Shut-in Magician

331 Visit to Coors

Roland, the family order, would be busy, introducing Rico to Coors and inviting him into the mansion.

I didn't like the room on the table because I brought her here as a friend and I was going to have lunch with Lucas and the others. Coors himself said he didn't like those places, so he leads them to the reception room near the back entrance.

There are several of these reception rooms, which are interesting to each of them because they are used by low-status guests like family orders, servants, and sioux. The rooms to be used for meetings with vendors are simple but of good quality furniture, and the rooms to be put through when the servant's family and others came to visit were bright and clean, but kept in a common style so as to calm down. Since the reception rooms close to the guest rooms in the table are waiting rooms for noble servants, they are arranged with quite expensive furniture. Because there are many people of aristocratic origin such as squires and knights, it is necessary to have such a physique.

Guided Kukurus was the quietest chamber of mourning, also close to Shiu's room.

Sounds like it was this room that interviewed Sorol and others. It is built so as not to constrict the common people.

Neither did the couture that was passed, which I felt particularly. Unlike his surprised face when he stood in front of the mansion, he was calm for a long time.

Sorol brought Luca to me while Susa prepared for lunch.

"Whoa, it's you. You look better."

I looked at Solol and raised my hand, then I put my hand on Luca's head.

"I'm glad the kid looks good, too. Sorry I couldn't find you sooner."

"... stay there, were you there?

"That's right. I went exploring as an adventurer. I'm sorry I couldn't find you. Siu won't be able to lift his head."


I didn't know he thought that.

Did you care?

"Bye, don't look like that. Well, I haven't either. I just figured it out, that's good. We need to improve our enemy skills!

Then he gave Luca his name and also exchanged greetings with Sorol.

We all had a soothing lunch as Susa served us a meal in anticipation of how things were going.

In the afternoon he played on the flying board in the garden, including Luca.

Sorol went back to work about Rico, so Luca's opponent was mainly Ferres, but he seemed to enjoy playing with whether his mental age was with him.

"If you like it so much, shall I give you a flying board?

"Oh, really?"

"Uh, I'll get the actual cost,"

Because we're just not going to be nice to each other, so to put it that way,

"Aside from the actual cost, I'll buy it for the sale price."

It came back serious.

It is very different from a nobleman who tried to take someone else's horseman with one gold coin.

"But okay? Don't you think I'm the only one who can get it?

"Thank you for your help with Coors."

"Uh, you didn't, did you? Instead, we took better care of him."

"He taught me how to defend my enemies. Walking in the woods, that, that was funny."

The enemy was quite accurate, so I asked him.

I thought you were using the power of the Spirit, like Laetitia, but I'm surprised the answer came back that you don't see much snow in deep places.

"Is that about it? Well, I'll let you know if it's okay."


"You're pretty good at walking in the woods."

"I was born and raised in a deep mountain."

"... where?

"It's the Iota Mountains. The cabin is in my stomach. My grandfather picked me up and raised me. Sometimes you go to the village at the foot to deliver trees and herbs."


None of the forests are the same, so no one may go out to the right of Siu in the Iota Mountains, but in Misericordia it was the single-altar of Coors, so I was taught a few things about the terrain or the trees.

"You live better than an elf."

"Does it feel like the village at Coors is a little more pioneering?

"Better than the Iota Mountains. How dare you live in such a place? I've been inside a hunter once for a favor, but I was surprised to hear that it was deeper than that."

"The hunters there used to come and see me every once in a while. Give them medicinal herbs or give them information. You liked maple and you must have come to get it."

"... maple, is it like honey maple?


Coors' face glistened.

"Me, I love maple!

I guess so. Smile enough.

Siu laughed and said I would split it between you and Coors.

"Uh, no, but I do.... okay?

"Fine. The hunters have it on their own. I'm away now, so I put a note on it and left it. Speaking of which, it's time to get ready again this year."

"What, are we going back to the mountains?

"Yeah. I need to look around regularly. And some herbs I didn't make if they weren't there. It seems to be a necessity for the hunters."

She asked me what it was, so I told her about the hikeno.

"It's a special plant that absorbs salt. I improved the original Kenopodium with my grandfather, but it's surprisingly useful."

"Heh. I've been doing some funny stuff."

"As a hunter, he seems to be worth a lot of hikeno, and he always leaves me with unusual demon nuclei and interesting books and old demon tools. Come and see me inside. That's what the letter said."

"... that's amazing, isn't it?

"Oh, really?

"How much pledge does it take to get inside the hunter? I'm also acting as Elf's chief, and I've been delusional enough to have him taken."


I totally indulged in the conversation and stood up.

The kids were sniffing around on the snow, but it's time to let them in.

"Snacks, do you want some? I'll make it a Maple treat."


Siu laughed bitterly as he made his eyes shine like a child.

"Ferres, stay back. Luca, let's have a snack."



Ferres walked back weird. I heard you and Luca were having a horse party earlier. I don't know, but I guess that's how horses look to Ferres.

"Ferres, I don't think horses walk that conceited, do you?


It's okay.

She also looked cute getting her tail up and pretending to walk her ass, so she swallowed the words okay.

The snack was served on a fluffy pancake dough made in the morning with raw cream and plenty of maple sauce.

Luca and Coors were happy to look the same, and the maids who were resting alternately in the bribery room laughed when they saw it.

"We may have gained weight since we came to this mansion."

"But it's okay. Because I'm happy."

Gladly pancakes on her cheeks, the girls are making a nasty noise.

Sorol was also brought here by Rico, alternating with the escort who was eating first and sitting in a chair.

"... Me too, I'm happy. I can't believe you even got such a snack."

"Hey? They used to feed me full stomach at this house, and there were snacks, but they didn't taste like this."

"There's a kitchen failure or something down there, and that's what I thought my cheeks would fall off,"

"Now the kitchen is imitating Shiu's dessert. Wow."

After eating, Coors looked at the maids wondering.

"... I thought noble houses were tougher and tougher"

The spoken maid turned pop red, while returning it to Coors.

"There are houses like that. But I knew it wouldn't last long. This house is full of people who have been working here for a long time."

"This time the young man was going to another country, so Roland, the housekeeper of the villa, and young men like us, were promoted."

"I was hired for this one, too. I'd be glad to work as long as I can."

"The people in the kitchen are good people, and it's good to have you at work"

Hey, he was tilting his little neck and talking cute.

"... well. Even the aristocrats have a lot to offer."

"Coors don't like nobles, either."

"Sort of. I don't like elves."

"Uh, I know that"

One of the escorts answered. He didn't seem to have enough, so he took the candy out of the glass bottle and continued the conversation with a bold bite.

"The aristocrats want to keep the visibles beside them. I'm sure the Elves will have a tough time."

As it was, when I took the candy and gave it to Coors, who seemed to want it, Coors received it with a red tide of white skin.

"I don't like it and it's shaped like this. That's good. Strawberries?"

"Master Siu will make it for me. That tastes like strawberry milk. Thank you for making and placing the throat candy separately for each potency. Because some kids have weak throats. So, I also got a vial, so I mixed it with some colors and put it in my room. Wouldn't it be cute just to watch?

Coors looked like he was going to want it again, so she tried to give him a little pink glass bottle, lost a little bit. Exactly because Coors refused because he was bad, and Siu grinned bitterly and stuck his hand in the porch to remove the glass bottle from the space vault.

"It's only pink, but if this is okay, go ahead. You can also take the candy. I have enough to sell."

Pointing to a large glass bottle called mysterious candy that doesn't diminish among the maids, I said.

Of course, I'm not diminishing it, I'm just adding it to see how it goes.

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