Shut-in Magician

366 Warcraft Generator

When Kilik returned, he was taken to a guest room for senior officers in a building in the fort. Sarah, the escort, is there too, and for some reason she's lenient. Is it good to be an escort?

Rather than that, Kilik has too much personal behavior. I can't tell you about people, but I was a free man everywhere.

"Sa. Gone to the Black Forest, what have you found?

My eyes are in scolding mode.

But I smile because Ferres punches my ears and looks at Jizzy Kirik. They weren't even willing to put their hands on it, so they stomped back on the couch and put their arms together.

"Uh, well, you know, the source, I was wondering, so I looked into it."

"That was a straight line for it. You could have gone a little further right and left if it was just an investigation. In the first place, I realized something and moved it out. Didn't I?"

It must be.

But we can't reveal the ability to detect omnidirectional exploration. Spreading that around means telling them you have space magic.

I feel like I can talk to you now, but I can't get past Sarah.

From that Sarah, support came in for some reason.

"Dear Kilik, there's no way a wizard would reveal his hand, is there? Everybody hides their hands. Didn't you develop the magic of the detection system or even the new magic ceremony? The detective system would have been able to jam it."

"Uh, well, it's that way."

"Look, I thought it was something that interfered with my influence magic."

They regretted it so much, and they said it again.

Did Kirik give up or not pursue any further about his abilities?

Instead, I've been asking again what I found.

So I took the kitchen box out of the magic bag.

"There was a build-up of magic vegetables, and it was unusual air. And this is what we found, moving back and forth."

"This is"

"Please don't touch me. I just tied the line and I didn't purify or do anything. You won't know until you expand and analyze the details, but it's an ancient demonic prop. It's also from the spell system."

"... Oh, my God"

"There is an accumulation of magic vegetables everywhere in that forest, but this was peculiar, so I was able to identify it as an immediate source. It's oriented."

"Well, I didn't think it would spread in circles with reason."

"Yeah, no matter how many people say it's here, I thought it was pretty straight."

Sarah seemed to know what was going on, too, and she looked at the map and roared.

"So this is what caused it this time. You don't have to worry about it."

"Is it that different than usual?

"I was traveling pretty fast. Still, we're used to stampede, so we moved pretty fast, didn't we? And yet, something that was really critical"

I guess I made it because everyone understood their roles and they were moving tediously.

"I said oriented, but now you don't anymore, do you?

"Here's the cause. We're putting our boundaries together, so the surgical ceremony isn't running either."

"You've made a good connection."

"It's a [trade] secret."

"? What, that, what secret?

I accidentally answered with a mixture of ancient words, and Sarah tilted my neck. I've been trying to be careful because I've been quoting words everywhere from time to time, but the boundaries are very vague. In time Japanese is going to pop up and I'm scared.

"Never mind, Sarah. It didn't just start now that Siu said weird things sometimes."

Exhaled with a frightened face, then Kilik pulled his strength out of his shoulder.

And I turned my gaze to Siu with a sloppy attitude.

"Can you analyze that?

"Um, am I good to touch?

"If I could, I'd leave it to you. If you need help, someone's coming."

"I don't need anything else, though. I'm just supposed to have received a request from the Adventurer Guild, and I wonder if it's a good idea not to help you crusade at all?

"What are you talking about? This is probably the most important thing."

"Oh, really?

"There's the future, and anyone can crusade, but it's hard to figure out what caused it. If you can analyze the cause, you better do it."

"That's right. I'd be in trouble if I had any other spellware, and I need to know what that might look like. That's what may be important to crusade."

Then I also felt it would be better to leave that to the experts, but it would also take some time to call those people.

If I didn't know, I just had to close it, and I accepted.

Kirik worries, so Sarah stayed as a help.

Rent a reception room for a senior officer and start working on it.

Kilik left the room early to direct the scene, so Siu decided to ask Sarah to back down to the critical part of the room.

"I'll tie the line, so move the chair between the walls and sit down and watch. If there's anything unusual, get out of the room, make sure it's safe, and call someone."

"Copy that. But before you know anything abnormal, stop it, okay?

I replied yes and then activated the demon prop junction in all four corners so Sarah could tell.

It looks like it's the first time I've seen it and looks interesting.

"In case anything happens to me, I can keep it for at least an hour. Unless it's a powerful spell, I'll have it for a day."

"Wow. Hey. I heard that we started buying them as stock, but they can be used in that simple way. And it's more powerful than I ever imagined."

Though impressed, my eyes are firmly focused on Kiryu Box. That's a first-rate escort.

"One more thing, I'll tie the line. Then I'll open it."

I doubled the boundaries just in case, then stood inside of it and opened the Kiryu box.

Ferres kept the door to the hallway open and kept him waiting in that hallway. He's relieved to see him, and he's playing with his toys out.

"Curse Absorption."

The spell ceremony will flow automatically even if the ancient demonic props are forced to stop being activated, so the procedure is arranged to flow there using a special gel.

It was supposed to be unchanging, but in front of Sarah watching, she spoke out so she could tell.

"" Undo "" Forced to stop ", um, not this one. Well, come on."

"What's going on?

"In a normal way, you can't stop it, I knew it. I say that the spellware gives the bad character of the person who made it, so I'll keep expanding it. For once, because it's oriented, we're turning it towards this guy."

Special gels are changing colors more and more. It means that we know exactly how fast we are experiencing a state anomaly.

Sarah looked creepy, too.

Xiu opened it as he appraised the demon prop body with his bare hands. I also use my own negative drivers. The demon prop body was made of metal and had a mixture of anti-rot misrills. It's advanced and should have been worth a lot in ancient times. That's why I get a glimpse of the depth of resentment.

"Uh, it's normal to stay inside. Except the demon stone used is amazing. I don't know it's this transparent and big. Then I'll take a look." Deployment "" Deployment "" Deployment ", opened. Next," Analyze. "Can't you do that?" Disassembly, "" Reconstruction, "" Cryptographic Analysis, "" Display, "and the procedure was published. I'll load it up a bit, so be quiet for a while, but never mind."

"... Yeah, yeah, I get it"

I could see Sarah's reply going to be straightforward, but Siu continued to concentrate and read the surgical ceremony. It's a long story, quite mixed up.

I flaunted my face that you really showed your personality.

After about ten minutes, I looked up.

"How was it? Can't? Is it hard? Or do you need evacuation?

Sarah stood up in a panic and stared at Siu. In contrast, Xiu answers with a small sigh.

"Oh, no, uh, disarmed"


"I disarmed it. The analysis is also done. This spell tool is not allowed."

Sarah stopped the movement with her pompous and up from the chair.

"It's over, huh?

"Yes. Uh, what shall we do? Just in case you want to tie the line and leave me alone? I guess I should explain it first..."

Thinking about it, Sarah went back to normal.

He was bounced off his chest by the junction in a rush to rush over. With that recoil, he punches his head against the wall and screams.

"Oh, I'll disarm you. Go ahead."

Sarah has rushed to the table with Siu as she throws up Aitata and a non-ladylike dialogue.

And then I stared jiggly at hand and saw the increasingly blackened discolored gel, finally out of strength like a ho.

On the couch that was beside him, this sat down again without being a lady, keeping his back behind him and looking at the ceiling.

"Uh, I don't know, so- Ah."

Whimpering something I didn't quite understand, I slowly woke up and activated the communication magic prop, laughing as I looked at Siu.

"(Dear Kilik! Looks like the analysis has been successfully completed. The procedure is also currently stopped. If you need an explanation, come straight here!

A voice that Siu doesn't hear seems to have passed on to her. Sarah was laughing at Guerraggera and keeping herself on her back again.

I guess I was pretty nervous.

It stayed in the name of helping, but I was worried.

If you didn't trust Siu as much as Kilik, that would scare you. Rather, Siu was also surprised by Kilik's decision, so I knew how that felt painfully.

Even Siu wasn't so confident that I couldn't even tell him to put his chest up and leave it to me.

Besides, I have unnecessarily stirred up anxiety because of the multiple stretches of the junction.

Siu apologized to Sarah as she confirmed with sensory metastases that Kilik was coming running.

She was not as ladylike as ever and returned it with a good and powerless attitude.

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