Shut-in Magician

304 Improvements and exchange of information after improvements

Siu's own experiment with jumping down and trying it didn't work.

Because Ferres is rushing to help.

I couldn't have ordered you not to come.

Anyway, we got tired of each other because we were so desperate to fly that we could hit each other or use wind attribute magic.

"Thank you..."

From Ferres, what are you doing! So it sounded like, nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya.

I had no choice, I wasn't motivated, but I looked for Warcraft again, and now I caught him alive and used him.

I felt bad about being a very outrageous, Mad Scientist.

The rock hogs, canis aureus and lupus used for the experiment, all of which, although helpful, were killed in one blow on the spot.

It was a nasty experiment.

Even in the experiment where the alarm sounded and then disarmed, there was no problem.

However, it was just weird that the noise was ringing all the time, and I tried to stop it in a certain amount of time. Otherwise, it's because I'm scared in the middle of falling from a high altitude, in case the magic of the magic prop runs out.

I don't want to do these things, but I want to use them as minimally as possible, even in the nucleus of the demon.

The original intent is to prevent any mistakes, so you just have to have ten seconds.

What bothers me is that the sooner the junction feels the shock and then puts out the shock absorbent material, the sooner it gets to high altitude.

Since the ejection time cannot be speeded up any faster, it will broaden the boundaries to accommodate it. This time, however, the timing is bad because low altitude, on the contrary, opens that difference. I'm about to jump.

I wonder if I should attach a speedometer.

Or broaden the boundaries when a certain speed is reached.

I can divide it between high altitude and normal, but I don't want to increase the variety as much as possible.

Some people will use both.

I still thought we should add a certain speed, a surgical formula.

On the spot, make Shia using earthly attributes and surround it with space walls. When you magically warm the inside with fire attributes, you make changes to the procedure and rewrite it.

I made some of them again and redone the experiment.

After eating lunch at the impromptu Shi 'a, the afternoon also became an experimental threesome.

The adventurer-spec flying board was then also commissioned.

Ferres complained a lot about Siu not riding himself at first,

"Let's compete"

And I simply rejoiced when I took it.

In order to increase speed, we have also created a mechanism for feathers to pop out, which has been a good battle with Ferres.

Instead, this one also does propulsion wind attribute magic on the magic prop side. As a result, the demonic nucleus as fuel quickly became unusable.

I don't hold it all day if it's a small thing.

Even though it's a fairly expensive product, I'm starting to feel like no one buys it because it's even expensive to fuel.

When you need to think a little bit more about fuel consumption, it's a reflection.

Return to the King's Capital before evening and report on the Goblin flock in the Adventurer's Guild before heading back to the Mansion. Even after returning, the procedure was altered.

First, apart from the basic power section, the propulsion section is used as the fuel to set the demonic nucleus.

If you are an adventurer with wind attributes and want speed, you can buy this one and keep the Demon Nucleus as insurance.

Unless you have a wind attribute, it is possible to fly the Demon Nucleus to fuel.

More fully, it separated flotation from propulsion.

You will be asked to read the wind, but also use the power of nature to save a lot of magic. Is it the smallest demon nucleus, like whether to have it for two days or not?

I'd like to experiment, but it's almost dinner, so I called it off.

I had dinner with Lucas in the bribe room this day.

I also gave Luca a bath and escorted her in bed until she went to bed.

When Luca confirms she's going to bed, she goes to the playroom and reports to Rufino and the others about the goblins. I also conveyed information I purchased from Adventurer Guild.

I also heard from the Rufinos about the nobles.

They sometimes exchange information with other escorts on holidays, and you think it's surprisingly useful?

"Maybe you know something about court magicians?

"That's what I heard."

Moises rode herself out and told me.

"Now embarking on a front-line base on Ciana Street is Count Chico-Fermer, who says he's a second-degree court magician. They use flaming, but they seem to have high pride."

"Uh, yeah."

"In the meantime, Siu, I thought you said you went to carry the load and felt bad. I checked it out. Fine, he seems famous and he's been getting bad reviews from all over."

"Everyone in the escort knows," he said.

I might even be there this weekend, so it would help if you told me. While I thought I didn't like it, I heard about Moises.

"Next up is Baron Silvano-Camarc, but this one is a third-degree court magician and he has lightning strike skills. It's because of the aristocracy that the classes are low. They're also called Chico's men, and they took him out this time."

"You're the only one with the ability to attack..."

"Later, Viscount Ludovico-Cladel went. This is level two, and you think it's definitely level five of rock magic? Probably the maintenance guy."

"Well, level five is amazing."

"Restoring the streets is the primary purpose, so we need to get them out."

"I wonder when I'll recover, really"

"We have a pact with Cyan, so we have to restore it quickly and carry the load."


"That's right. It's closed to snow and ice in the winter, so food depends on imports. That's why I think it's a dead end. Instead, you own a lot of Demon Stone mines, so you export them. Latricia is also known as the Magic Nation, and there are more Magic Props than anywhere else, so they say there is a greater demand for Magic Nukes and Magic Stones than any other country."

"Oh, I heard that. When I tried to sell Demon Nukes at the market, I heard voices from everywhere."

"You'd be able to buy a lot."

I was winked.

Earlier, I reported finding a flock of goblins, so I'm saying it in the stream.

"Sure, you can buy it out even if it's small like a goblin"

"I wonder if it's a good country for adventurers"

I wondered what that was, so I tilted my neck.

"I can't have a horseman, tough winter hunting is hard, and it's going to cost me that much. It hurts and itches."

"Right. The adventurer says so, I guess so."

"Still, Siu, are you really a child? I doubt my age when I hear it from you."

Rufino laughed as he was listening.

Rarely has Caspar interacted with the conversation there.

"I don't feel like a stretched child, so extra. But there's something quite childish about Siu."


"I suppose so. Anyway, dealing with great people doesn't move at all. I think that's also due to the unique bluntness of the child. Mostly, you said you were perverted against Fabian. That's amazing."

"... Could you be angry at me for turning away?

"Haha, no way. I don't do that kind of thing."

Well, I thought so.

Kaspar is floating, but he scolds me properly when he scolds me.

It's not the type of thing in your belly, so you can feel safe around it.

"I think Fabian is a pervert, too, and I wouldn't be mad at you for that. You're reading somewhat of a place, too. I think it's awesome because I'm properly alert to someone I shouldn't tell. I wonder if we are naturally born with the qualities that make it difficult to deal with."

"I don't know. I was just scolded by a merchant guild patenter."

"Really? You did something."

I laugh, so I told her what Siu said to Shayla.

Dan and Rufino laughed bitterly.

Caspar laughed slightly shuddered.

"Well, they scold me. Did you explain to the woman that it's good for constipation? Wow."

"When I hear that, I think you're a child."

"Yeah, you are."

Everyone convinced me.

"... women are difficult. It was hard to handle Senior Hildegard, but there's a lot of people at this school who care."

"Hey, who's there?

"If it's a class of multi-attribute surgical development, Mr. Alondra-Falnvari or something. Always let the samurai hold the book, stick it up? Shiatsu. Somebody's gonna go in there and protect me."

When I blurred, everyone laughed smiling.

I told him about someone else I cared about, not knowing what it meant.

"Mr. Clarissa-Vardenfe uses his sword even though he comes out of the aristocracy. I got flexible gymnastics incorporated in the Tactical Warriors Department, but they're taking it off because women can't let me. I wonder if I'd mind that. I know it's gonna be tough on the women's side, but it's a little tough because the men's side needs to be distracted, too."

"Because that's the condition for being a gentleman," Kaspar said when he heard it. Siu was told by Kaspar that he was a gentleman, even if he was not a nobleman. Yes, and when I answered, everyone laughed at me. No gentleman here at the moment, so I was told.

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