Shut-in Magician

337 Duke of Vixtreme

Thereafter, Siu and the others were taken to a separate room.

On the way there, ministers and senior officials were complaining, but Auziglio had a drink.

Kilik also walks on to a small ten-minute walk from the viewing room.

With Lazzaro and his escorts in the hallway, Auziglio and his secretary and servant in the room, then Kilik and Siu, Theodoro entered Ferres.

"No, it was fun!

After entering the room, Auziglio laughed out at the aperture.

Until then, I'd been walking all the way down the hall with a tough face.

"Lord Siu, you are utterly funny! Ha ha!!

"Lord Vixtreme, don't give me too much credit. If you keep doing this, you'll be given a worse nickname than me."

"From" Blood Paint "? Oh, or was it" Wild Child's Nobility ""

"... give me a break"

Kirik had done his hand to his head and had put his hand down since he realized he couldn't scratch his beautifully combed hair. Instead, he exhaled a huge sigh and sat down on the couch from before asking Augilio. I guess those places are 'wild child nobility'.

"By the way, aren't there any enemies in this? Then thou shalt speak of me with Augilio."

I look at the chill Teodoro and then I say to Kilik.

Theodoro went to Augilio to greet him politely, smiling bitterly.

"It's the first time I've seen you. Theodoro-Grossi, I am an attorney who holds the position of Viscount. I am a junior nobleman who brings me to the Marquis Estobal family. Of course, it's not an enemy or anything."

"Of course, it will be. You must have come to Lord Siu-Aquila's defense. But not with me. It's the Vixtremes."

"Don't bully Lord Auziglio or Lord Teodoro. You must be close to Lord Angel."

"Oh, is that how it's conveyed in Steyburn?

"You say that a lot. I thought you told me the story of drinking in a drunken restaurant under Wang Dynasty.

"You remembered! He was a bad kid, so I thought you'd forgotten."

In a good mood, Augilio laughed and sat on the couch. Naturally, it's in the upper seat.

His secretary was insignificant, directing Theodoro to the couch across the street. My servant went to the next room and seemed to be preparing tea.

"What are you doing. Sit down, Lord Siu."


For some reason, I pound next door to show it. I thought it might be bad there, but I'm in a good mood if you don't mind.

When I saw the secretary chilling, I thought it would be better to do so because he nodded small while smiling bitterly, and I stopped by soot and sat down early. Ferres also followed him sneaky for some reason and sat on the floor in front of him. Alternating forelegs seem to be the proper way to sit the horseman, Looks like I remember Liddell taught me. That old lady Slapenil was annoyed by the courtesy.

"It's amazing to withstand the intimidation of the First Prince, known as the Snake."

"This guy doesn't act intimidating. Anyway, I've been on my own ever since I discovered the Warcraft Stampede, until the Crusaders arrived."


It's starting to itch. Siu was uncomfortable and opened his mouth to try to change the subject.

"By the way, do I have to be at the dinner party?"

"Of course."


Auziglio and Kilik told me at the same time.

Theodoro has been embarrassed as well, laughing bitterly.

"There will be one separation until the dinner party, so you have to attend. However, to observe from His Highness's speech, I think the award ceremony for the prize will be simpler, so it won't take much time. I'll be with you at the dinner party, so it's okay."

"Hmm. Viscount Grossi would be relieved to leave it to me"

"What, I thought you knew about Lord Theodoro?"

"If the defense attorney didn't rely on me, he was going to arrange it for me. These things can't be clueless."

"And yet, why did you come to Siu? You still didn't know Siu's guardian was me. Looks like he was hand-wrestling pretty fast."

It seemed that there was not only Theodoro, but also his power, that there was not much opposition between the glances. In the first place, the armament had already risen towards Siu.

"Lord Kilik didn't even ask me to, let alone protect a good old grown man. It's not about the kids."

Is the heap dry, Auziglio peeked a little cold in the face.

Though I used to be familiar with it, I wouldn't bake you a favor or anything unless you asked me to.

"Then why?

"... my granddaughter asked me to."

Turning the tung and jaw, the old tough-faced man answered.

Kilik stopped moving and looked at Auzillio. Auziglio looked away softly, this time lurking his voice and saying the same thing.

"My granddaughter Amalia asked me to."

"... Really?"

Kilik looked at Chilah Siu. I also see Theodoro, so I had no choice but to explain.

"Amalia is a classmate who takes the same subject at the Seeker School of Magic. I was reporting this to my teacher, and he said he was very worried. I'm sweetened by your kind words about talking to your father. I was surprised not to think you were even talking to the Duke, but this is how you helped me tremendously. Thank you."


"Nevertheless, I didn't know you were getting acquainted with Miss Amalia"

"You were fortunate that Lord Siu was enrolled in the Seeker School of Magic. There will be a lot of aristocrats in that school."

Theodoro smiled.

"Yes. He told me that other classmates and teachers would help me"

"As good as it gets, so what? No, in putting it together, surprisingly, there were pleadings from many nobles. I'm surprised you're such a famous girl."

Hey, and Auzillio's speaking to the secretary. A man of the same age as the Duke replied that he was calm and well.

"We were blessed with teachers and classmates. Even within the same school, it seems that some places have been giggled, so I think you're lucky to have a relationship to make."

"If you're lucky, you're not going to get killed."

"Dear Kilik,

The usual language went out and I had a moment to spare. Although Auzilio moved a single eyebrow, he pretended to be unfamiliar, so Siu looked at Kilik with a bitter smile.

"Ma, but it's a strong pull. I'm getting into a lot of trouble, but you're getting into a lot of trouble."

He seems to have stopped talking in a tough way. Either on Siu's failure, or to help, I guess this one's easier for Kirik.

"Man, people like that have always been, yeah. Give it up. Oh, what did I say? Lord Auziglio, in the fable of this country..."

Augilio told me with a deeper grin and a leak of laughter all the time.

"You're the life of a man loved by God. A condensed life, with hundreds and thousands of anecdotes to follow, even though it's one life. It's a lesson to live hard in order to live all that meaningful life."

He talked to me smudgingly.

"There's a different way of looking at it. Life is made up of a lot of anecdotes for everyone as well. Whatever the difference, it just makes a difference in how each person receives it, and it matters to him or her. Anyway, some people said that it would be good if I lived my life thick, that's the kind of training I was talking about."

"As long as it takes."

Kilik nodded joyfully, but Siu sweated inside.

It's horrible that you're a man loved by God.

If God asks, which imitates what a girl looks like, what is it?

Well, you won't be loved, but there are some interesting verses that might make another weird breakthrough.

Let's be careful.

"What's up, Siu?

"No, er.... As far as I'm concerned, I want to retire my adventurer's work early and live in a relaxing mountain in old age, so I just thought it wouldn't have to be thick."

"It's again"

Auziglio raised one eyebrow wondering.

Kilik is smiling bitterly.

"You're the same. You don't have to look that much like Vasta. Whoa, don't hide all of a sudden, okay? Let me know when you're around. And so that we can go play. Otherwise the friends left will grieve."

"... Yes"

I don't know what Grandpa thought and suddenly he got stuck, but he wanted to have an early hiding life, and I guess it made sense.

Only Kilik, who wasn't asked, was sad.

I don't know if they thought I was a friend, but Kirik is going to cry if I say that on a joke, so don't tell me.

That's about the siu that can read the air.

After the public discourse, Kilik was called when he was having dinner party meetings, etc.

Auziglio also left, so Siu and Teodoro alone finished the discussion.

The Auziglio secretary arranged it for me, so much so that I lost it and the practical officer came, so I could get a general idea of the flow.

Apparently the dinner party itself was decided to take place on a windy day. You think the scale is small because the invitation to nobility is not sent because it is the adventurers who are called?

Finally, in front of the building, the state will hold a dinner party, they just took the form of.

Nevertheless, nobles, officials, etc. who serve in the palace will participate, so I can't get distracted.

The only salvation was that there would be no higher nobility.

Theodoro and others have threatened to "show up suddenly," but in that case it would be rude. Probably.

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