Shut-in Magician

373 Anxious rumors and stories in the dining room

The next day, when I entered the production classroom, Amalia had already arrived and started working on it.

I laugh happily when I call you first.

But quickly clouded my face.

"Dr. Regro is going to be mad at me."

"Why not?"

"Because I couldn't study as I thought I would"

Hmm, I exhaled a small sigh and looked at the golem in front of me. It's a little 20cm doll. I'm starting to move, but it seems harder to make it bigger than this.

Once I advised you to start by creating and moving all the parts by hand on each of them, that would be great! And I smiled.

In an attempt to work quickly, Amalia looked back like she had an idea.

"Tiberio told me that Hildegardo had another problem yesterday."

"Oh, again? Early on vacation......"

"Now to my hometown, assault? Do you think so? You know, I don't usually talk about these rumors, and I don't talk about them because they're rude."

In fact, he sincerely thinks it must be, and his face is red.

"... but when I heard about the assault on my hometown, I got worried. It may be my own assumption, but please be careful."

"Yes. I'm very grateful for your advice. I don't think it's irrefutable. I'm rather glad you're worried. I'll be careful, but be careful, Amalia."


It was Amalia who smiled and went back to work, but your Jilda stared at me. Even so, you can't help it, it was a light thing of nuance.

If you try it on her, it seems a little disturbing that Siu doesn't call her Amalia-sama. But I wouldn't say it because this school is about equality and because Siu is friends with Amalia. They passed on silently, and Siu also apologized with only his eyes.

Classes were free to teach the basics while doing what they wanted to do as usual.

Siu was wondering if he could use the spider bee yarn he got the other day for something.

I repeated a lot of experiments, so I know it's strong and supple.

"Racquet or something, okay?"

When it comes to a racket that is too strong, it no longer feels like a weapon.

Outreach, would it be interesting as a weapon? Especially in the underground labyrinth. Either way, only Siu will be able to use the weapon, so he's going to be seen with weird eyes again.

My hands were making rackets while I was thinking about something else because of the spinning stick stick.

I also feel just fine to play with. Equivalent, it's highly functional, so if you don't play in a confined space, the ball is going to fly too far.

Other times, like ninja tools, it might be a good idea to hide them around your hips and use them instead of ropes. Anyway, it's thin, so I can hide a lot of it.

In the meantime, I did it after I threaded it.

So I remembered, I started making specimens for each type, such as resistant gloves for strong acids.

Review the ingredient formulation and method of making it so that it can also be made by the average vendor.

"Now what are you doing?

"Ah, Doctor. Um, I make protective gloves when dealing with special materials."

"... then again, you come up with something amazing. But why all of a sudden again"

"I joined the Warcraft Stampede crusade on the way home, but the military offered me more help handling the strong acid bomb, and when I gave it to him, he wanted it. I decided to rethink it with a formula for general use because I wanted it to be distributed in guilds."

"... you're loaded with a lot of penetration!

Regro began to roar as he stroked his jaw, looking at the various ingredients.

"Hmm, this is hard without appraisal skills."

Regro is strong in production, but he didn't seem to be good at checking chemical based materials.

"In the meantime, I'm going to make the gloves by color and describe each type, do you have any other opinions on the side you use?

"I can't go wrong if it's by color, thank you. And then there's the good thing that's not rubbish. Leather products are durable, but they are not easy to use. I don't like working gloves like that."

"So it's a good moulding method, not a versatility type, after all"

If I had conceived it, Regro would be gone at some point. It's his way of not talking to a focused student.

In the end, Siu put his ideas on the gloves until the end of the second time limit.

Lunch hasn't been in the dining room in a long time.

Dino and Edgar were already waiting.

"Long time no see! How are you, Siu"

"Yeah. You all look good. You didn't come home."

"I am Solandari territory, though I have returned."

Edgar replied with a shiny face. I guess I got back home and felt refreshed.

"Good. We had courses, and we didn't go back because we wasted money and time."

"We'll be back in the summer, won't we?

"I have a month. Even so, it's hot in the summer lowal, so I'm planning on going somewhere to get some heat."

When I was talking about it, the face I saw came.

"Oh, are you finally here? It's late, Claire."

"... sorry"

It wasn't even like him, it was a small reply.

Although I have seen it before, I am still as skinny as ever.

"I told Ed, Siu, can Crail come with me?

"Yeah, sure."

"There's a lot going on. I already told you to come here. I'm talking to the teacher about the translation, and the student chairman said he did it with Chikuri. Doctor, I'm sorry I pushed you."

"So you were with Claire on vacation."

"Oh. I'm finally getting back to normal. I asked her to come with me for lunch today."

Look, when I talked to him, Claire just laughed a little. Though he looks tired, he seems to be coming back mentally.

"That was tough, Claire"

When I rang, he lowered his eyes a little shy and still gave me a proper answer.

"Yeah, I think I worried about Siu, too. Thanks."

Ugh I shook my neck sideways and recommended him take it out to have lunch too.

I was wondering if I was just overwhelmed by the amount and type of it, and it was good to be surprised, including the look that came out of it.

Caring for Krell that the food was still thin, Siu took out the Chinese porridge for him to eat.

"As always, I'm making something interesting and putting it in. You're using the wrong item box."

"Really. You're the only one using the item box to bring lunch."

Dino and Edgar laughed bitterly at me, while I took out the easy-to-eat stuff and fed it to Crail.

"It's a vegetable stew. Milk protects the stomach, and vegetables are good for the body."

"Oh, oh, thank you"

"Bread is good, but this itch is easy to eat."

When I was baking this care, Claire's squire stopped me.

"Well, it's my job."

"Oh, well. Right. Sorry."

A squire by the name of Ezidio had been saluting him and then offering him at Crail's easy-to-eat time. I wish he had eaten with me, too, but I said I was after I did the crawl thing and didn't listen hard.

By the end of his lunch break, he had finished his crawl, too, so Ezidio didn't end up mouthing lunch. At the same time, I gave him a lunchbox with all the easy-to-eat items in it.

"Oh, you know, but"

"If I were a squire, I'd wait in the back of the classroom, so no one would say anything if I ate it. It may be bad for digestion, but you'll make it if you eat it in a hurry. Hey!"

"Take it, Mr. Ezidio. Because Siu is like this. She's just a kid with nothing behind her back, who likes to be told it's delicious. 'Cause it's okay."

The same squire Cornelio told me that Ezidio was out of his shoulders as if he had no heart or a ho.

I guess I was nervous. I still had a lot going on with Hildegard. Poor thing.

"Later, snacks, too. This is for the two of us and the escorts."

The escorts were waiting at a remote location, so I gave them with me for their minute.

Claire and Ezidio nodded small and walked to the classroom that there was an afternoon class.

The sioux and the others hurried to the classroom, but we could only talk a little from Edgar, who was with us until we were halfway there.

"It was the same dorm as ours, so I knew he was being summoned frequently, but I didn't know that was happening."

"It's Mr. Hildegard, isn't it?

Edgar nodded and looked up.

"It's a terrible story to come and get me in the dorm. Even though he is a fine nobleman's son. If you ask me, it's nothing to do with the kid. Even a squire can choose the Lord."

That's how I saw my knights and my squire. Since they were snorting, it was found that they volunteered to accompany them.

"We managed to protect Dino and the others in the dorm, but when school starts, we'll be face-to-face, won't we? So I got bored yesterday. Although it's good because the student chairman watched me, I guess I'm worried about the future. Looks like things are getting a little worse again."

It also seemed problematic that nobles from Latricia and their descendants, who were dissatisfied with Hildegardo, were pointing their spearheads at Krall.

We were just discussing taking care of each other because we were worried, and we split.

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