Shut-in Magician

347 How to spend your day off, tactical warrior geek

At the end of the fifth time limit, Amalia brought Kilik to the classroom.

Looks like he left the classroom early and brought me here.

So I showed Alondra Kilik.

"You're not scared, are you?

When I said, I apologized to Siu and Kilik many times for being sorry, so Kilik, who didn't know what was going on, was tilting his neck frequently.

Of course, I didn't like it or anything. I just wanted to let you know it was "normally a bit of a strong Odishan," but it seemed too much and Orseus and Eul sighed at me.

Now Siu apologized many times and asked her to forgive him.

The next day was just an assignment, and I didn't attend class, so I took my time in the mansion in the morning.

He did not cook or build a large number of adventurer specs for the flying board. The herbs were also accumulating, so half of them were treated to become commodities. I also assume that half is left when I use it raw.

The potion for hangovers sells high, so I made this one too. It was fun to accumulate stock because magic makes it easy.

I also made large quantities of glass bottles. I have told them to return it after use, but many still do not come back. I want to spread the spirit of recycling a little bit more.

Luca looked at those tasks with interest.

Luca has 25 magic powers, enough for Latricia to attend a full magic school. Skills have two wind attributes. Seekers don't seem to be able to do it, but it seems good to learn in general magic schools.

Besides, unlike the humans, the Beasts could have had more magic in the future. I don't know where it is because it is half, so I thought it would be a good idea to improve my skills while remembering the saving technique.

I'm continuing my basic studies now, but I touched the fold and taught him a little bit of magic.

"Yeah, well, you clean the leaves, you dry them heavenly sun. Fine it in a breast bowl when it's dry. When it's powdered, mix it together."

"Yeah, okay"

I write hard into my notebook. He also painted a good picture of the herb, and the freshly remembered letters were leaping.

"You're getting better, letter"

"Really? I study every day. I've been writing a lot while Siu was at school."

"Yeah. That's great."

Complimented, laughing happily. Okay, okay, I was stroking my head, and Kilik came.


Knock on the open door and go inside.

Luca reading the air closed her notebook and just stopped by the end of the couch.

"Were you studying? Sorry to interrupt."

"... yeah. Am I leaving your room?

"No, it's not a big deal. Stay seated."

He nodded, sitting on his end, and opened his notebook again. Looks like we're going to review it with the herbal formula.

"Even a little girl like you can judge the situation."


"It's Miss Hildegard. That's a pain in the ass."

"You pushed me when I was stampeded."

"That one. Bad. Really, that's tough."

Even if not, noble women are not good at it, but they are foolish.

"I thought it would be amazing to be able to talk properly. You're not good at this?

"You're not good. I don't know what the woman is talking about. Perfume for trendy hats, shoe stories, and gems, no matter what the shape of the dress is. Not at all."

I say it out loud and I look sick of it.

"I'm nodding because we're dating, but I don't really know. Sometimes a conversation at a tea party is a lot easier than a man's, and it's not something you hear."

"It is."

"You too, stop eavesdropping if you're interested. There are a lot of things that kids can't hear. Don't go even if they invite you to a tea party, okay? Especially with married women. There is also the possibility of being dragged into bed. Uh, wow."

"Kirik, there's been a lot going on."

"When you tell me, I have trouble replying, too. Oh, yeah, you almost forgot the point. Miss Amalia said the school's off next week."

"Yeah. Sounds like it."

Kilik woke himself up from his back and started talking at a glance.

"Cyril and the Yelds are urging me to come home early, and if you do, why don't you come home with me anyway? You'll want to see Stan and your friends."

When they said that, I also felt just fine.

In fact, I wanted to see Rigdor and the others. Alice had also received a reply about the summons, and she might be able to be present at times.

"Yeah, maybe."

Second, when I realized Luca was watching, and turned to you, Luca, who looked anxious, leaned over painfully.

"Luca, you've been walking out a lot lately, haven't you?

"... yeah"

I don't know what they say, I look up at Siu anxiously. I looked at him like a puppy to be thrown away, so I told him the answer right away with a cute, pathetic one.

"Want to go to Steyburn with me?

"... okay?

Though it turned out to be a painfully bright face, the words are questionable. I guess I still have an incredible feeling of anxiety somewhere.

Siu saw Kilik. He looked at Luca with a soft gaze and nodded as he grinned again, too.

"I don't mind if you're back in strength. Do you want to come with me?"

"I want to go,"

"All right, all right. You're so cute. Stay tuned. You can ride a flying dragon."


I didn't seem to know very well, so Kilik sneaked up to his side and started teaching.

Kirik likes kids, so Luca is cute. I've been wondering about you for a long time.

Watching the interaction between the two, Siu began to schedule in his brain.

The next day, I took my last class of the week.

Just in case, go to the locker, the assembly room, the class meeting room and check the contact details. It still looks like school will be closed next week.

So far I don't hear about having accommodation in the graduate school or anything, but I thought I'd go check with the person in charge of each subject even after the Tactical Warrior class because Siu probably just doesn't understand.

Before the class started, I told everyone that I had won a fight with Chico-Fermer safely.

My classmates in previous subjects wanted to hear about dinner parties, etc., but this class was different.

Same as the Department of Warcraft Demon Ecology.

"So you've settled down, huh? All right, well, let me tell you a little more about the fight against Gracchiace Gigas."

This is from my teacher, Reynald.

There's more.

"And then I want you to tell me how to fight when you're surrounded by court magicians."

"I also want to know the secret to escaping the Holy Beast"

I guess I'm sincere about class in a way.

The incident that happened to Siu also brought this greed to life in class.

"Last time it was rough. All right, we're giving classes around Sioux today."

As declared by Reynald, the indiscriminate etc., was abruptly discontinued.

I started talking in circles, and when I did something about it, I even took out a white board and wrote it down.

Along the way, they also mixed heated arguments and thought they all liked class.

What we're talking about,

"How could I have blockaded it by dealing with level 4 of Flaming Magic?"

"I would kill you."

"If you just want to stop chanting, you should burn your throat."

Though it was just such scary content.

I checked with Reynald after class for the rest of the day.

"There are no particular challenges in my class. There is no accommodation. I was wondering if I could do it around autumn, but I don't have the footprint. Maybe not this year."

"There's a lot of noblemen out there."

"Ma, it's just a test to see if the break is not dull. I know it's not limited to you, but don't let it get out of hand."


When I finished talking, I headed to the dining room with Edgar, who was waiting for me.

It was a little early, but until Dino and the others arrived, it was time to kill them.

"What, you didn't know about next week's holiday?

"Yeah. Forget about going to the rally room"

"You know, some days you don't have class."

Edgar has some mandatory subjects, so she's taking the first cup of class until Saturday.

It was extremely difficult to learn seating.

It's pathetic, so when I suggested I tell you where I don't know because I'm free while I'm waiting, yeah, I was snorting.

The trick resembled Rigdor just a little bit, and I remember.

That's how when we were having a study group in the dining room, Dino and the others came.

I went straight into the study group for some reason, but it was fun.

With the sound of someone's tummy ringing, I panicked for lunch knowing that there were few lunch breaks left.

That rush was funny somewhere, too, and I felt like I was doing something student-like.

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