Shut-in Magician

282 Emergency Request to Snow Mountain Avenue

Tomorrow morning, he said, there are a lot of arrangements to be made between the adventurers getting together, and Adoral was continuing to explain early on in the arrow.

The advance team, who leads the main unit, how to fight it, etc.

I was listening in silence, but as I got into the story, the adventurers' gaze became painful.

Everyone is watching Flirting and Shiu.

Finally, one man raised his hand and asked a question.

"By the way, what's the little one over there doing here?

Doesn't mean very well.

I also found out about that, and Adoral brought a small sigh of sigh, then laughed bitterly.

"Looks like an official brought you in because he thought it would help. In fact, it would be helpful to have him."


There was a dissenting voice from several men.

I guess so, even Siu. Think normally and wonder how such a small child can help.

But Ruland, who walked into the room with me, had a different view.

"I asked you to come at my discretion, but it definitely helps. First of all, he is a beast rider and can move fine in the winter mountains. Plus, I have a magic bag. I stepped in to get help transporting supplies."

When I said that, I whispered and apologized to Siu.

"I'm sorry it's an ex post facto consent"


Quickly interacting, Ruland went on again.

"And he's a powerful man who can hunt rock hogs alone. I've had junior adventurers hunt the near-field forest since the other day, but he's the owner of an arm that swept through the third forest in less than a day. He even cleaned up the rest while covering the injured adventurers in the second forest. I had the pharmacists escort done separately, but this one was perfect too. Also familiar with medicinal herbs, the majority of the potions I've been looking after here lately are his releases"

A few seemed to think of it, and, ah, he was raising his voice.

"High mobility and being used to the mountains. I believe this is quite important. Of course, I have the pity of requesting a child to participate."

Looking over and knowing there was no objection, Ruland sat down on the spot.

Keep your head down to Siu again.

No, that's fine, and while we were hanging out with each other, Adorall's story resumed.

Now nobody saw anything about Siu.

After the discussion was over, it was explained in detail in what form we were headed.

Now that they were all in the circle, the neighboring adventurers apologized or slapped me on the shoulder saying it was a disaster.

The adults have plans for meetings and such, so Siu was just listening in silence.

Sometimes, I was asked questions, but roughly I just answered about "what I can and can't do".

For example, can you give Ferres another ride, etc.

I'll be honest there and answer that I'm not used to it yet so I can't.

He also added that Siu himself is used to solitary, but not to the way he fights in party organization. They didn't want the adults to let their kids deal with Lupus either, they just told them to do the main transportation of supplies.

As guild chief, Adoral knew Siu was working on locating the Warcraft Stampede and stopping it in its early stages, but he didn't say anything about it.

At the same time that I know the horror of leaving it all to one person, I'm not going to push the whole blame on Siu, who is also still a child. I think that's a great place.

I was laughing, but scolding, at Ruland for bringing me to this room.

"Well, thank you for the magic bag."

"And he has a beast."

Being able to fly is still convenient. It is only in a hurry that we show the truth.

I was secretly discussing it if the country would give a little more priority to beast riding and send disaster dispatches, etc.

The next morning, he arrived at the guild early in the morning and started working from where he loaded his baggage.

Even so, I just pack it in a magic bag.

When I had just finished, the official in charge was pompous and open his mouth.

By that time the potpouts and adventurers came and knew that an urgent request was being made, or they were running in front of the explainer.

They say the departure will be divided into three groups in the morning. Each will arrive on site tomorrow in order to get there on foot with a dedicated carriage on the snow road.

It's already been put on the road to the middle of nowhere, and you just have to pay for the snow that's falling, but it still takes time.

I really thought the beast owner would like some more help here.

Being on the steps of going out, Ruland came.

"One, I want you to give me a ride. Because he's a man who can help his enemies."

"If it's light, you'll be fine."

"Yeah, don't worry about that"

He immediately called the person he was looking for and introduced me.

"This is you, Siu-Aquila. I'm thirteen, but I have at least six more arms as an adventurer. Siu, this is Cools-Nowem."

"As you can see, it's an elf, nice to meet you"

I got my hands on it in a casual way. I shook my hand. When I shook it, it grabbed me. It was a little limp hands. All my back is a little long yum style, but I can see I'm working out.

"I'm tall, but I'm light. So I don't think that's a burden."


That should be it too, he had gravitational magic. Level three. Happy to see it for the first time because it's a skill I thought would be a bit good. This skill is fairly rare and is said to be much less than having spatial magic.

So, he didn't reveal anything about his skills either.

"Coors is familiar with the woods, and he's the one who brings them to the guide at these times. Of course, you can use combat magic. I'm good at exploring, so at least think of me as an escort."


"That's in front of the building, and to be honest, it's a procedure to let one child go and not get slapped later. Sorry."

We spoke the truth and laughed bitterly at each other.

Ferres had a riding belt on him, and Coors had him on the back.

This time he said that even from before the guild as a special measure it would be good to ride the horseman, so he set out under the watchful eye of several adventurers and officials. When he jumped up, he cheered, so he thought he didn't see a rider.

While heading to Ciana Street, Ciu and Coors spoke with Pompous.

"Could it be that Mr. Plwia-Nowem is a relative?

"Plwia? Oh, you're from the same clan.... do you know that girl?

"I'm a student at the same school. Same first year students at one time and same class. I've hardly ever looked at each other because the electives are completely different."

"Oh, yeah. Pluwia, you've been coming this way. Getting into the Seeker is hard work."

It conveyed laughing in the back.

"Yes, we Elves are named after the same family name. I don't have a close kinship with Pluwia, but I know it because I lived in the same settlement. She was a mistress."

"You're very handsome at school."

"Ha-ha. Was it rubbed by human society? Or are you wearing a cat"

I laughed fun and then apologized to Ferres on board.

"Whoa, is that rude in front of your cat? I'm sorry."

He seems to be gently stroking his back.

"And I wish I were a horseman. Ever since I was a little girl, I rode."

"Were you there when you were little?

"Oh. I'm one hundred and thirty-five, but I was in the settlement until I was about ten. I wonder if it's the last time I've been driven out into battle and died. Afterwards, because of this country's beast hunting, we couldn't get it."

"Beast hunting?

"That. Forced to take the pebbles away. Now it's time for everyone to be honest."

"... I wonder if I would have to submit it if I picked up the pebbles"

There was no such law, but I asked.

"If you can protect it, you'll be fine. First of all, you would be human from another country, so there is no reason to follow the implicit rules of the Latvian state."

"I treat you like a displaced person because you're an adventurer, but still?

"Heh? Really?


Coors thought a little and said no, it would be fine, in a way that would convince him.

"No problem. It shouldn't be a clear rule before then. There's no reason for us to obey the Elves. You still treat me like a displaced person. There's nothing I can do because the Elves were the first to live here, and they're so prestigious."

I finished saying it out of rage. There seems to be a lot of problems with the elves and this country as well.

These things drag on a long time. If we do not have a good relationship with the indigenous people, as a nation, we will remain sparks, so I guess the rulers of the time were clueless.

It's the first thing that counts.

"But I was relieved to hear that. 'Cause if I picked up pebbles again, I'd know what to do."

"Are you going to pick it up? Such luck, it would be good once in a lifetime."

"I'd like a few, if I could. Any kid would be cute out there."


Siu laughed when she heard a dissatisfied voice.

"It's okay, Ferres. Ferres is the best!


I hope so, that's a cute reply.

"Ferres is the cutest thing in the world."


I'm happy, I'm screwed. Because of this, Coors was in a hurry, grabbing a safety belt that stretched out of his riding belt when he fell and making a scene.

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