Shut-in Magician

363 Second Warcraft Stampede

If I was pompous, Yeld laughed bitterly.

"Even Lord Sioux looks like that."

"Oh, uh, but I have to stand today. There's a school."

"Oh, yes, right. But since this is the case, I can't lend you the Fei Long... rather than the Fei Long Knight."

"Oh, right"

I think I made a dumb statement. Siu got embarrassed and scratched his head.

but Yeld continued the conversation without pointing it out.

"Well, there was another way to send it to you, and Kirik seemed to surprise me, so maybe that's a good idea at this point."


"... every time I thought of it without Kilik's thump, I swung and ran up to wipe my ass, but now and then I do these 'good things as a result' hey"


More sighed, Yeld stared at Siu.

"Anyway, if you could help me, my lord would be very helpful."

"... then, uh, yes. Okay."

"I'll leave you to Rebecca and Digire. It's okay. This mansion is safe."


Then he was instructed to head to the dragon house with the flying dragon.

Guild staff will also be on their way to the site, so they said that it would be good if they were checked there.

Siu took Ferres, and once he returned to his room and put on his backpack, he hurried to run towards him.

The dragon house was in a rush to prepare.

A first battalion, also an advance party, had already left, and Kilik was invisible. Looks like he flew first.

Siu was to find Sanael and have him put on there.

The adventurers, who received urgent requests from the Alliance of the Territorial Capital, are also coming in, one after the other boarding the Fei Long, as they are accustomed to.

"That was early this time, wasn't it?

"It hasn't been a year since the last time."

"I've been free for over a year now."

"A few decades ago, it happened once or twice every six months."

"My dad said it was eight times a year."

I don't feel sad talking about it. It's not the same as it was in the King's capital.

However, the adventurers who rode with Xiu looked at Xiu and frowned.

"Hey, Master Sanael. You shouldn't take these kids."

"That's right. Whatever it takes, it's too early for the first line."

The adventurer's child-loving seemed like a promise, and they all did and blamed Sanael.

Sanael laughs bitterly, while sending the Fei Long to the departure site.

"He's Kirik's secret child. He was a credit to Alwes when he discovered it earlier."

"Oh, really?

"This kid's the rumor?

Surrounded by a few people, he was seen zipping his face, so Xiu hurriedly turned back. Behind me was Ferres and there was no escape, but each of the adventurer men was convincing of Hmm or Heh or something as he tried to sit on top of it.

"Well, isn't it the Savior? Can we make it easier this time?

"Hey, what's your name? Oh, yeah, you mean you're older than me?

"... I'm Siu-Aquila, but I'm thirteen"

Asked by a man older than Kilik, he was just a little hurt Shiu.

And if this is all I can go wrong with a dwarf, I want to see a real dwarf.

In the book of things, dwarves should be scaled more overall, but the problem is that no one has ever seen them because they are a rare species.

By the way, near the earlier capital of King Lowal - not near - the underground labyrinth was being maintained by the warcraft stampede that happened, and the name was officially decided to be Alweus. It means basin, just like that.

They asked me if I could start commissioning next year because it is placed under the control of the state and the guild and maintenance is in progress. The Warcraft still occurs infrequently, so they take the time to maintain it and prepare it.

If an underground labyrinth like Alus is not hurried up and serviced and thrown in adventurers, it will not be able to respond to the outbreak of the Warcraft. Leaving it alone creates a giant underground labyrinth like Alus, so we have to manage it now.

It is said, however, that Alweus will be on a medium scale so far, aiming to become a tourist destination like the Acrida Labyrinth.

Because of the precedent, many officials are coming to Oscarius territory for training, and people are moving more, including replacement personnel.

I headed further west of Alus as I talked about that on the flying dragon.

Fort Gardea from above looked different.

Wonderful than the Great Wall of 10,000 miles. They say it's like a prison surrounding a dinosaur.

It is odd to say, and it is indeed a cell wall for suppressing the outbreak of warcraft. Given the time and effort it took to make all this stuff, all I could say was that it was amazing.

Even the holders of high level rock magic are likely to take a year.

Fei Long stepped down to a large facility in front of the fort.

They say it's one of the frontline bases.

You think the base used will change depending on where the stampede occurs? This is dotted along the fort, with the National Army stationed there. If Oscarius territory can be done here as a country, it will remain a great damage, so we are working with Oscarius territory to deal with it.

This outbreak was also found by soldiers patrolling the Black Forest.

The Black Forest is a horrible forest inhabited by many warcraft, he says, a land not ready for people to live in.

There is also a lot of poison fog, and black liquid erupts from the ground, etc., which is dangerous. For this reason, the patrol is also life-threatening, and we will never go to the back. Up to a few dozen kilometers ahead is the enemy range.

As he was briefed, Siu went with Sanael to the lead unit with Kilik and the others.

In the simplified tent, Kilik was spreading the map and matching information with each unit.

Though I glanced at Siu, I immediately resume the conversation.

"In communications from rescue units, the discovered troops are now heading north in a major detour. So we're using a smokescreen, so we're exempt from annihilation by the Warcraft so far, right?


"The herds of Warcraft are supposedly suppressed by the smokescreen and once stopped to eat together. Views from above indicate a return from here to about 50 kilometers west. I'm drawing a circle, but you'll notice it coming this way."

"So do you want to explore the woods around here to create a showdown area"

"Isn't it narrow there? It's a rocky place."

"Wait, there's a lot of swamps here. It's where poison hills come from."

"... the natural enemy of the horseman"

It seemed like a maneuver to prepare a place for annihilation and direct it there.

I am familiar with the terrain because I am accustomed to it and I patrol the neighborhood from time to time. There was no conflict with the National Army, either, as it seems, is going well. I think it's pretty amazing that everyone has a place to give their own free opinions.

When Siu was impressed, Kilik invited him.


"... I don't think you're coming of your own accord, Yeld."

"Somehow, it's supposed to come"

"Hey, hey, hey."

While I said I was sorry, I laughed somewhere happy and stroked Siu's head.

In the meantime, we seem to have decided to talk, and everyone looks up and tells Kirik.

As I told him, he turned his face toward Siu like that. A man who seemed like a great man of the National Army. Eh, I saw him twice several times and turned away in a hurry.

I wondered what it was, but Kilik started giving instructions without worrying.

"Okay. So it's Lazzaro's squad that pushes us from above. Svalf, take command from high altitude. After the second squad, the attack begins at the behest of Svalv. Do you know where to stand?


After he replied, each team captain of the Dragon Knight ran out.

"The Demon Squad will burn you down with the National Army soldiers towards the shooting field. Don't hesitate to cook it, but don't let it go north and east."

Copy that, sir.

"The Cavalry is on the same path as a National Guard, crusading nearby warcraft locally."


"Heavy warriors, infantry and adventurers must be rehabilitated, one in twenty to thirty. And put on an escort. You know what I mean?

'Cause it's the usual.'

An Adventurer Alliance official nodded.

"It won't be enough for the National Army soldiers, so I'll send them. I'll talk to the captain about the assembly, but basically the woman puts it back. That's good, right?

"Oh. I understand"

"If a woman doesn't like it, let her change the group. Please understand that this is a predetermined undertaking."

Officials were explaining to the captains of the National Army soldiers. He seemed to know and mostly snorted convincingly, but some of the captains looked dissatisfied.

I know you want to put a woman's recovery role, but it's a problem. Still, it might just be better not to stand out and say it.

Kilik also left the tent with detailed instructions to each unit. Shiu is with us, as we proceed with Shiu's shoulder.

The great man of the National Army seemed officially to be the commander of the Fort Gardea battalion of the Border Force and the position of colonel. This base was a third squad, so there was also a third squad captain beside it.

"Um, Mr. Oscarius Borderline, this is you."

"Oh...... uh, what can I say. A helper, an adventurer."

And when he saw Shiu, he was walking, but Shiu greeted them.

"I'm an adventurer and wizard, Siu-Aquila. I came to help you with a slight force."

I bowed my head to the dust and separated myself from them as they were.

Siu still has things to do.

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