Shut-in Magician

404 Weird Professor And Soba Propaganda And Melancholy Rain Snow

The pavilion is not a bad person, but mainly the family decree apologized to Siu instead.

"I miss you because I can't meet with the kids I've left in the country. Please forgive me."

I can't be angry when they say that much.

No, although I'm not angry. I just feel like a pervert chased me around.

By and large, Siu is not "cute". They say it's plain, and there's just something else about it that seems harmless to humans and animals, or to praise its smallness.

So maybe she's a pervert.

While doing so, Barbara and Candela, with their squire, came back from school.

Looks like we both had a supplement. It's late. Apparently, the Veronius family attached it to me. I don't think Ortencia will do it, so it would be a family order difference.

"Well, Mr. Siu,"

"Siu, are you here?

"I was worried, so I saw how things were going. What do you say?"

When I gave Caspar's name, I deliberately hid it because I shouldn't even rise again.

They were looking better and answered with a smile.

"Very good. Here, Nadal teaches me a lot, and I learn a lot about courtesy from the maid director. It's tough, but it's totally easier than a dorm."

"Really. I haven't slept well in a while. You can't be happier."

"You don't have to sleep alternately!

They kind of made me smile at a very scary story. The girls' dorm was so insidious, I'm once again freaked out.

Anyway, I'm glad I don't seem to have a problem living here.

If you haven't been chased around like Siu did earlier, though.

I saw Nadal, the ordinance, and Ortencia, who was angry and treading back and forth on the couch.

Nadal seemed to notice exactly what Siu's gaze intended, smiling and shaking her neck vertically. Ortencia doesn't seem interested in the two girls.

"... Shota, isn't it"

"Shit, what?"

"No. Uh, Dr. Ortencia, do you like kids?

"It is. I am..."

"The Hall likes the children of Shi Turn. This way, he likes a decent face. Your daughters and daughters at an early age looked like that."

Even though the Lord is speaking, the decree has interrupted. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a measure to keep you from talking any further.

The two women also looked at the two faces coming and going surprised, but eventually, they left the room because they felt they should not be involved.

"Yes, it is. I really loved those when they were little. I didn't know it would look like that when I grew up."


"My personality is tough again. Disobedient to my mother. It's cute again."

"That's how you make fun of yourself, so you're repulsed. You'll hate me if I show you a less ugly attitude towards Master Siu. Please don't weigh yourself down."

"... um. Let's try."

Sounds refreshing, but it seems strange to find a child of your choice. I don't remember ever being hot, but I never thought I'd come here and be enthusiastically liked by a married man.

The fact that it feels like an animal is a shiu that I dared to ignore.

Later, though I was invited to dinner, I lied about some errands I couldn't get out of and left the mansion behind.

If you say hello to Ortencia, who looks remorseful, again at school,

"Hmm. Then you can attend my class next time."

I said it out, so I pretended not to hear it and left.

As a courtesy, I thought you'd be angry, but when I sued Rico in the carriage as a "scary story" in the mansion, he could forgive me.

Afterwards, Rico seemed to tell the servants that seasonal deliveries to the Veronius family, etc. would keep them from going.

It was a tree day and I took a picking job at the Adventurers Guild before heading outside the Wang Capital.

I had been out early in the morning, and so I finished collecting. After that, he spent time repeating his experiments and came back to the guild at noon.

After finishing the settlement, he went to the training ground and spoke to the adventurers who were practicing the flying boards and asked them to try the prototype.

I also finished discussing it with the Guild Manager and will finally be delivering it in full starting around next week. I want the accessory handling safety goods to be available at the same time, so I made them next week to match the supplier's production.

"Safety Ball Materials for Falling" seems to be a dream countermeasure commodity from those who may fly as well as flying plates, so orders from the state are now coming in.

As a result, it took me a while to increase my production posture.

Currently fully operational, moving.

It looks like Steyburn is also coming for a patent document viewing application, so they'll be selling it out there in time.

In the afternoon, he transferred and went to see Aurea.

When I showed soba at the Brad family, I only got support from half of them without liking the lighter texture. It's too refreshing and doesn't seem to taste right. Originally, it was impossible because it was a people who liked dark flavors such as cheese and cream.

Still, half preferred it because someone fell into the attraction of healthiness and the taste of soy sauce. He was just spreading the rice movement with this one, and he seemed familiar with the flavoring of soy sauce relationships.

So now I went to recommend Aurea to get involved.

He hadn't had lunch yet, and Garelado was just returning, so we decided to eat together.

"This shrimp heaven is delicious"

I put in a chunky large shrimp tempura, but Garelado was eating in about two bites. Place the dish in your mouth from next to next. I feel like I'm going to heartburn.

The soba noodles themselves appeared to be neither acceptable nor impossible, and it was a delicate answer when I thought they were delicious because I was used to traveling everywhere. Originally, I'm carnivorous, so maybe I can't help it. He can chew it out even with hard muscles because he's not half way through jaw building either. To a man like that, you wouldn't understand how good a sticky plump rice is, like a good noodle with a tight throat.

Aurea, on the other hand, was very pleased with me.

I also ate shrimp heaven and said I like the version by the way. I divided it into smaller plates for toddlers who still couldn't eat a lot, but it was all finished.

"Sioux. Aul likes this, grated. It's delicious."

He said something twisted, saying that it was a good idea to be annoyed.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked it.

"I'll keep it in the item box again. It's warm, it's cold, look forward to it."

"Yes, thank you."

I gave Garelado a meat-rolled onigiri that I didn't seem to eat and transferred it.

Grandpa Stan ate it too, but he was happy to eat it again.

He used to eat buckwheat noodles on his journey, and at that time he didn't think it was a good idea, but he told me that this one was delicious and it was complete.

I was with her before dinner, so I also put her on Emina, who showed her face, and I went back with the transfer because I would eat at the mansion.

Later by means of communication magic props,

"Pass! Dmitre says it's delicious too, so tell me how to make it next time!!

And Emina contacted me with the same tension.

In reply, soba noodles need to be trained.

"Where I want it!

Her seemingly answers returned. In the meantime, I sent soba flour and noodles in satisfactory condition.

By the way, I took the liberty of finishing the magic bag for Grandpa Stan, so I sent it there. Grandpa Stan was just a little frightened.

Golden Day was just a little melancholy in the morning.

The weather is also rainy and snowy, more and more so.

Latricia is a really snowy country, but I didn't expect it to come down to this time of year.

In the season, it's completely spring, but it's still snowing.

"For once, it's unusual, isn't it? I never go down, but it's rare every few years or so."

Edgar told me about Latricia as we walked to the Dome Gymnasium together because we met in the hallway.

"The king's capital is certainly a snowy city, though."

"Are you almost there solandari territory?

"Right. It's just surrounded by mountains, so I guess it'll snow heavily when it comes down."

"Oh, my God."

"The wizard will work great. They say it's because of the snow that this country is investing in the development of magic tools."

"I don't have anything to do in the winter, so you don't say anything, do you?

Then it's the old Tohoku regional image of Japan. Laughing and asking, Edgar pounded, then nodded one.

"Right. I think so. What I heard was that the smell of trouble caused wizards to use their powers to eliminate snow had developed magic props. The wizard has a lot of self-esteem, so I was wondering, but maybe you were the reason."

What a pleasure to think so, he laughed.

I guess he didn't like the reason that, as a student attending magic school, he stinks of trouble with his job because of his high self-esteem. Even though it was Siu's unsolicited opinion, he was convincingly nodding.

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