Shut-in Magician

327 Sleep deprivation, big nobles and new developments

With a slightly drowsy head, I woke up at the usual time.

Susa woke up and laughed when she cooked dinner in the morning and also made lunch.

"That's unusual. It's a sleeping habit, and it's a sleepy face."

"Oh, yeah? Hmm."

I honestly sat in a chair because I said I'd fix it for you. Susa combed her hair and fixed it with joy when she could take care of her. For some reason, Ferres was sitting right next to him.

Interpreting, Susa laughed and was given a special "I'm glad" to brush me off.

Eventually, the maids who came into the bribery room made a hell of a scene, alternating and taking care of Ferres.

I watched the maids take turns for breakfast, and Sorol brought me in to hold Luca. He still looked sleepy, but as soon as he saw Siu, he got off Sorol's arm.

"Good morning, sir!

"Yeah, good morning. That's great."

"Eh heh."

Xiu also greeted Sorol and recommended that he try what Xiu had made if it was good.

"I keep my hemming all the time. One plate at a time, because I have it ready."

"Did Master Siu make this? I also got it yesterday. It was delicious"


Susa feeds Luca breakfast, so Sorol eats breakfast in the meantime. Susa and the others were surprised because they ate at great speed.

"If you don't eat slowly, it's bad for your digestion, okay?

"Am I right?

"Yeah. Uh, I mean, my stomach's gonna be sick. Don't you have time?

When Siu asked Susa and the others, he shook his head.

"Rico didn't say that, did he?

"Ah, yes. But that."

I can't tell you, Sorol answered in a whisper.

"It's a remnant of the slave age, and if you don't eat fast, it's full of food."

"Oh, yeah."

It was something I knew when I thought about it.

"Oh well. That's right. But not now, and you should try to eat as slowly as possible. I'm going to go with Luca. Right?"

"Yes. Excuse me."

She blushed in embarrassment, so Xiu hastily took over.

"It's not like breakfast isn't good. The adventurer also has to eat fast."

"Yes, what is it?

"Because you don't know when or where to be attacked by a warcraft. Reduce defenseless time as much as you can."

"As good as it gets, is it?"

After a serious look, Sorol stared at Siu in such a way again.

"... Master Siu is already in such an amazing profession."

"Not great, but yeah, you're an adventurer"

"... after all, it's amazing. And you saved us because you're an adventurer."

I glare at him and say, so he got embarrassed and Siu stood up.

"Uh, well, I'm going to school!

"Oh, wait, wait! I'm dropping you off!

"Fine. Have a nice, slow meal with Luca. I'll drop you off here. Baba."

"Yeah, no shit! Good luck with your studies!

To Luca waving, Siu also looked back and left the room.

I got to school a little early.

When I entered the production classroom, I was the first.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud sigh and I laughed bitterly.

"Well. What shall we do today?

The flying plates I wanted to build almost made it possible with momentum.

There are a few other things I would like to try to make or care about.

If I had an idea, a student came in.

"Oh, is it only Lord Siu today?

"Good Morning"

It was Amalia. She also seemed to have come early and continued to look around the classroom with a little joy.

"I guess you were almost first"

That's what I said. I laughed hehe, like two hands together to hide my mouth.

"Yes, Lord Siu. I told your father what you said the other day. I was very surprised that you could move quickly."

"Oh, thank you"

"Then my grandfather was just out of King's Landing, and I finally talked to him. I was worried it might be all this despicable nobility."

Don't let the two get too close, the lady knight Odetta and her squire Jilda are following, and her gaze hurts quite a bit. The escorts accidentally went behind the classroom and played with Ferres. Getting used to it is horrible. Well, I guess it's because Siu doesn't look like the kind of man who would do something to the princess.

"Grandpa, he said he was very angry and he was going to work for people he knew very quickly."

"... excuse me, but Amalia's grandfather"

"Well, don't you know?

Jilda surprised me. Purely, you seem surprised.

"Excuse me. Um"

From the noble roster in his brain, he washed out a figure who looked like it.

There are many with the same surname, but since her father is a countess, it is reasonable to assume that he is superior to it. The candidate was narrowed down given his age as well.

"Could it be the Duke of Vixtreme?

"Yeah, that's right."

That's another big guy. I laughed bitterly.

"I can't believe someone behaved like a gentleman in the gap where I took my eyes off the court a little bit, and I was still about to jump out of the house. I was desperate to join my uncles and fathers. If you get too angry, you're gonna be so jealous, I can't believe it."


"By the way, pompous, what does that mean? Did you know?"

Now Siu surprised me. And I looked up to Jilda and Odetta.

They took their gaze off softly. Oh, we're not going to explain ourselves. I smiled bitterly, and Siu taught him away.

I then spent my pre-class time helping her build her golem, not because I would take care of her.

When the class starts, I get to work on my own. Regro came to look around when I was taking the ingredients out or getting ready.

"What are we making today?

"Uh, I thought I'd make a printer"


"Yes, I think it will be for professionals"

Regro didn't seem to know what it was about.

"After that, I thought I'd make a type for printers."

"Is that a print?

"That's right. That's why we make the prints. It's a small turnaround and type, so it's suitable for flyers and a few prints. I'm not going to make it because mass printing is going to have to be a little bigger."

"Well, I don't know, production? Is the scope good? Come on!"


I laughed and nodded.

I decided to use simple characters for the printer.

Lowaiian is a decorative character, so it's called a follow-on letter, like an English writing body. It is not suitable for printers because the connections are different depending on the letters before and after.

However, there is a simple letter that touches the block body where it is spoken in English. This one is commonly used by ordinary people, and the documents in the guild were used a lot.

When writing one's name, one also uses a written body because it means preventing counterfeiting, but the common people are mostly simplistic.

Unlike ancient languages, it's a less-than-type letter, so you can make a printer, or typewriter.

Ink would be better than carbon paper, but it was going to take a little while to collect the ingredients considering the area because I had to worry about the clogging as well.

The dial was made by Siu by metalworking himself. Assuming it is easy to read and crumble, it has become an uninteresting simplified character, but I don't mind if I can read it. It is also possible to replace this dial myself, so I dreamed that one of these days someone would come out to make it on their own.

I had thought about the machine itself for a long time, and it was easy to build, so I was able to do it quickly.

The problem is the "ingredients" you need to use these.

I want to make ink that is difficult to clog, or I want to make not only one piece of paper but also one for copying.

Because it's a typewriter, I think it would help if even ordinary people could "copy" it.

Once we put it behind us, we imitated the mechanism as it were because it was the same machine, and we also created a type for prints.

This one reinforces the force of typing letters in order to create irregularities on the rubber plate. It was also necessary to adjust the thickness for the rubber plate.

Because it assumes printing, there are many dials, unlike just printers, so that complex lines can be attached.

Overall, it grew as big as a lid, but both are used in the same way.

The rubber plate was easier for me to not have to think about ink.

However, printing means printing, so ink is required when printing. Moreover, if you want to print one after the other, ink requires quick drying.

Another while, it looks like the experiment is waiting for you after the experiment.

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