Shut-in Magician

402 Meeting, new buddy, soba noodles

When the moon dawned, it became a windy moon.

It is the day of fire of the first week.

I played thoughtfully with Luca last night, took a bath with her, and then fell asleep overnight, and I felt refreshed.

Siu headed to the research building as usual.

Milts are coming in the classroom of the Graduate School of Ancient Sites and are excited about the ruin diving accommodation approaching the weekend.

Alberik, who usually comes late, was already here to tell me it was an hour ago.

"Doctor, you're early today"

"Ahhh, even Shiu says he hates it."

"Because teachers are always late. Don't be late when you're sleeping."

Milt is cautious. He's always about to be the first to go into the classroom, so I guess I can't tolerate the teacher being late.

"I know. Besides, I guess we're all really filing notifications for Saturday classes, huh? I'll be pissed off by the other teachers later, because it's me."

"Of course, Doctor."

Floran answers on behalf of. He smiles, but is the best, most unusual person in this classroom.

"Uh, Professor, I was wondering if you could come back."

"I'm saying it again. You've been promoted from a lecturer, so please be happy."

I don't want to be held responsible.

"You just have to do research, right? But it could be a lab shutdown, so you took it, didn't you? Good luck, Doctor."

"Florent's smile will soak in your eyes."

"Thank you"

Alberik still has a youthful attitude, either because he is young or because he was a postgraduate student and a lecturer while attending the hospital.

Finally, there is something not very different from a student.

The students are familiar with each other, so there were times when they really didn't know who was their teacher.

Of course, Alberik is definitely the teacher because he gives us a variety of knowledge in class.

Anyway, this day was hardly a class and the meeting about the weekend's sleepover lasted forever.

In the afternoon I had lunch with my classmates in the classroom as usual at the Graduate School of Warcraft Demon Ecology.

Listening to Bartolome classes that still showcase maniacal knowledge, the fifth time limit will be a free debate.

Specialties and postgraduates will mostly continue for two time periods and will be provided with a place to review and discuss the content of the classes later in the day. Strengthen the attitude of students in their discussions with each other.

I don't do it when classes are late, but I mostly take these forms. Since some students rarely get only one time limit, they were always decided to take the first half of the class. For the second half, could it be done with assignments, or I had chosen another teacher's class who was doing classes every hour.

It seems that more students will fly or change their electives at this time of year, and there will be more student replacements.

In the minor Warcraft Demon Ecology Graduate School, no one usually comes in, but this time there were rarely more students. A few people came in with the teacher, the fourth time limit was no conversation, the class proceeded, and the fifth time limit finally greeted him.

"Mr. Pluwia, I'm here."

"Yes. I thought it might be because I said it was a Warcraft Demon Ecology Study, but I heard there were many rare beast children, so I chose them. Oh, yeah, you can call me off."

"Really? Then you will. Oh, other people are named after rare beasts."

"Say hello."

Lewis possesses a rare beast of the shape of a bamboo. Wendy is turtle-shaped and Quinoa has a nightingale shape.

"Birds are good too."

"It's Keri from Ruskinia. It looks plain, but it rings with a beautiful voice."

When Quinoa said so, Kelli sounded purty and cute.

"I can only use it to the extent of a message dove, but it's good because it's cute"

Is that also what they made fun of me, that's how I said it?

"My Urla says anon. What about your kid?

When Lewis asked Pluwia, she answered with a twinkly face.

"It's Lewis."

That's the way he talks, but Lewis seems to have lost his mood, and he pulled it off with a troubled smile.



"I wish I could be a little more loving. She's really sweet, Lewis."

"Hey, Siu"

Lewis looked at Siu confusedly as he controlled the panicking Pluwia with his hands.

"Oh, yeah. Um, you..."

"I'm Ciu-Aquila, uh, Feresu."


I flew in and literally flew through the air, but Ferres stuck to Siu perfectly. I'm intrigued and watching Lewis and the others.

"This kid is Ferres. Nice to meet you."


Wendy sparkled her eyes. The other two broke their faces, too.

"I heard you had a horseman, but you're this kid."

"For the most part, we can't see the Big Riding Beast because it's kept in the beast house and it's heavily guarded."

"Really. I never thought I'd be seen this close."

"Beautiful hairy, this girl."

Praised by the three of them, Ferres was moving his mustache perfectly. I'm also moving my tail in a good mood.

"Nyah. Nyah. Ha Ni."

"Oh, looks like I'm happy to be praised. You know, I'm gonna give those kids a ride."


"I have a habit of putting kids on that I like. Will you guys play with Ferres?

Did the story make sense, and each tried to get close to Ferres. The owners meet each other in the face and then gently put the rare beasts on Ferres' back.

"Nyah. Nyah"

"It's good to play, but you can't teach me anything extra. It's forbidden to play with children."


"Get along with everyone, huh?


Ha, reluctantly admitted, I put three heads on my back and went to the rear of the classroom. Your people are gathered there.

They had a world just for them, and they had a conversation with each other that it was just a key to.

The escorts and squire look at it with a smile.

"Shh, that's amazing"

"You can't worship a sight like this."

"Really. Maybe it would have been nice to take this class"

When I spoke to the three of them, I returned to conversation with everyone.

Though Pruwia looked a little dissatisfied, she came mixed up in conversation when Siu urged her.

In the end, the people here like to talk about beasts.

We had fun bragging about each rare beast, and mixing in stories about beasts that those who did not have also liked.

That was no longer a class or anything, but there will be days like that.

Without blaming Bartolome, he was listening to the students' conversations.

Some classes are given to students who come in later, so from next time on, they will divide the classes into groups while giving assignments.

Those who want to review may listen to the teacher together, and those who want to study anew may find their own assignments.

I couldn't really grasp the flow of classes I was allowed to attend along the way, but I finished the class convinced it would be something like this.

When I got home, I really tried making soba noodles that I only tried a little the other day.

I wasn't at all happy with what I made at the soba farmer's house or at Grandpa's house, so I'll make some ground flour, divided into water. Unlike pasta, it looked easy and this was hard.

Soba was one of the things I liked about Shiu in my previous life, and it was one of the few menus that I could choose from for a meal out for Sakutaro with a thin meal. Maybe the tongue is cynical because it reminds me of that flavor.

I also tried choosing the same soft water as when I was in Japan.

Fortunately, Steyburn and Latricia tend to be soft water. I think the Delf country had a lot of hard water. No one will know because they haven't tested like that, but I feel like that as a Siu feeling.

"You're trying something new again."

The chef told me that Siu had returned from the sea of thought.

"Yeah. Pasta's good, too, but this time they say soba. Low calories, uh, healthy ingredients."

"Ho, there's something like that"

"In the meantime, the tea I served was fried with soba nuts."

"That was a strange cup of tea with both bitterness and sweetness. The smell was indescribable and fragrant."

I saw Siu at hand with the face I expected, saying it was exciting.

It should be time to be busy preparing dinner, but he didn't have his hands on cooking with the instructions given.

"Aren't you going to make it today?

"With the exam, I'm leaving it to the deputy chef today. Though I will judge the final taste."

Not because I heard that word, but when I looked at it, all the people in the kitchen were cooking with a nervous eye.

Well, maybe it's good to be nervous about incorporating the exam. That's just great. I was impressed.

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