Shut-in Magician

391 Adventurer Specifications Flight Board Rental Scheme

Tree Day is just a challenge as usual, so I showed my face to the Adventurer Guild without going to school.

When I entered the guild, Taurus was there and I was in a good mood to talk to him.

"Hey, you have a great day!

"Oh, yes."

"Phew Phew."

With a disgusting grin, he shows a smile and a bag on his back. I don't think there's anything I can do to show Siu, but he can't wait to see it.

"Oh, yes, it suits you"

"You bet! This shape is fine, too. The leather also has a taste. It's sophisticated."

"Are you sophisticated"

"It must be made by someone who knows the adventurer well. It's a masculine trick! My daughter-in-law said she was a Takeshi."

I make something rounded for women, but I guess the area is different. Even when I made it for Alice, I cared. That's what I've been thinking about by summing up memories from my previous life.

"So, what's up today? Do you get a job?"

"No, about the flying board. May I see what's going on at the training ground? And then I thought of something."

"Whoa, that's good. I'll go."

Light footing, Taurus moved on. There are officials around who smile and smile, and I could imagine how he has been so far.

At the training ground, Krall was encouraging practice with the adventurers.

Krall doesn't have a wind attribute, but he uses it because he lends the Alliance something with Adventurer specs as a prototype.

When I observed it, it was surprisingly similar and usable.

I've been observing for a while, but when one notices Siu and Taurus, they stop practicing one after the other and come close.

"Ooh, Siu. This is amazing!

"In the meantime, I tried it in the woods and it looks good. I'm going to get some more practice and get it ready before I use it in action."

Each one of them tells me what they think.

Those who are able to use it, etc. say they are able to fly 30m high without any problems. Just in case, I also bought "safety balls for falling". I guess that's all you're going to use in a dangerous way.

"Thanks to this, attacks from above can be facilitated. When I'm used to it, I'm trying to figure out how to use it in large numbers."

"If you do, I'll go after the Herd of Warcraft."

Already, he seemed to have knitted out a way of fighting that incorporated a flying plate.

So I asked the question.

"How fast? And you're stable? Then, adventurer-spec flying boards also increase the use of demon stones, but can you still want to use them? I mean, if we can finally make it."

Each of them told me what they thought to that question.

"It's fast enough. If you want to fly fast, it would be nice to have adventurer specs. But I don't want speed the way we fight, and I think it's enough as it is. Or maybe there's still room. He was scared, and he just said that the second-degree guy couldn't fly at all."

I was a little surprised that you even used it for a second level person.

"Steady, 'cause it's a flying thing, right? I can't help but shake it a little. It'll stabilize when you get some speed, and the problem will be a few seconds before it starts to surface and fly"

"Isn't that all you have to do? Even horses shake their first entrance."

"Don't shake the horse more! Ha ha."

Finally, Taurus, on behalf of me, taught me the answer to the key question.

"The adventurer specs, to be honest, a lot of them are telling me to get them out fast."

"Oh well."

"I guess it tickles my manhood to see these flying guys. Everybody's drooling."

"Honestly, we want to buy that one too. I think that's enough. It is quite advantageous not to reduce your own magic. Fueled with demonic stones, but not as diminished as I thought. Rather, it's our opinion that this is all done. The procedure is refreshing, but if you compare it to other magic tools, you'll understand. That's an amazing substitute."

Yeah, a few people nodded.

"More importantly, it's amazing that I should just replace the Demon Stone. It's like an ancient relic."

"Uh, yeah, 'cause I referenced that"

The idea of using it as fuel was brought in from previous life, but what is said to be an ancient sacred relic also uses demonic stones as fuel, no battery like.

So they say what Siu made is groundbreaking, but it's not seen as a problem, because there's a precedent. Some of these things have been increasing lately.

Upon hearing some opinions, Siu confirmed to Taurus and headed to the Alliance Chief's office.

I wanted to talk to you.

Even though I was suddenly disturbed, General Manager Adral was in a good mood to welcome Siu.

"Hey, Lord Siu. Something today."

"Actually, I need to talk to you about an adventurer-spec flying board."

Adoral glanced at her eyes. Clar, who was coming with me, prepares the tea and stands behind the couch with Taurus.

"Is it time to sell it out in earnest?

"That's the thing, I thought I'd stop selling it -"

I accidentally separated it in the middle of the conversation. Adoral dropped his jaw when I told him to stop. A flashy face, not what a good old man would do.

Siu waved in panic.

"Oh, no, that's not what I meant"

"Siu, what's that supposed to mean?"

Taurus came across his mouth with a swordswallowing look from behind. Krall is also breathing.

"I'm talking about trying to stop selling to individuals. Actually."

Siu also turned a blind eye. Then Adoral came closer, so it kind of got windy talking secretly.

"I heard a little bit about it at the training ground, but it seems more user-friendly than I thought"

"You bet. You bet."

Yeah, to Adoral, who nodded, Siu continued.

"To buy this personally is just too expensive as a necessary expense. Sometimes they pay for demon stones as fuel."


"So will you buy in bulk at the guild?


"If you only want adventurers to use it, I don't think there's a better place to keep it"

"When I say, it is"

"I only wholesale to the Adventurer Alliance. And the guild lends these. Low cost."

Adoral turned into a pompous face again. Now he wasn't opening his mouth so big, but from behind he felt the outrageous air.

"I have my own fuel bill. Replace each time and use. In case you run away with the main unit or sell it to someone..."

"Make it a sin, huh? That's good."

Taurus called from the rear. The voice was playing.

"You can also embed a transmitter. Anti-theft measures are fine. And this is the best, but easier to manage. My side benefits from that, the Alliance side."

"By lending them for a low price, you can specify that they should be used in crusade requests, etc."

"Perhaps we can reduce the number of outstanding cases."

"Oh, well, there's that too."

While Taurus and Krall were admiring each other, Adorall finally went back to normal.

"That means. Does that mean less worrying in vain? No, I made the rules, but I was worried that someone would use them to make it worse."

Some fall from adventurers to bandits. Flying boards also allow for bold action.

"Adventurer specs are scary for their power."

"... the suggestion might be to wish. No, when they say it, that's all I think."

"If you manage it in your guild, it'll be easier to maintain it. It is also possible to teach the person in charge how to repair it"

"Well, that's great!

Just in case, he talked to other officials and retired guild leaders and told me he would report the results.

Siu was also horrified that things seemed to clear up that I had been concerned about for a long time.

Lunch was eaten in the dining room behind the market a long time ago, and I finished shopping at the market before returning to the mansion.

From there I repeated the spice formula again, and before evening I finally finished what I thought was this. Even my youngest son gave me a heartbeat that this one tasted better, unlike what I had previously eaten, so I quickly turned it into curry powder, and then made it.

"Wow, it smells kind of fragrant"

Susa brought Luca. I was studying, but Luca with a good nose has been losing focus, so let's come.

"Smells good!

"Really, it kind of bugs my appetite. I just had a snack."

"This is also medicine. It's good for nourishing."


"Yes. There are other good things. It has plenty of ingredients to warm your body. I also added ginger and raw garlic."

I stirred up a ton of onions and also mopped down the apples to mellow them. It's not a TV commercial, but it's different when the apple comes in.

I tried to taste it but it felt good.

It's not a sassy curry, it's a thick home curry. They look like yellow stews close to tea, but they're people who can't resist stews, so they'll be fine.

When I offered it as a taste with bread and rice, everyone gave it a rough mouthful.

"... delicious!

"Spicy, but delicious, that, sweet? Funny!"

"I thought it sounded like medicine, but if I ate it like this, it would be completely different."

The maids and cooks liked it. And the first youngest man to eat.

"Much better than the cali I ate then. Me, me..."

"I could have done it because you taught Lord Siu! Wow! Thanks!

When the cooks called out, the youngest man nodded many times in tears and said it was delicious and delicious, he was eating it all.

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