angry.

"My mother was formerly a royal palace servant, with His Majesty's hands in play. I wasn't even a samurai. Lusana, who was beside him as a squire, is like marrying a junior aristocratic official whose mother was suddenly summoned by His Majesty to not see him, and who, as far as possible, was a mother's maid of honor in a scattered thought statement. I was so inclined to my mother, that I rose above my son to protect me, whom I had been entrusted to ask upon death."

He said he started taking measures.

Unmarried women were always allowed to attend nightclubs where they gathered and gathered information. She also checked directly with the woman who thinks this is the case.

In the meantime, I laid eyes on Amalia.

"He was the most adorable woman of Lord Vixtrem's grandchildren, and he was told that he would be given the title by his grandfather's lord, not by his father, the Earl. So you tried to screw me in there."

Siu, listening in silence, tilted his neck.

Oliver laughed slightly lonely and answered his questions.

"I was turned down. I was not on the spot, but it seemed that a relative woman had told Lusana to speak up. I think it would have been reprimand for Lusana, but to her, it seemed that I had been insulted"

"You're not, are you?

"Yes. I don't think the Vixtreme people would make those mistakes. Nor would you attach such a person to your precious granddaughter. It's a complete Lusana mistake.... I've always been aware of what Lusana does, but I didn't think I was talking to them that clearly. It's an excuse."

"Yeah.... so?

Sveekzarm elbowed at his desk and looked at him with an open mouth and not knowing if he was listening or not. I thought maybe it bothered me, but I didn't say it to you.

"Back then, I was in the same class as Miss Hildegardo-Cassandra at school and I knew her face, but she seemed to have had the opportunity to talk to each other as a samurai, and apparently she bumped into dissatisfaction"

"Uh, are you coming there"

Ahhh, I held my head.

Oliver has the same look and drops his shoulder.

"Now I thought Miss Hildegard would say strange things from time to time. It's hard to be in a position with each other, you know, it's a disgusting thought for someone who's in a privileged position but not fulfilling their responsibilities as nobles, etc. At first I thought you hated it, and you seemed sympathetic."

"A sense of justice goes in the direction of the day after, doesn't it, that guy?"

"... that's an interesting rhetoric. But, oh, sure. When you say that, you can also understand what she means by her actions and words and actions. I don't think it's a slight deviation."

He was choosing words very much to talk about because of his gentle personality.

Siu sympathized with Oliver, who had been the cause of the disturbance.

"I'm sure you know the rest, Miss Hildegard thinks this was probably used without knowing the situation, but the Countess Emerich instigated me to listen to the story and involved the Kustodia family, who are also political opponents, to make that kind of noise"

Hildegard's thoughts punish the Amalia side for speaking out against the royalty, even if that's all it would have been. But the Marquis de Custodia, who heard the story, must have thought a good story had popped in.

"Are Uncle Emerich and Marquis Kustodia not close, either?

"I'm not so much with the Emerich family as with Uncle Nieballi. The Emerich family is only a member of the House of Lords and is a member of the aristocracy. I can't deal with a great nobleman like the Kustodians. I think it's all at the expense of Uncle Nieballi."

"... oh well. If I try to make it a Niebari house, can I fall either way? Even when exposed, you can blame Mr. Hildegard."

"So you also know the difference between Miss Hildegard and Lord Benigud."

"No rumors."

A fight between nobles is a pain in the ass! That was Siu's conclusion.

Hang in there, I have a headache.

And Shvikzam seemed to sleep with his eyes open.

If you think it's quiet, you're just sleeping. This is also a headache problem.

"Even though you are such a holy beast, do you still admire it?

"Of course that is. Because it's Poenix. I'm really honored to meet you. This is from the heart."

Oliver did give me the first real grin in a distressed conversation when I said that.

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