Shut-in Magician

284 Large Warcraft causing snowstorms

After laying boundaries on each of the simplified buildings, they split into two hands and began to oppose each other.

Using an enhanced version of omnidirectional exploration, Siu begins to look into it. Ferres seems to enjoy the snow mountains, and he was following them as he played fluffy flying and storming the snow.

Siu is not on Ferres. He also practiced flying with boards, so he magically shredded the tree that was decaying and falling into its heel and tried to ride it in a sketchy shape.

Outreach It worked, and I was able to ride it, although it was fine at first. However, when I was in competition with Ferres and got up to speed, my legs slipped and fell off the board when I changed directions. I thrust into the snow thinking I was glad I wasn't flying high, but Ferres seemed to think he was playing and came into the same momentum directly next to Siu.

"Buha, Ferres! The snow is flying this way. What do you do when you're buried and you can't breathe?"


I smiled and had fun, and what, I was answered. Siu wasn't really mad either, so it didn't seem to convey the point.

"Fine, but come on. Well, earlier board, where have you been?"


I'll get it for you, and I flew away.

He came right back and gave me the board that was stuck in my mouth.

Footstops were added to the plates so that they were easy to stomp on. The wood is removed from the space vault appropriately and sticks together easily.

Then, on the board again, Ferres' eyes glowed.

"It's not a competition. I'm looking for warcraft in the vicinity."


Nah, he looked bored. Siu smiled bitterly,

"So which one finds the bigger Warcraft first, or competes?

And when I suggested, my tail was shaken at high speed.

Burning Ferres still seemed easy.

When I was thinking about building a flying board and hanging detective magic, I noticed a presence.

I was curious, so when I focused my exploration on you, I felt a great presence beyond the distant but Nixrups-like herd. Large warcraft were also found further afield, close to the Iceberg Mountains. That's a long way off, so it won't be a problem now.

The problem is the warcraft in front of us.

Nixlps was willing to leave it alone because the adventurers and court magicians who will come later will do something about it, and Siu is not willing to embezzle the handle, but this warcraft doesn't either.

Visual metastasis revealed that it was a werewolf type warcraft called Hiems Grandelps. Plus, it's connected. I heard he would live in Winter Mountain with a warcraft specializing in snow magic, but he was denied his existence with something like Yeti from what he said in his previous life. I live in mountains as deep as that, and I don't see them in places where people can get in.

Even the Ecobook of Warcraft was just an imaginary picture. This proved that one of the paintings was not wrong.

Siu called Ferres and transferred with him.

A snowstorming warcraft, hence named HiemsGrandelps. That was about seven meters for females and ten meters for males.

The feeling I saw was wolf-shaped, but it was no longer "wolf-shaped" and did not form its body. Each piece of fur hair is pointy as a needle, and his back is rippled with spills. It's like a dinosaur has hair. If it's good to call this hair, though.

A drug dictionary written in ancient language found in an ancient bookstore in the Delf country said that Hiemsgrandelps' gut would be a valuable medicine. But meat doesn't taste good. There's nothing I can do about it. They say they can use fangs and skins, but it is unclear if they will be sold.

In the meantime, I showed up in front of you trying to defeat you if you have animosity, but what's wrong with a warcraft may be a creature that you don't need without animosity.

They attacked me as soon as they found Siu.

And when he saw the thistle and the female, each with Ferres, there was at his feet the remains of a warcraft that looked like Nixlupus.

The path that came through the Hiems Grandelps had been swept down by trees and the snow pushed to solidify, but the remains of the Warcraft fell there dotted.

Turns out Nixlps must have come after us.

As it is, it is still likely to reach human habitat.

I don't know if I'm running out of food in the mountains, but I'd be in trouble if I could go in the wrong direction.

I have no grudges, but I decided to take them down because I am someone who doesn't even speak the language.

I tried to go fast and transfer the demon nucleus, but this was inhibited.

It also seems to be jamming, and I was surprised that I knew I had higher magic skills but was using them.

I wondered if there was any intelligence, but there was no sign that you would respond to the discussion.

It would be amazing if it could be used instinctively.

I figured out a way to knock them out while I exchanged opponents rolling out ice blades and such for a while.

I don't want to hurt my gut, so I figured out how to do it, and then the gravitational magic thing passed.

If a heavy knife was swung down, even this huge opponent would physically fall. However, if you are noticed, you can escape. Footwork is light for a giant.

I realized that I thought of a heavy knife so that I could not find it.

"What, it was easy"

It's a way I've thought about it before.

Siu asked Ferres if he could keep his mind alone for a little while.


It was a reliable reply, so I asked him to smile bitterly.

In the meantime, he moves a little over the sky to avoid disturbing his feelings, where he builds a space wall for a long time to stand. So I looked up over the far other side. Visual metastases are made to produce ice blades at high altitudes. I left it to the fall to shape and go. I put a blade of ice once in the vault that dropped momentum. I have some of the same stuff just in case, put it in the space vault, and now I look down directly.

Instead of Ferres being able to stab his opponent with a stop, he was flirting with it in a fine motion. Cat-type riders are good at moving in narrow places, so they change directions well.

Nevertheless, the opponent is highly magical and magical. The snow is gaining momentum.

He must be trying to shoot something of a decision hit, and Siu instructed Ferres to leave.

"Hide in the rocks behind you!


It became like a backward retrograde, and when I changed direction, I hid at a glance on the rock.

Drop the ice blade you put in the space vault directly above the neck of the Hiems Grandelps trying to chase you.

There was nothing HiemsGrandelps could do about it, even if it suddenly appeared directly above.

Zan made a loud noise and his neck fell off.

The female panicked in surprise, but dropped the ice blade there as well.

A settlement was quickly reached.


But I was once again depressed by my lack of offense and lack of thought that I might have been able to do it a little smarter.

While calling Ferres, Siu stepped down to the ground, but only sighed out as he stepped forward of the hill.

When quickly dismantled, it is divided into sections and thrown into a space vault. Meat doesn't taste good, but it could be used for something, number one. I can't leave the remains of the Warcraft at this scene. Burn it, it's going to splash on Coors, and putting it in the vault is the best way to hide evidence.

When I cleaned it up that way, I magically hid the rough ground appropriately this time.

I don't think the crusaders are coming in this far, just in case.

At the end of the cleanup, Siu took the Ferres back to the camp.

Did the flock of Nixlps notice the noise or were they no longer on the side Siu explored?

Returning to Shi 'a to rest, Kukurus also returned.

"Hey, not long ago, didn't we have an earthquake?

"Oh, I didn't realize that."

"Oh well. I guess it's my fault. Or did it happen in an avalanche in the distance? I didn't feel like an avalanche. I wonder if I'm blunt, too. I've been having fun all over town lately."

After being so explained, I finally realized if it would be the sound of the ground when I defeated Hiems Grandelps.

It's a good ear. Elves are originally sharpened in physical abilities and senses, but nevertheless, it's amazing how far away they were from omnidirectional exploration they could sniff out one of those scales. It's commendable, but I couldn't explain it in detail.

I've done enough to get rid of it this time, but when and where I might find out, I decided on my mind to be a little more careful.

In order to do so, we had to increase the number of maneuvers in our attack methods, and we needed to explore ways to defeat them smartly. Dealing with someone who interferes with magic.

Why didn't I think of it there when I had harmless magic myself.

Time went by in a solo reflection.

When we finished dinner, we were supposed to spend the night alternating.

The shelter only had columns in the four corners and a column in the center, which was as simple as being roofed, so I put up a tent in it.

The truth is, I can take out the cabin, but I can't get it out with how close they are.

That's why I set up a tent, but even that surprised me.

It seems Kukurus was due to fall asleep until the main unit arrived. I thought I was low on luggage.

By the way, when Coors fought back, he said he discovered two flocks more than the north that caused the avalanche.

I can't say for sure because I didn't get close enough to count, but I prefaced it.

"I think one is around a hundred, but the rest could be over two hundred"

I was told it looked serious.

There were about fifty groups that Siu had found, so were they less as units of the herd, or were they attacked by the HiemsGrandelps?

Seeing that scattered trail of eating, I feel like the latter.

"Not since the crusader's main unit arrived. Tomorrow at noon, it will help if you arrive."

"The first wave will come in the morning, won't it?

"It would be about scouts, that fast. There's a lot of walking, and you should decide it's slower."

Anyway, prompted to go to bed, Siu entered the sleeping bag early. Ferres also slept dressed like he was leaning next to him.

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