Shut-in Magician

270 Fun classes and non-fun classes

Tristan then spoke enthusiastically about the multi-attribute surgical formula.

I'm scared because I speak with an impatient face, but I felt like a hot man.

The fourth time limit even ended with his story.

Then when the fifth time period began, it became a discussion between the students.

It's an argument gathered around Siu, partly because the teacher praised him.

"How long can you use composite moves?

What I've heard was a woman named Alondra-Falnvari, a 19-year-old Countess second child. He likes books and makes his squire hold many books.

I took out one of those books and it was a question as I opened it.

"Because I've never counted..."

"So what's in the attack?

I'm goofing in. Siu laughed vaguely.

"Not much of an attack, I wonder. I like to think about life magic."

"Life magic?

I felt a gaze looking down. A lot of people think it's a magical equals attack, so I can't help but miss it a little bit.

There, a young second son of a baron named Orseus-Amana walked me in between.

"Mr. Alondra, life magic is important to ordinary people."

I think it's offensive magic to defend the country.

He thinks from the bottom of his heart. Maybe I can't help but think so if I'm from this country.

While they were talking, a young man named Eul whispered to Soo Siu.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Siu. Mr. Alondra, I like to study, but sometimes it feels like I run and can't see around. No offense."

"Yeah. Thanks"

"But your composite moves were amazing. I'd like to use it more steadily, but I don't know if it's an aerospace theory on my desk, I can't get it to work."

"It's hard to adjust, isn't it? Only trained, I think."

"Siu, you too? Then there's still something I can do."

Alondra came back to life if the two of us had continued to have almost a conversation.

"What do you think is the easiest composite move?

"Isn't it purification?"

"... Purification isn't just water magic?

"You've never used it, have you? Oh, well. Did the noblemen make you a maid or a squire?"

"... you know me well"

"Because that's what the higher nobles I know said"

Yeah, I was seen as worthy of it. I don't suppose she has any offense, but for the better, there is innocence, or worse, a lack of thought. More than words, attitude speaks eloquently.

Hi, I can't believe what the teacher said and he seems to think of Siu as a "weird kid".

Although not even interrogation, there is also distrust in the question from earlier.

"Purification can be used at level one for water and light attributes respectively. Although it will only be to the extent of washing water. I'm sterilizing it by mixing the light. It smells completely different when you do laundry and dry in the sun than when you dry in a room, but you don't know that either, do you? Um, I can't think of a good metaphor. I'm a common man, so I guess it's a different idea."

I decided to delude myself.

She still seemed to care, but Eul invited her over.

We gather together with a few students to write the rituals to each other on paper.

Eul and a few of them are from the common people and they always get together when the discussion starts.

"I wonder if there are other things that are easy. I use purification, but I can't think of anything."

"You have to recover. You have to be silent."

When we answer, we write down what it will be like for each other. Whatever you don't ask, it's good.

It's also interesting to show each other the answers and pack them up to say oh well.

"What do you think? I think it's like this."

"Yeah, it fits. I mean, what do you think I'm gonna say, but I think it's gonna work."

I laughed gladly when I said that.

"Recovery is good, isn't it? It's convenient for wizards when you can use it."

"Light and water attributes make it easy to recover at each level."

"What, so little is good?

"Yeah. As much as it makes healthy people easier, I guess. Two lights and one water will restore your health."

"Heh. I wonder what the procedure looks like."

"This is what I do."

It's good to know how others think when we're showing each other.

Siu's way of simplifying and saving on everything would be good, but when you know where others are stuck, you see the very idea of magic.

Tristan also came around to give this and tips and it was a fun class.

On Thursday morning, when I went to the locker, there was a call letter from Alarico in it.

Stopping by the office on the way to the classroom,

"I'm sorry. I'll see you in class when I think about it. I forgot."

And they laughed.

A little early, but she told me to come with her to the classroom, and I listened as I walked.

"You're a specialist, and the teacher in charge of tactical warriors wants you to get it after all. I need to take some specialty, and I think I'll take it."

"... ha"

"I know you don't feel comfortable. Anyway, it's good to have a strategic command."

"Oh, I absolutely don't like you over there"

I was about to go out with Hildegard, and I said no with the momentum that I could put on Alarico's words.

Apparently she had something to think about. Alarico let her cheeks loose and nodded.

"Then you should still take the Tactical Warriors Department"

I can't summon because I don't have the skills, and there's nothing else.

I had no choice but to accept.

"Yes. Okay. Uh, which time are you free?"

"The first and second time of fire, or the first and second time of gold, the fourth and fifth time of earth."

"You're quite available"

"Yeah, that's why I want people"

"I see."

Even a child like Siu, do you want it if you have extra? "On a golden day," he replied, thinking in his brain that it felt like a gathering of people.

Now I entered almost exactly from the day of fire to the day of gold. Friday is completely vacant in the afternoon because there will be no more when the second time limit ends, and then Saturday is also completely closed, so it's three and a half days off a week.

Make a brain plan that you're going to be able to do a lot of things over the weekend.

I want to go to the library, and only more plan notes.

This day's basic theory of witchcraft class was suspended.

We went to class all of a sudden, so the students were rumouring a lot about each other.

Since he was free, Siu took a trip to the library.

Focus on walking and detecting areas that seem to be even more underground than the Great Library. There's a powerful bond on it, so you can't force it to disarm, it's a little bit of a detection.

These things are what Siu specializes in, and the situation was a little similar to when he braided the magic of omnidirectional exploration.

It takes elaborate work, such as thinning out the magic and letting it dive in slowly.

I didn't rush to analyze it one by one, and in the meantime spent some time reading and/or reading books.

I took as much lunch as I ever made, and ate it with Dino and Cornelio. I also made bread and went, just in case, but Dino only got his hands on the rice balls and took the bread in a bag with him for a snack. Cornelio had eaten it all up on the spot.

In the afternoon magic ceremonial analysis creation, it was divided into a group of students who were slow to master, and students who were early, and then rampant on their own.

For some reason Siu was put in the last runaway group. It's Kaspar's fault. Probably handled as an offering. than maybe a role in stopping the rampage.

Since he was one step ahead and two steps ahead, he did whatever he wanted by imposing such an issue on himself that, without class, to make the analyzed magic ceremony an ancient language.

The teacher was also throwing a spoon, making him take it for himself, and when he pulled Xiu up to pinch the cat child, he silently took him to the side of Kaspar and sat him down.

I had no choice but to stop Kaspar if he was too enthusiastic.

It's the style of listening to classes in between.

So far, the class content is all I know, so I feel good about it.

It's easier said than done because I only need to hear "here's the point" from my teacher rarely.

I was confident that I would get a full score even if I had an exam.

The next day, reluctantly, I headed to the Dome Gymnasium where a Tactical Warrior class would be held.

Even though most of the wizards are passive and rear guards, what makes them warriors? That's because warrior-type humans were equipped with magic.

Should I say sports club system, it also features many people who are hot and bitter.

Well put, honest, simple, Gladys kind of type.

To put it badly, it's an intuitive, cerebral muscle, Kelville-like type.

Grand and others, who were teachers of tactical and tactical subjects at the Magic School in Lowal, had a refreshing temper, but it was still hot and bitter. You were the most norry person in person when building artificial underground labyrinths, and I left all the plans and such to you.

Somehow I have a bad feeling about it.

Ferres, on the other hand, looks like he'll enjoy waving his tail.

Well, you just haven't thought about it.

Siu slowly headed to Dome Gymnasium as he walked down the crossing.

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