Shut-in Magician

387 Asian food ingredients, pots, seaweed making

There were many other things on the market that evoked Siu's memory.

Soy sauce and miso, as well as rice. There was also alcohol to be made from rice. I bought it all together because the sake is sweet because it seems interesting.

It is also a pleasure to have Mirin. I've tried the taste but it doesn't suck and it's better than Siu making it himself.

I only bought soybeans because I like the soy sauce made by myself, but the miso has a special color for each store, so I bought a few of these. As long as I'm happy to find the wheat miso as well.

I didn't buy rice because I asked Anna to improve the variety, but I let her taste it. I thought there were a lot of asian-style parallaxes that might be suitable for paellas etc.

By the way, since it is a large market, I looked at every corner, but there were many Asian ingredients outside of Japan. There are fish soy sauces, and there are pickles with chili peppers like kimchi, which is interesting.

I was surprised that they also sold salt and spice.

However, these are also not major and are placed at the end of small shops.

Many shopkeepers were surprised that Siu knew. I also heard voices from all over to taste it.

"It's delicious, but it's hard to spread."

So when I said if I published a recipe that used these, it was decent.

Apparently, that's simply what he was eating.

"Salt and spicy would go well with alcohol, but many people won't be able to eat vegetable pepper because that's all they need to think about cooking that makes alcohol knobs, so you can introduce them"


"For example, salt and spice would taste good just a little bit of soy sauce to go with pasta, flour noodles. You can add leeks or something."


"Pickled vegetables with chili are delicious when sautéed with rock pork meat and stirred in eggs, I'm sure"

"Stir-fried with meat, eggs?

"It's going to taste a little milder. For kids, you should just add a little sugar."

"Sugar on chili?

"Sweet fruit when soaked, even with apples or something, makes it delicious."

"... See you then"

"The taste is deeper. So, try finely chopping the marinated and frying the rice. Don't forget leeks and eggs. I think that would make it taste good."

"Hmm, wow you"

Otherwise, I would recommend using it as a pan.

"Your body warms up, and it's good food in winter, isn't it? Eat tofu, marinated vegetables in chili, with meat or fish. Leeks are good for you, too. So, when you're done, add the rice and stick with the eggs, and your uncle's done."

"Uncle? What the hell?"

"I mean, it's spitting. Boy's cooking methods, they look absolutely delicious."

People are coming out of the stores and listening, and they're all intrigued.

"Uncle, I guess it's like risotto. You call it a rice cook?

"Risotto would know."

"Put some cold rice in the leftover juice and simmer a little. The last time you add the eggs and stir, it's over."

"Oh, I hope so."

"In some people, add soy sauce or add cheese. Depending on the arrangement, pots can taste good in each home."

"Hmm, I heard a good story. And a pot? That's good."

"Sure, they say pots are popular in Steyburn."

"Oh, me, I know. He said it's convenient because you're a big plate."

So Siu also explained in detail.

He didn't have the idea of eating around a large pot, and although he was surprised, he seemed to be intrigued by the "family flavor" place.

Siu was also asked by everyone about local cooking methods and introduced to new ingredients.

There are many varieties of leeks as well and I will teach you how to eat them recommended.

Only Harbor Street seemed to have a number of fish recipes, and I could hear more about what to do with the delicacies of the Demon Sea Beast from the sumptuous fish dishes.

I spent most of the day in the market, but it was a very satisfying day.

Ferres also seemed very satisfied with getting a taste everywhere. The footsteps were light and I went back to the inn.

In the evening, I saw the city of Varm and walked in a tourist mood, if at all. I asked for an extra night at the inn, so it would be just as good as a leisure time to dinner.

"There are a lot of blacksmiths around here."


Since Shytern believes in his sister God Savia, he cares about Savia's power, such as fire and manufacturing. For this reason, there are many artisans such as fire occupations and manufacturing.

It is also said that the abundance of ingredients comes from a new quest for manufacturing.

There are also many merchants in that relationship.

"There's a lot of food shops."


What a look, I felt the construction of people's faces slightly, flat.

"Oh well."

When I thought about it, this was one of Siu's roots.

I forgot, Siu should be pulling half the blood of the Shi 'iterns.

However, Siu doesn't really see the difference in his face. Overall, it looks like a face with European-American irregularities. Strongly speaking, I wonder if my nose is low.

I have no idea if I'm human from another country or not.

Sometimes it is said that Siu's face is shayturn-style, but is it said that his nose is just low? Strange stuff.

I went to the market again the next morning and headed to a store selling seaweed.

The lady shopkeeper was waiting for me, and she had brought me a lot, as I said. When I looked at it, I could tell it was fresh and just picked.

"Could you have gone early in the morning and come?

"That's right. Speak up to your relatives."

"Wow, excuse me. But I'm glad. Thank you."

Thanking her, the woman shopkeeper waved embarrassingly at her no.

I made the payment first, then went to the back of the store and explained how to process porpura.

"I use magic, but it doesn't have to be magic. Now I'm going to use it to shorten my time."

First wash raw seaweed well in seawater, excluding impurities. After that, it is finely cut with a knife or the like, and then it is thickened into a wooden frame or the like. Let it dry in the sun and it's done.

"Here's the rough way to make it. You can't do it if it gets damp, so you need to seal it if you make it, or drain the moisture with water attribute magic. And then..."

Soy sauce, sugar and just a little liquor and chili pepper were hung with mixed seasonings such as mirin, and dried again.

"This way, the seaweed flavors itself and goes with the other ingredients."

"Do you have a minute?

First I ate regular seaweed and looked weird, but when I ate seasoned seaweed, my eyes glowed.

"This is delicious."

The clerks wonder, too, because they peek behind the flicker, and the woman shopkeeper laughs bitterly, "Come alternating!," he said.

"The first one, when it's a little broiled in the fire, is fragrant and delicious. It goes with vinegar rice."


"You have vinegar, don't you? It goes with the rice."

"... eh?

He didn't know, so he took it out of the magic bag on the spot.

When the rice was cooked on the spot, the vinegar, sugar and a little salt, and teak were also added to the aroma and mixed.

"First, try this much"

"... you don't feel very sour, and sweet and delicious!

"There, add some fresh fish I bought yesterday, so, I'll broil the seaweed"

"Smells good. Smells like Iso."

"And I'll roll it into rice"

"This is unusual food again."

I'm getting my hands on it as I say it. The woman shopkeeper cheeked all over her mouth, then rounded her eyes.

Waiting for his swollen cheeks to shrivel, he turned back to Siu.

"I thought vinegar was something you use to keep fish. It's magical water that delays rotting."

"It goes well with pickles and stuff, right?"

"Yes! And yet, I didn't expect it to taste so good. Number one, it's not sour at all."

"This is an area where raw fish can be eaten because of it, so you don't have any body, do you? Fresh sashimi, I think sushi should definitely be eaten"

"I used to eat fish raw, but I didn't have the idea of matching it with rice. Mostly with sauce mixed with oil."

"Oh, carpaccio or something like that"

"Besides, vinegar is also used in vegetable dressings, but I hated it because of the sourness. But vinegar is good, too. Best of all, seaweed is delicious."

Broiled seaweed seems to have been delicious and keeps eating parsley.

"It's good to have flavor, but I like the original flavor of porpura better here."

The employees seemed to prefer flavoring to the younger ones.

"... can we make this at home?

"Ah, go ahead. Seaweed can be infinite. It goes with pasta, and it goes with rice. Isn't it particularly compatible with fish?"

"... yeah, this is good. Uh, so, I need to talk to you. We're not making a lot of money, and, uh, can we pay later? You're still in this country, aren't you?

That's when I finally realized why the woman shopkeeper seemed so hard to say. Siu waved in panic.

"I don't need it. I don't need it. Leave me alone. Mostly, something I don't know if this will sell. Do as you please."

"Are you sure? But this is amazing, isn't it? Can I do this on my own?"

"Go ahead. I just taught you how it works, and you're the one who's going to improve it from here to good. It's so much harder."

With that said, the lady shopkeeper laughed sunny. Then he gave Siu a souvenir like a mountain that he didn't need. She was a nice lady shopkeeper.

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