There are only men here, but I was surprised to hear that there are also examples of women being kidnapped and enslaved.

"I don't think I see a criminal slave because it would be a tougher mine send. We were in the most insignificant position of slaves when it came to repairing walls."

"Neither do we. I came here as a construction worker..."

The man who named him Alrigo was a worker, and he said he worked with the slaves here. I said that an avalanche was up and running late, and I was abandoned.

"I've hung up on you many times asking you to take action because it's dangerous."

"Even the Adventurer's Guild has been hanging from the Royal Palace for a long time. He's not a court magician to clean up an avalanche as big as this. He asked me many times, but something I was worried he wouldn't let me out. He was working on alternate personnel, and the staff worked hard without going to bed."

"Right. The guild is decent, isn't it? He always sent his staff over. Speaking of which, you brought me a lot of potion once."

Oh, I made that, I replied in my heart.

"Speaking of potions, just now"

Everyone stared at Xiu Yuzu and Xiu.

"I really don't need the money. Mostly, people are dying in front of me, and I would normally use it if I had the medicine."

"... I don't normally use it."

Sorol answered, leaking a bewildered, unusual laugh.

Then I got my place right, and I kept my head down again.

"Thanks for your help"

The other faces have bowed their heads together, so Siu hastily stopped it.

They were all very small and malnourished, and only returned to their health, so they made high nutritional soup and gave it to drink. I thought my body wouldn't accept it to feed me solids yet.

Hold on to trying to eat in a hurry and get them to eat slowly.

The body in the back might be returned to the surviving family, so I decided to preserve it on the spot.

"This is a flask. Keep it because it's warm. However, if the skin is exposed immediately, it will burn at low temperatures, so be careful. And put on some sparkle."

"Or mingle? And a flask...?

"I made it. It's good for snowy roads. I'm talking about the son of a mountain dweller, believe me."

"Oh, oh."

"I just patented the pocket furnace the other day, so I guess I'd be happy to hear your opinion on using it"

Laughing and winking, Alrigo noticed and smiled and received it.

"Well, then you also need to use it to give an opinion on how the product went!

"Oh, oh."

The Sorols also took it upon themselves to realize the extraneous significance.


"Wow, is this it? Magic?"

"Don't let them touch you right away, I'm afraid of cold burns."

"... ok"

Everyone was broken even as they looked strange because they ate hot soup and had a warm flask.

"So shall we go? It may take an hour to walk, but once you get through a dangerous place, you can alternate."

alternating? and the men tilting their necks, it was the horseman who saw through the snowcave.

Only the little Luca was put on Ferres, and Siu walked along beside it.

Everyone is following Siu without complaining, although they were surprised at first.

If you pass where you have a dangerous avalanche, all you have to do is go down the street.

Thanks to them walking through the road, I don't have much difficulty walking, but it will be hard for the Twelve, who were trapped for a few days, to walk through.

As I said at the beginning, Siu carried one person to the camp.

He would be anxious to be left alone when he first took Luca, so Luca left it with the Sorols to carry Alrigo.

It quickly floated into the sky, and both the Arigo on board and the slaves watching were raising their voices so weird.

When we arrived at the camp, Coors was returning.

"Siu! It's late, what's wrong, ah?

"I'm sorry. I thought I'd call you, but I thought you'd be surprised."

All of a sudden I couldn't use comm magic.

As soon as he got off, he explained the situation, and Coors was sympathetically nodding over and over again.

"You didn't hear about the possibility of survival. We need to stop the field director who's fleeing later. Nevertheless."

Coors slapped Siu on the shoulder.

"Well done! First moves are the key. You're amazing even though I couldn't find you."

"Oh, ha, it hurts"

"Oops, that's bad"

Anyway, I jumped on Ferres because I was bringing the rest of them in order.

After that, it was transported back and forth.

The slaves did not wait on the spot, little by little but were walking in. How did you become a slave when you were such a human being? I thought I'd ask you later.

It was noon when I was making a resting place for them.

Lunch was made with Siu's take out. I knew there was food because I undertook to carry it, but I hesitated that it would not be in my plan to take it on my own.

It seems that Isaac had heard Coors realizing about it saying he would pay properly later, and there was a little bit of soggy at lunch.

We were reluctant because we couldn't afford it.

As a result, it took so long that the dish was cold because of it. Of course, I rewarmed it.

And by the time we finished eating, the advance team had arrived.

The advance team also had Gasparo.

In the Adventurer's Guild, he's a man with a face. I found Siu and ran over.

"You were the scourge! What's the guild thinking!

"Hello, it's been a long time"

"Oh, right. That's what I'm sayin '!

"This is what Siu looks like. I've found out in the last two days."

When Coors came next door and laughed, Gasparo looked down on you.

"Oh, my God, are you with me?"

"What a rude thing."

When the two of them were meeting, other faces came along. All we have to do is join the advance team, and we're all adventurers.

And the court magician still doesn't show up. I wonder what's going on.

"It's Lieto, leader of the advance team. I want to hear what's going on around here."

Coors also changed his expression to a serious attitude.

"I think there are two Nixlps herds to the north, around a hundred herds to the east, and more than two hundred herds to the west"

That's what I said, then I saw Siu.

"Well, from what I just checked, it's no different that there are hundreds of northeast flocks, nearly 250 northwest flocks,"

The adventurers in the vicinity looked giddy.

"And I don't think he's coming here yet, but there"

I pointed west, and went on.

"There are twenty-three small flocks of rock pigs each. It's a small herd of no more than four to ten, but there's a number. There was also a flock of goblins, but it's pretty far away. Canis Aurez was in the same place, but keep it in numbers at once because of the wide range of actions. Nearly thirty, almost alone, not herds. And."

Gasparo looked fed up wondering if it was still there.

"I'm not sure about this one, but I don't know if it's around the mountain range eastward than here, but I can feel the presence of a giant warcraft there. I don't know exactly, but it looks like it could be about ten meters. I didn't go to the enemy because I didn't have time and I thought it might be a different case."

"... no, that position would still not be a threat. I think it was an accurate decision."

Rieto answered with dismay, then looked down seriously at Siu.

"You're not lying. You're not lying."

"Rieto, this guy's not gonna lie."

"Mr. Rieto, Siu is not the kind of kid who would do that"

Gasparo and Coors proved it to me at the same time. We looked back at Siu, smiling bitterly at each other.

"Yeah, it's not a lie. Well, if you ask me how I detected it, I can't answer that."

"... I know that. It's the Wizard's lifeline. I'm not telling you to reveal your precious magic seeds."

But he sighed out loud.

"When this happens, you reconstruct the whole plan. The number of Nixlps is higher than expected. The rock hogs are too numerous, albeit weak. It's dangerous in case it flows this way. Gianni, come on. Domenica will leave the advance team to rest. Oh, Coors and Siu, or I want you guys to come. I want to write more about it on the map."

And then, looking up, I looked around in surprise.

"Was there such a thing here?

"That, Siu made it for me. He was also a loading officer, so when he built the warehouse, he also built the evacuation area. You even got the ground, didn't you?

Yeah, I nodded, and Rieto looked sinister.

"... to the ground"

"There is also a", so we can serve something warm. Oh, yeah, I forgot the most important story! I discovered who Siu had just been left behind and helped him. Now I'm building a new place to rest and put him to sleep there. Join the workers and the slaves... "

I saw Siu, so I continued the conversation.

"It's twelve. But he's malnourished and out of battle. One of them is an eight-year-old."


For Christ's sake, Rieto looked up to heaven.

Most conscientious adventurers hate having their children in these places. I guess I felt pity and pity.

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