Shut-in Magician

306 Request for nomination and idle cat

Though I tried to find some free time to go back to because I got homesick, it's hard because only Grandpa Stan knows about the transfer. If you want to go back, there are others who want to see you.

I still have to use a clustered day off.

Fortunately, Explorer has several long breaks a year. They also use it for sleepovers, so I don't know if I can go back to my hometown, but let's look forward to that.

Or maybe I should talk to Grandpa Stan because he thinks I can tell Rigdor and Agricola that space magic can be used.

That's what we'll talk about next time we see each other.

I'd love to go see him over the weekend if I could, but he's not going to make it that easy because of the Ciana Street thing. Sometimes it's about guild work, so it's about time we settled down.

The following Saturday day, he turned to the Adventurer Guild in the early morning.

It seems that the crusade of Graquiace Gigas is not yet over, and that adventurers and soldiers are still stationed at the avalanche site that became the frontline base?

If you have a loading job, I was going to help, but what a request for nomination from that local area.

"From the Kingsguard Knights, is it?

"It must actually be from a court magician. I think you let the knight of the escort make a request. If a nobleman or other high-ranking person asks for an Alliance, I will represent the person below."

Juliana at the reception explained.

"... the camp grounds, is it?"

"The only request from the Knights is to tidy the ground, so I'd like to ask you to carry the load for the adventurers again at some other time."

"Is it good just to tidy the ground? I heard the owner of rock magic was on the ground, but couldn't it be done there?"

"Uh, that's"

Apparently, Juliana didn't get it, so she tilted her neck a little and glanced at her coworker.

Just in time, Krall and Ruland came. Krall was also doing a lot of demolitions with the help of Taurus, and he wasn't at the reception more often.

While we were greeting each other, Juliana was talking to Luland about what had happened earlier.

"Oh, that one. I thought it was odd that we talked, so I asked the knight's squire who came to make the request, and he said he wouldn't ask for anything but a whole lot of ground. Just in case you asked me to specify the size of the site, I said I would take it if I understood it locally."

"The owner of rock magic is a court magician, isn't he? Is it not our job to talk about the camp?

Krall questioned Ruland worried.

Ruland, too, is confused.

"I don't think it's a big deal not to take a request."

Siu also murmured without concealing his confusion.

"Well. If it was Siu, I would have done it on an ad hoc basis, and I accepted it because the paperwork wasn't flawed."

"Okay. Listen and confirm locally, then take it."

"It'll help. Just because it's a nomination request, there's no penalty for saying no. Don't worry about it."


I received the requisition and headed to the luggage storage area.

Krall came with me.

"Mr. Taurus is leaving the guild on a separate matter, so I'll take his place."

"Thanks. Krall and the others must still be busy."

"Pretty calm though. Honestly, there are some parts of Siu that are very helpful because he carries them."

"Isn't that a big deal?

"It's pretty hard to arrange carriages and gather loading personnel. Winter is tough."

"Oh well."

While we were talking, I finished packing my stuff.

This time there was no more loading to the Knights, and it was all for the adventurers.

"Is the magic study progressing?

"I'm finally getting some time lately, so I'm practicing as well. You can also make firewood out of raw trees."


"Thanks to Siu. I also read all the textbooks I got. Interesting how you've read it over and over again. I'm starting to want to be able to study myself, and I'm going to go to the library when I calm down a little bit."

I sparkled my eyes and said so.

"If there's anything I don't know, I'll tell you."

When Xiu said, Kral replied that he was smiling like a soldier.

I was reaching the entrance as I walked.

Near the entrance, Siu was connecting Ferres.

Normally, the Horsebeast is kept in a dedicated beast house beside the Alliance, but there is also the matter of carrying loads and they are given special permission.

On the table, adventurers gathered around Ferres.

Some were far-winded, but some were probably stroking Ferres.

"Look, at parties, ranking matters. You have to listen to your boss very carefully. You're that kid's right arm, that is, the kid right down there. You know?"


"When you have a new companion, be nice to him. It's going to be under you."


"All right, all right. You're smart. Looks like we really understand each other."

"That's right, you're a horseman."

"Nice, Riding Beast"

"You're adorable."

"Isn't that because it's Ferres? Look, it's a fuzzy lid."

"Take care of it, I guess it's decent. I feel like this young lady is good to see."


Oh, you're responding without understanding, and I went into the circle laughing bitterly.

"I'm not your daughter. Because he's a male."


The adventurers jumped up in a hurry.

Krall laughed bitterly, too, while he went in between.

"It's time to leave, are you all right?"

"Oh, oh, sure!

"Sorry, let's touch the boy's rider."

"Fine. If Ferres doesn't like it."

"Oh! Right!!

"What's the bait? Can I feed you?

"That's no good"

Laughing, I'll make that clear.

"Without me, I'm not allowed to eat. I'm sorry."

"Yes, no, that's okay. Right. That's right..."

Looks like he wanted to feed me. Looks a little lonely.

It's getting pathetic because the good old Odishan is soggy.

Siu answered him, crossing Ferres.

"It's good to be out of work today. I think it'll be evening, but by then, can you come?

"What, okay?

"Yes, if I'm here, no problem."


Others, uh, okay, said a lot about it, but I couldn't hear them because they were let go by Krall.

When I jumped up, I heard cheers more than usual because I must have found myself in touch with Ferres.

He also had Ferres play while he waited, waving his tail and responding.

It seems familiar because there are no horsemen close to you and because they look adorable because they are cat-shaped unlike other horsemen.

Ferres in particular is easy to adore because he looks elegant and quiet.

Ferres himself seems happy to be liked, and he plays the honors more and more wisely, and we do each other good.

Ferres is adorable and adorable, although there are a few things about how she's doing.

Even on the outbound journey to the camp, he was in a good mood to fly faster.

I'm getting up to speed because it's a familiar itinerary. I was about to update my records again today.

Upon arrival at the scene, he first went to the camp of the adventurers and unloaded his luggage.

When we talked about getting the product tested and being asked to tidy up the soldiers' camp, everyone looked worried.

"Request for nomination..."

"I wonder what?

I replied to them that I would go for now because even if we were discussing it, we could not help.

Finally, I hemmed the rice balls and other rice balls that I was making up early because they were in front of breakfast. Of course, put it in an insulation dish.

"Yay!! Warm food."

"I like this."

"Rice. I've liked it since I went to Shytern, but since Siu fed me, I've definitely become an American."

"I feel good in my stomach"

Thus, rice dissemination activities were also progressing here.

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