Shut-in Magician

340 Awards Ceremony and Dinner Party Beginning

I left the mansion a little early in time for the dinner party.

Kaspar and Kilik rode to the most luxurious carriage, led by the escorts' horses, followed by Theodoro and Siu, and Kukurus.

At the rear, carriages such as squire and escort provide horse escorts, both lateral and rear.

They were all dressed in their respective positions and thus seemed to stand out when passing through even in the aristocratic district.

Passed through was the hall used by junior aristocrats and others to gather, which seemed to be in a lower format, but seemed luxurious to Siu and Kukurus.

I observed people coming one after the other, talking to amazing.

There are surprisingly many people from senior positions who work either for a few matches or within the royal palace. The Alliance General Manager and others have also come and discussed it with officials they know.

Kukurus also spotted a familiar adventurer and walked away from Siu when he went teasing him.

Kaspar and Kilik had greeted and received each of them.

He is the son of one of the most noble men in another country, and a man called the most noble and hero. Both were highly popular.

Siu had become a flower on the wall with Theodoro.

Several came to greet Theodoro, but seemed surprised to see Siu, and those who knew the circumstances, etc., laughed vaguely and left.

He doesn't want to get caught up in politics by coming close to people in subtle positions.

Theodoro explained it to me.

Eventually, the ceremonial officer came and called his name for saying that there would be an award ceremony before the dinner party.

Siu was also called, so I'm heading with Theodoro.

The award ceremony was a decent room next door, simple as Theodoro explained.

Still, the adventurers tend to be nervous, so I learned that awarding ceremonies by reward from the state is rarely the case.

Once, Siu received it in silence, without any particular emotion because he was experiencing it in Steyburn.

By the way, the word "compensation" did not appear at the award ceremony, but it was on the inventory.

"You said you'd give, including rewards and everything else, right? They put it in everything else."

Theodoro told me that where there are other humans, they are appropriately cloudy because the state cannot be allowed to hear words such as pay compensation. What's more.

"This compensation is also for the expropriation of the property of Count Fermer, who ordered him to stay, so the country is not suffering from stomach pain."


"The country is so easy, it doesn't acknowledge non. Failure also causes the person who committed the failure to take it"

"Even though there's a country for the sins that have made it so easy."

"That's what it is."

Return to the hall in a rough talk. Behind the sioux, the adventurers were letting down their excited voices.

"Why are those two so calm?

"I panicked at the awards ceremony and blackened my head. You sound like an idiot."

"The youngest of these kids is the best, flat out"

He's got hair in his heart.

I'm hearing you, and while I thought, Theodoro and I looked at each other and laughed bitterly.

With the invited lead back, the dinner party began.

In the form of a standing meal, we manage to eat after the Minister's greeting. With a mealtime with a gentle performance, it's mostly a soothing atmosphere to find someone you know to talk to.

Some adventurers said they didn't know manners, and the servants didn't come close, so Siu and Theodoro took them to their plates.

"You have to stick around and eat, the rest is fine. I think that's why I put it in a standing food format."


"'Cause if it's course food coming out next, it's a pain in the ass, right? I don't think it's the right way to eat for adventurers."

"That's right. Well, then, eat normally."

"The basics of serving are not too much serving. That's all."

"As good as it gets."

"Actually, it's something that the servants do."

"I don't like it."

"Are you scared? They're all so sweet."

"Heh. I'm talking about who's protecting the king's capital."

"Fair enough. Fighting's not a good idea. Let's eat."

Theodoro was handy and handed it off one plate after another.

"Are you used to it?

"Because you're a junior nobleman. When I was working at the Royal Palace, I didn't have enough hands to help out at an advanced dinner party."


"These things are also a good opportunity to know who they are, so it's interesting to know."

"Oh, really?"

He also told me back stories about people who work in the Royal Palace, and as a Siu, I enjoyed it.

That's how I was doing it in the corner, and the stirring air came close.

I know who it is because I was wearing a pin.

Cold reprimand voices, among other things, in a panicking voice or a clamping voice.

They came closer and closer, and nature and the adventurers also cleared the ground.


While joking on the inside, I waited for the prince to come, and today I saw him just walking in short costumes, without holding a fan.

"Why are you serving?"

Saying, I wrinkle between my eyebrows and look at Siu and Theodoro.

"... you were the nobleman in charge of the defense. Sure, Grossi, you said."

"Theodoro-Grossi, you are in the Viscount"

"Right. From what I've seen, Viscount Grossi seems to be serving as well."

"I didn't come here, so I thought it would be nice to offer, but I offered hospitality to the actors in the war, and I took it personally."

Eh, and one of the adventurers raised his voice, but dropped it immediately.

It must be because I touched the cold prince's air.

As an adventurer he should have wanted to say that it was odd for Theodoro to say such things. But I can't help it because nobility and I sometimes say things differently than the common people.

"Did the Viscount bother? Well, apparently there's been a mistake."

Looking around with Guillot. One of the secretaries told his servant something and he slipped out of the field. I don't run, but disappear somewhere fast enough to look graceful.

Looking at him with a sensory metastasis, he seemed to have gone to the head to wrap up his service. A man with a bright blue face was bowing his head.

I stopped the metastasis because it was not pleasant to watch.

I just wanted to talk to you for a second.

"Is that me?

Yeah, I just moved my jaw gently to say yes.

When I saw the chill Teodoro, he nodded firmly, although he looked confused, so Siu also understood. But.

Theodoro continued his words as a lawyer.

"May I be present?"


"How are you? If that's the case, I refuse."


It was not Vincent who roughed up his voice, nor was he its secretary. It's a nobleman who was following me around like I was surrounded.

Appraisal and seeing the name I saw would be a junior nobleman because I don't know who it is. I checked it on the nobility register and it didn't come out, and it seemed that I hadn't inherited the traces yet.

"Shut up, Fran. You stay back."

"But, Your Highness,"

I couldn't say any more. Because a Kingsguard knight following Vincent took a young man named Fran.

I watched in silence that it was mighty, and Vincent turned his gaze to Siu again.

Like last time, he looks down at me with a cold gaze.

"If you're an adventurer, why don't you treat me as an adult for another serving?

"Yet, Your Highness. His being an adventurer is a special trick by the Alliance. I don't think I can discuss it with my 13-year-old, pre-adult child, as an 'adult' with His Royal Highness, the first prince of our country."

"... we were talking about a big deal the other day?

"That's the problem. Because of the child, I don't know the preference. It was also neglectful of etiquette and was not very much like speaking to His Highness. I'm sure the secretary knows that well."

If you are a secretary, you are urging the prince to show mercy.

They turned their gaze to the left and right only slightly. They're confused, too.

"If you continue to behave any more, albeit impolitely, than your children, how can you forgive your forgiving Highness? At the very least, if I were there, it would be possible to praise you."

"Well, that's it to protect you."

"Yes, this child is as much a child as the Oscarius family in the State of Steyburn would like to welcome to adoption. If you need anything, it'll be his wound too."

"Adoption, you say? Is that what Uncle Borderline says?"

"They say it's a forgetful sight for those who are greatly grateful. He seems to refuse to live as an adventurer, an oblivion, but you think he is awaited in your country? And let's just say you came all the way here because of those reasons. Daring the Oscarius family to be wounded here is not a good idea. You don't know what kind of rumors you can make if you don't know what's going on."

I'm saying I can't grow up with my kids, but I didn't like the content a bit. I kept my mouth shut because I'm not willing to shoot my allies from behind, but we need to have a little discussion later.

Siu doesn't want to be adopted.

"... it's about standing the valve. Fine. Then you can follow me."

"Yes, sir."

Shit, Theodoro was responding and getting a cold glance from the prince. It didn't seem to work at all.

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