Shut-in Magician

298 Previous phases of large-scale crusades and haulage work

Though I ended up talking about Siu being blunt, after that, he told me some things about the Beastman tribe.

"Oh, if you say so. The Beasts have a good nose, so they know the difference."

"The smell of the Beasts is a form of pheromone."

The smell and atmosphere are so intense that even the people can see the difference between the Beasts.

The half meant those things were thin. They say there are differences, such as not deep carvings in appearance.

Siu had no idea, so when I said that, Caspar, Dan and the Rufinos laughed bitterly.

"You, in the first place, aren't very interested in human ugliness, are you?


"'Cause even when you talk about someone, you don't talk about their appearance, do you? I don't even say who's cute or anything like that when I'm about the age."


"Well, you look a little thin yourself."

I was aware of that, so I nodded.

"I guess it's a shi-turn style. You were picked up around the Iota Mountains."


"Maybe it's the children of the people who came from there."

That's what Siu and his grandfather thought, so yeah, I replied.

"Oh, but you have a thin face, but I think you're adorable and cute"


"You see. I don't really care. You're funny."

"... but Senior Caspar, you don't care, do you?

"Sort of. He's a man, and there's nothing like getting married with his face. It's easier for nobles because their parents decide."

It was a Kaspar-like statement.

"It's tough if you're a woman. He's got a lot of pictures and stuff. Because there's so much laughing to see and cheat."


"What's all that talk about in the salon? I'm sick of it."

I want you to realize that it's quite interesting to talk about Siu.

Anyway, I found out a little bit about the Beastmen.

Again from Kaspar's talk, that was also good because I found out in Steyburn that he wasn't half as tough as Latricia.

This time, it meant officially seeing Luca in the Brad family, which was treated as a written document. I would take him back to Steyburn after Kaspar's study abroad, so I was relieved to think about the future.

On a windy day, Siu showed his face to the Adventurer's Guild early in the morning.

When Skye was there and talking to each other about yesterday again, the Rulanders came.

"Have you come? Maybe you could carry me to the local area or something?

I nodded yes because I was seen with anticipation eyes.

"You haven't made it to maintenance yet, have you?"

"The rest of the party hunting has got a purpose. I think that's a court magician. It's just that the court magician who wanted me to fix it hasn't been there. I'm not moving on."


"And the big warcraft on the Iceberg side that you were talking about, I also got information from the Elves. He said he was exploring because something was wrong."

"Well, I knew it"

"I concluded that it would be Gracchiace Gigas. I can't get close enough, so I'm speculating. I had no doubt what you were saying."


"For communicating that information, the two courtroom magicians of support are also waiting for me locally. We're going to have a massive crusade that includes soldiers and adventurers, so we're going to see more supplies."

They say the Knights are headed there too, so they need their bags ready for that.

I was talking to Luland, and Taurus broke in.

"There seems to be a court magician with space magic out there, but let's get lucky."

Look great! And he had a rough nose and raised his voice.

Anyway, the court magician with space magic says he'll rendezvous just before.

That's why he thought it would be appreciated if Siu came because he was carrying a large amount of luggage even in a dedicated carriage, but not enough at all.

The adventurer with the massive magic bags is not currently in Luciera, and the rest are half-sized, so they're not worth much use.

In other words, a beast rider with a large capacity magic bag was the most suitable job.

I thought you were sorry you couldn't come yesterday, and I apologized,

"No, no, that's not what I meant. Besides, if I was in real trouble, I would have pushed you to the mansion."

And they laughed.

Anyway, Siu was set to take the request for one day today, which meant carrying as much cargo as possible.

As usual, he seemed to treat himself as a state of emergency and flew on Ferres from a dignified front of the guild.

No one was surprised anymore by the citizens and adventurers around, but after all, Ferres was hung with words of support. Ferres was also used to waving his tail Yura Yura towards those who supported him, making a mysterious appeal.

Motivated Ferres arrived with the shortest record of less than an hour to the site.

The camp somehow housed the Knights and others, and the adventurers were invisible. When I detect it, I'm putting up a tent on a street a little further away.

Flying over, several of the soldiers said something but ignored it and stepped down near the tent.

"Good morning. Why are you here?

"Hey. Long time no see. Right, school's off."

"Oh, Siu, how are you? Yeah, yeah, we got kicked out."

Rieto and Coors welcomed me. Coors can't do it, dude, and he's blurry.

"Siu's been working on it for us."

"Well, then, maybe I can't use it?

"Yes, that's why I want some extraordinary bread or just a little bit of fucking unsavory Nixlps meaty soup"

"It's awful."


I felt more and more disgusted by the acts of Latrician court magicians and knights.

"If you leave your stuff behind, we'll tidy it up for adventurers later. Coors, let me know if there's a good place."

"Okay, I'll take care of it. Looks like Sioux. It helps!"

Coors was happy, and Rieto and the others seemed happy, but he said he was sorry.

He offered to help me tidy up this day because it was a waiting day, but Siu told me to just work hard on the move because I could help, and I flew on Ferres again.

When I got to the camp, the soldiers showed me the requisition because they did what.

"... of carrying cargo with a magic bag? Kids like you?

"See requisition form"

"... just in case, show me your guild card"

I took it out of my pocket, thinking it was a great thing.

"Grade 10?"

Yeah, and he laughed at me with his nose.

Then I saw Ferres flailing next door and nodded.

"You're a lucky couch. Okay, go to the warehouse. That's where the clerk is."

I was ordered not to do anything extra, and I headed to bite off my sigh.

Even in the warehouse, it didn't feel good to be watched as if you wouldn't thieves.

You get the sharp gaze most often as you walk through the camp, and if you try to get out, the example soldier called out again.

"Sell that horseman and you'll be quite rich. You can have my mouth full."

Unexpectedly, I turned my eyes around.

I couldn't say anything and left without responding.

Though he was yelling at something from behind, the person he was dealing with is just a soldier. I wasn't scared or anything.

Back to the streets, Coors came on Ferres saying there was a good place on the other side of the avalanche.

Talking about earlier while we were on our way,

"Right? Those guys, they really don't have attitude."

I didn't see the expression, but with a windy voice with a rather sinister face, I zeroed my stupidity.

"I won't be dealing with him anyway, and I pulled it off. The Knights are better yet, but this time the court magician."

"It depends on who leads it."

"Soldiers too. The Knights have some standing, so they'll step on it."

We arrived while we were talking.

I did find it a solid place when I detected the land.

There, simple buildings, Shi 'a, and Ji were created using earthly attribute magic.

"I'll get back to Luciera once and carry it again, so you'll make lunch then. I'll make it warm and delicious!

"Yay! Shiu's dishes are delicious. Last time, that was bad!

"Yeah, because I like to cook, and I'm glad you ate it"

"Ha, I'd say it's like a woman to give up. You, don't get caught up in some weird bitch, okay?

Even though he looks like a delicate, refreshing elf youth, Coors seems to be a lot of unfortunate types.

I'll teach you a good whorehouse when you get back to King's Capital, or Coors, who was making a bad adult statement, but was beaten up by a woman named Domenica, one of the adventurers I've been catching up with.

"I'm not teaching my kids anything strange! You rotten elf!!

"Oh, you, you really hit me."

It was cute and I was finishing my moving job.

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