Shut-in Magician

396 Weird Teachers and Students in the Department of Creativity

In the afternoon, I peeked into the classroom and called when I found Pluwia, who was taking the class, in an omnidirectional exploration. It seemed like free time and he said no and came out of the classroom, so he asked me to find Barbara and the others in the dorm and call them.

"Fine, that's about it."

Next time, we'll have a treat.

"... well, yeah. If you'd like to thank me, I'd appreciate it."

I gave him a tung and jaw, but he was probably happy because his nose was tingling.

He then waited for the class to finish in front of the classroom of the Graduate School of Creativity.

Playing with Ferrez's opponent in the hallway, there was a student who came out to see if he was taking a break on the way and he was jerked off.

Apparently the student reported, and the teacher came right out.

"What's a kid doing here? Do you have a drink?

Though I almost surprised to see Siu and Ferres, I immediately smiled.

"... he's a cutie. Are you out of touch with the Lord?

Oh, okay, okay. I've been reaching out. My eyeballs are lowered with attitudes such as child-loving to see.

Siu bowed his head, bewildered.

"My name is Siu-Aquila. I'm a first-year student. I have an errand for the student chairman, and I thought it was rude, but he's making me wait in the hallway. Sorry to disturb you."

"... what, are you a student? Aren't you a child? Right."

I'm so sorry to hear that.


"Whoa, I'm sorry. By the way, how old are you?

"I'm thirteen."

I glanced at him when I said that.

"You're a child!

"Ah, yes. You're still a grown-up."

"Right. All right, all right."

Now I stopped by with Stasta and really stroked my head.

"I am Ortensia-Veronius. Nice to meet you! Hey, you reminded me of my kids. This is what I hate again. You are cute, but somewhat alike. Oh, maybe you're from Shytern?

Interesting woman. Siu answered honestly as he was taken aback.

"... it's Steyburn"

"Really? But I'm sure there's blood in the shi-turn. Especially here."

So I stroked Siu's nostrils.

"Oh, I want to see the kids..."

I got a big sigh of sigh in front of me. Troubled, she suddenly corrected her posture.

"No, I was the one who decided to teach in the Seeker. Don't be creepy. You bet, boy."


"Anyway, you only say hateful things to each other. Well, that's cute, too."


"Whoa, yeah. You were in class. Mm, speaking of which, did you speak to the student chairman? Good. I'll forgive you for being cute. Follow me."

In a masculine outfit, he takes Siu's hand and walks into the classroom with Stasta.

The students were in the process of splitting up and discussing each group. I guess it's time for free discussion.

When I entered the classroom, a few people looked at Siu and were gnawed. Some people are looking away, and some people are wondering what's going on.

Even though some students could read the air that way, Ortencia raised her voice without any concern as to whether she was innocent.

"Tiberio! You have a guest. He's a lovely guest. What do you say, sweet kid? Come quickly. Don't make me wait. Hey, you're blurry. Why don't you just come?"

The tone is bad, but is it because of her nature that it sounds like a lot somewhere?

Has a slightly different but reassuring air.

By the way, Tiberio, who was called out loud, rushed over quickly rather than in a blurry manner, as the teacher said, but was told to blur again and again between the end of the classroom and reaching it.

"Damn, you're slow on your feet"

I just said it, and you didn't think it was a good idea to listen, or you left the place.

"... you're an interesting teacher"

"Yeah, well, you know what?"

"Uh, excuse me. I was gonna wait in the hallway until class was over."

"No, that's fine. It's an urgent matter, isn't it?


Nodding, he put his hand on Siu's back and took him to the hallway. Behind the classroom, his escorts and squires also head out into the hallway without making footsteps. The heap was just a move.

When I talked about buying it because they sold me a fight in the dining room, Tiberio laughed out of his shoulders all the time.

"Ki, you said that. Haha, no, I don't know what that is, haha"

He couldn't stop laughing and held his belly for a while. In the meantime, Amalia also left the classroom. She is also a student of the Department of Creativity.

"Lord Siu, what's wrong?

Her escort is with her. I greeted her only with my eyes and told Amalia what was going on as well. Then I also talked to her about the female students.

"I'd like to protect two female students, but even if it's impossible to make noble children live in the city, right?

"Yeah, you shouldn't."

"It would be tricky to ask Mr. Hildegard, so I'm going to do something about it before she realizes it, because somehow I don't really know about girls"


Amalia covered her mouth with her hands and laughed.

"I don't want to bother the Brad family."

"I don't think so."

Tiberio came back to life and gave Siu his opinion.

"It's Caspar-Brad, isn't it? Your boarding house. The title, for sure."

"Dear Tiberio, the Brad family is the Count's house"

An obedient woman is earrings. It's amazing how noble this place is. Nodding with admiration, Tiberio shook his head sideways.

"Then you can't do it. There can't be an elderly woman staying at a man's house who's not even married. There's no one with you, is there?

"I knew it, right?"

"If you are a child of lower aristocracy, you also have the possibility to dream. Never accept mistakes"

An earlier woman has advised Siu. And bow your head and apologize.

"I offered you something. Forgive me."

"Oh, no. Thanks for letting me know. I don't know about nobility, so it helps. I don't even know about women."

Ha, and when I sighed, Amalia and the others, including her, looked at Siu smiling.

"And you're in trouble. I'll take care of it."

"Dear Amalia, that shouldn't be"

When his squire Jilda told him, Amalia put her hand on her cheek and sighed haha.

"Right. From the standpoint, if I reach out, we'll have a problem later."

"You're being treated like a rival by Miss Hildegard."

"Well, Master Tiberio"

Confused, I frowned. You mean even that figure is sophisticated, something that makes me think you're just a high-ranking aristocratic woman.

"I wish I had another dorm."

Blurring with his mouth about nothing, he was embraced from behind.

"You're talking funny. I can take it from you."

"Ah, Doctor."

Ortencia spoke with her jaw over her head as she held him to Siu.

"Let me put you in my mansion as an apprentice. It would be the right way to be a child of nobility. Lord of women, you can rest assured of your parents."

"Well, Dr. Ortencia. Are you sure?

"Of course."

"If it is indeed at Dr. Ortencia's, it doesn't seem to be a problem. You are a Shytern nobleman, and you stand in the name of a behaving apprentice. That's right, I'm a teacher."

"There's nothing out there to compliment you, Tiberio. Still, you guys, what the hell are you learning in creative graduate school? Use your head a little more. enough twisting."

The teacher pissed me off and both Tiberio and Amalia laughed in the light.

"Sounds like it. Now, let's get things right, including the future. Siu, you can connect with the girls, right?

"Yes, I'm asking my classmates"

"Now, after listening to their opinions, let's draw conclusions. You know the student club room. I'm packing it there today, so take me. Let's make up our minds."

"Yes. Thank you for everything. Thank you, Doctor, for breaking your bones."

When I bowed my head, Ortencia got on Siu's back too. Still groping.

"Doctor, please leave him alone. 'Cause I know how much you like kids."

"Well, what do you know without one child?"

"Don't be obstinate. Look, I'm going back to class."

I pulled the teacher away from Siu, and Tiberio took me.

And I think it's surprisingly annoying with the teacher. Amalia hasn't been paying attention either, so she seems to be in this state from time to time. An unusual teacher, but Tiberio may also be quite unusual.

Xiu bowed his head and thanked him as he entered the classroom, then went back to the meeting room.

There, I'm meeting you.

All I had to do was wait for Pluwia to bring the girls students.


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