Shut-in Magician

314 Trick and Attack of the Court Mage

A man named Silvano came towards me as if he were going to hit me first.

I'm on Tiger Riding Beast Tigris.

Normally, Tigris, who also has a beating physique, is stronger and quicker, but he was accustomed to fighting in action and was no match for Ferres, who was small and resourceful.

Silvano was stuck with me all the time.

"Oh, come on, Lula! What the hell are you doing? The other guy's an underground fae race."

Tigris' eyes glowed over the sword swallow. Looks like they inspired pride.

Take it back, they're coming at me again.

Behind him were a few rides of the knights, Draco Equus, but he seemed a little confused. You don't seem used to brawling between horsemen.

Ferres, on the other hand, when he held back the flood of Warcraft Stampede, said it was almost the side he was watching, either because he was watching the way he fought with his eyes, or because he moved to the left without confusion.

If anything, it looks like he's provoking his opponent with his tail.

Tigris apparently had blood on his head, sticking straight in from the front.

"What are you doing, Silvano!! Surround Sparno and Norberto too!!

Chico was yelling.

I hated the two knights, I came to enclose them.

"I'm sorry. I don't have any grudges against you, but I think this is an order from the nobles to give up."

"That's right. The corresponding gratuities will be paid later. Let go honestly."

"Is that how this country does it?"

"... that's how it's become a country"

Siu was outraged at the tone he gave up.

"It's a boring country"

Ferres fenced and avoided. The movement, as if it had metastasized, mimics Siu's aerial staircase. I was chasing him with an extension of the play, but he uses the wind attribute magic in detail. He was a genius in a way because he didn't think with his head, he just remembers it with his senses.

"Good, Ferres!


Chico, who was down there, rode the Holy Beast Rave with an angry look on his face. Levé is lion-shaped, as much as 3.5m. The magnificent hyena's ambitious appearance was full of the king's style. The white figure is divine and the flying figure is grand.

With Ferres, he is an adult and a child.

"Forgive me no more! Kill those guys! Kill him."

"What, Count Fermer, it's"

"You shouldn't, Count!!

The knight raised his voice of restraint, but it did not seem to be heard by Chico. He flies with a bright red face and a stare at Siu.

I also pulled a knife.

All right, and Siu finally decides to go out and fight back.

He threw a gel for the junction at the four corners of the tent and quickly developed a sorcery ceremony to create his own strong junction. Finally, it also incorporates a technique that makes it easier to heal creatures inside the junction.

"Hey, what?"

The soldiers surrounding him were upset, but no one approached the tent.

This reduced my immediate worries.

And then.

"I'll kill you!!

Only the man who storms me with his knife pulled out.

That was just the Holy Beast, and it was tremendous speed.

Intimidation is better than a lousy warcraft, called impatience coming at you suddenly. I wonder if there is about a fire dragon.

Mostly that would frighten the lower beasts, but unfortunately Ferres is an experienced person who has seen numerous upper species.

I've met the Fire Dragon, and I've played in front of the Big Warcraft Hiems Grandelps.

So Ferres tried to face it flat without any intention, even though his opponent said he was a holy beast. Only motivation is better than anyone else's.

However, head-on battles are just as dangerous. Siu smiled bitterly and signaled Ferres.

"It's a battle to see which one of you gets that kid first."

"Nha? nya, nya!!

Huh, play? Then he made a prestigious undertaking that he would not lose.

Siu jumped straight off Ferres.

It was the other side that surprised me. Even Chico opened his eyes.

The knights scream in surprise, too.


Only Ferres knows. As much as I've tried to jump from higher altitudes before, so as much as it's okay to fall from such low altitudes, he knows very well.

Siu retrieved the flying plate that was soaking on his back.

Get on top of it quickly and get it running. Almost, he swirled sharply with his own magic.

"Oh, my God, that's..."

"Magic? Is it magic!?

In the meantime, Ferres was playing the chicos in an awkward position. On purpose, I see a play like him around weighing the critical timing.

It's also because of you laughing like you provoke your opponent.

Levé seemed like an adult and didn't get on so much provocation, but Chico wasn't. Suddenly, he was ordering his own rave.

"Karin, tear them apart! No, just the kids. If possible, let Fairace catch him alive. You could do it. Fine!!


I was flipping and chasing him. Join it with Ferres and move in confusion.

After him came Tigris and Draco Equus as well.

While trying to escape, Siu communicated magic to Coors to tell him where the tent was.

Report to the Alliance at the same time.

Not so much room, so it became one-way communication, but I figured out how they were doing.

Coors rushed to start putting together a party to come in support.

There's a lot of noise in the guild.

After confirming them with sensory metastases, Siu returned to the response in front of him.

Tigris came from below to pinch it.

but the only person on board is just a court magician, who sucks.

The knights don't seem as used to horsemanship either. Not to mention Chico and other holy beasts because of it are also a treasure troublemaker.

I don't feel like losing this, even if it's not Ferres.

Ferres and others could even afford to wait for their opponents before fleeing.

Pretending to be a tail, it seems it's time for the Holy Beast, an adult, to hang up. He puts his tail on his own feet in a frustrating manner.

"Damn, what do I do?"

"Ugh, uhh"

"Ah? Damn, what are you talking about, I don't know if you're human"

Even the Holy Beast opponent looked great.

Its holy beast Levé suddenly stepped down to the ground.

And before Chico, who protests by surprise, take the human form.

"Let us fight alone. It's hard to do when you're putting people on. It can be dangerous."

"Oh, oh, well. That's Karin. You're so sweet!

You don't seem to realize they got rid of you well. I hear that partner is smarter than the Holy Beast. Reeve, who became a man, is as magnificent a man as he was when he was a lion, with bright white skin but with muscles and doesn't look poor.

It wasn't the adventurer in that corner or anything.

"Hey, Lula, the Orphs and the Quaffs, respectively, lower the Lord. We're gonna work together!

"" "Ugh" "

One down to the ground after the other, he lowered the Lord.

It's safer to say that Siu will be relieved, too. Whatever it takes, because you don't have to worry about them that might fall off the horseman.

I'm willing to catch you, but this one wasn't willing to kill you.

Though the other side seems willing to kill.

Levé looked up at Siu and Ferres and glanced at them to stare.

"You licked us, you'll pay for that!

I immediately returned to the lion shape from the person who was bare.

I'm serious about coming this time.

Siu instructed Ferres with communication magic.

"(I'll get away with it thoroughly! I'll take care of it. Ferres is in charge of the feint)"


Let it be, and I got a confident reply, as always.

Riding beasts that don't put people on are very quick.

It came at an incomparable speed earlier.

Siu asked Ferres to be the first to be the one.

It's hard to get away with four heads against each other, but he has experience wandering around with warcraft opponents, and Ferres is running around well using his ability to be small.

In the meantime, Siu plunged.


"Hey, what's up?"

"Damn, I fucked him up."

I was rushing to chant something, but before that, I threw a special gel at their feet. It's an improved bomb mould that allows you to play smaller. I scattered at their feet and wrapped them around their feet. I can't take a strong adhesive gel. I stuck it like elastic rubber and caught the guys.

Then surround each with a junction. Just in case, I warmed it up inside to avoid frostbite.

"Be quiet there"

Then, he silenced himself within the junction.

Whatever you scream, it doesn't sound like the rare beasts. This will not pass fine orders. Nobody has tuning magic, so I can't even talk.

Of course, the rare beasts know they were captured. Now he flies with Siu in mind.

Siu jumped right up on the flying board.

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