Shut-in Magician

356 Lakeside Villas and Harbor Street

It will be the last day of the snowmelt moon, the day of light.

The Sioux and the others took a carriage out in the morning to the shores of Lake Sillal. Alestro invited me to the villa. Knowing that Siu had a companion, he went out of his way to turn the carriage apart.

The rendezvous with them came after their arrival on the shore of the lake, and Rigdor and Antony had come with them on separate flights.

"Long time no see. Looking good."

"Yeah. Alestro and Viktor, too. Looks like school's going well."

"Oh, you met the rigs yesterday. It's hard to study, but I'm trying to do it."

Talking, he invited me into the villa.

Sorol approximates, so he says it's okay and pushes his back. Luca is carried by Ferres.

"Hey, never mind you guys, just think of it as a home and be generous."

"Oh, ha, yes, you know, the"

"No, really. The rigs are common people, but they're doing it normally, and, look, even Siu. So take it easy. Come on, go ahead."

When I walked into the room it was warm and there was fire in the fireplace.

It's almost spring, but it's still cold, and the lakeside is cold.

Unlike Latricia, there's just no snow, which is better, but the dry air makes me feel cold.

"Come on, you're hungry, aren't you? I've got something for you right now. Wait a minute."

"Yay. I'm getting hungry."

"It's nothing like yesterday's rig."

"Oh, you, don't mess around"

"What? What? What happened yesterday?

With all due respect, everyone sits in a place of thought. Sorol also sat on the couch when the maid urged him to give him his coat. Ferres also goes next to it and sits down somewhere.


"Oh, yes."



Though he doesn't seem to quite understand, Sorol seems to have been zeroing stupidity lately, as he responds with a proper opponent.

Even when it comes to stupidity, I'm worried about what I can do to get more kids if I haven't eaten Warcraft's guts lately, and now I'm going to win the speed competition, etc.

I went to the next cafeteria, as if I was ready while I was doing so.

After lunch, he dressed warmly and was interested in playing by the lake.

It was a sweet day so I take a boat and enjoy the lake. Sailing seems aristocratic, but it was certainly wonderful to see the beautiful scenery from the lake.

Solol was impressed to say that he had never seen such a fantastic view.

Luca is somewhere dreamy, like the world of picture books.

Rigdor and Antony also enjoyed the view.

"The villa is lovely with white walls and blue roofs, but the mountains that lead to these cliffs are spectacular."

"It is. Painters who visit the land often paint this view. Early in the morning, it took a long time. It's fantastic."


"Nice lake in the sunset, too. Let's see on the way home."

Everyone was delighted with Alestro's proposal.

The ship proceeded to the opposite shore in the bay, where it descended once.

'Cause it's faster than a carriage, and the ship's fun.'

If there is no weather problem, they will use the ship from the villa to the opposite shore of the bay.

Because the bay is shallow, the ship is also small, but when it leads through the bay, the lake is so large that it can already be called the Great Sea Plain that it cannot be sailed without being a super large ship. They leave the city called Halpkreisbuft, which has a large port across the shore. Many people live there for those reasons, making it a big city and busy.

"You have a different vibe than Wang Du."

"Because there are a lot of sailors. It's also a fisherman's town. Fresh fish are being bought and sold at the market and it's fun to watch."

At the dock, a flushing carriage was waiting for someone to board, and the Sioux and the others boarded.

They say the market is interesting in the morning, so they're going to tour the city today.

Alestro and Viktor explain this to me, so it was a pleasant ride.

The carriage stopped at a reputable cafe, where he had tea.

After that, take the escorts and enjoy the streets. There were also many souvenir shops, and even just a peek around played the story.

Along the way, I found a store selling bear figurines, and I met him face to face at Rigdor and Antony. It is troubling when Alestro's odd taste is demonstrated again, so when he looked at Viktor, he was also rushing against Alestro's consciousness and succeeding in making the store bare.

Many souvenir shops handled jewellery. If you wonder why, they're picking pearls in parts of the bay. They also found gems near the estuaries flowing in from the river in the outer bay, which naturally brought together such processing plants and jewellers.

I took a peek at it and it's surprisingly reasonable.


"You're not as expensive as I thought"

Luca and Solol also have a stunning view.

Alestro says it's a grade 3 product, but Viktor took it with him if he can't read the air.

"What do you like? I'm like this."

"Me, this..."

Only a grain of pearl, with strings attached. It's like a strap. I wear it stylishly on my hips.

"Oh, you're cute. Luca, it looks like pink would suit you."

"Sorol, your brother, this..."

"You know, strings are leather, blue pearls go with these. Yeah, it looks good."


I laugh embarrassingly. And now he's looking for a good fit for Siu.

"Master Siu, this orange colour seems to match."

I point and say beige-like colors. It's a good color that does look slightly warm. I know it's not good as a pearl, but it's cute. The craftsmanship is silver and attached to the waist band.

"Well, let's make this a memorial."

I called someone from the store, pointed at three and had them wrapped.

While the two of you are pompous, pay.

"Yes, go ahead"

"Uh, but"

"Commemoration of the trip. A souvenir for myself."

"... okay?

Besides, Luca asks. I've understood monetary value, so I guess I'm worried. Sorol looks even more anxious.

"Because it's a trip memorial for the three of us. I thought you'd like alignment, didn't you?

"No, it's outrageous!

"I don't hate it!

They shouted at each other at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed from either side. When we receive each other's wraps, we gently wrap them with our hands to look important.

Siu just took it out and attached it to his waistband.

Then Ferres, who was watching on the table, began to obstinate.

"Nha... nya... nya"

"Uh, I'm sorry. Okay, you want to do the same?

"Nah, nah"

"What, you want everything?


"... all three of you, right? Yes, yes."

I bought three of the same things in front of the two people who were flattered, said no to the packaging, and put them on Ferres' collar.

"We need to grant" Unbreakable "later so that it doesn't drop or break."


I replied thank you and then went to brag about Rigdor and the others coming out of another store.

"He wanted to be aligned with the three of us. Well done, Ferres."


"Heh heh heh, that's amazing"

Looking back, Rigdor and the others praised me for being cute? Ferres looked less than full and tingled his mustache.

Alestro, who found out that Shiu and the others were wearing matching pearls, told them to buy something to match their memorial.

But the proposal to come out has been rejected by everyone because it was all so strange.

One of these days you stubbornly bought a small shrimp sculpture strap that you could get at Lake Sillal, calling it a souvenir that ended up matching the escorts.

It was the most laughable event of the day that everyone, including the familiar escorts who said Stan and Rodriguez, was receiving with a weird face like they even ate sour.

In the evening, the view we saw on the boat back to the villa was very beautiful, as Alestro put it. The harbor and lake gleam in the sun, and its light makes the stone city of Halpkreisbuft look fantastic.

As the bouncing bridge slowly rises, the waiting canoes progress in turn. Little flowers were ready to bloom on the river's edge.

It was like a world in a fairy tale, dreaming.


"Wow, it is"

Luca, Sorol, and Rigdor were also staring at the sunset and the world lit by it with their mouths open. Familiar Alestro and Viktor, as well as Antony, smile and watch quietly.

Happy scenery, I thought.

Everything I'm feeling here right now is happiness.

It was a view that made me feel that way, with another increase in colour in Siu's life.

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