Shut-in Magician

265 Production classes and flying test

Water Day also had classes first thing in the morning, which I took as biology, pharmacology.

Both told me to take the next exam, so I decided to take this honestly.

Because classes were like memorizing the contents of a book.

It would have been nice to have had the wisdom of a teacher, the research content to do something like that, but those things seem to be the story of the graduate department.

The third time limit is the Production Department. It is not a mandatory subject, but it is also a subject that I will definitely have to take to hold production, so I decided to take it, although it is my first year.

Exactly. There was only one student in my first year, and I got a little attention.

The teacher was a dwarf named Regro, who looked in his late thirties, but was one hundred and sixty-five years old in the appraisal.

"Okay, so this is the first class of the new year. Let me show you the results of practice during the long holidays!

Apparently there were challenges out there, and everyone is bringing something in.

First time students were told to give ingredients and make things freely.

In the rear of the classroom, besides where attendants and escorts wait, large quantities of material are placed.

Several people, including Siu, collected the material. Some of them were nervous and trembling, and people were each happy to find new material.

Siu encouraged the building of things in the classroom itself because there was something he wanted to make.

The production classroom was on the ground floor because it was also a laboratory treatment, and there was also a small blacksmith workshop when the windows on the garden side were opened.

I asked the teacher if I could use it just in case and started making glass bottles quickly.

I'll make some quickly. The mould was made, so it's flow work. When a glass bottle with a pink pattern can be made, it cools immediately and now I'm going to cut it in.

Because we also make such tools, we did not magically cut the wind attribute as a model for today. So Regro looked interesting to tour behind him.

I ended up putting a lid on the bottle I could, and I was called out.

"You're making amazing stuff."

"Yes. I was going to make it special."


"I usually mould it and produce it in bulk, this way."

I pointed to the original glass bottle.

"I tried to get a sense of luxury and cut it up"

"Hmm. Is that a cut? That's funny."

Regro had become the face of an artisan. Many times, I'm snorting.

"Still, you're fast, and you're good at it. You're used to making things."

"I grew up in the back of the mountain like I couldn't live without making my own. And some friends are familiar with production."


"I mean Agricola, they're famous in the Dwarf world, you know?

"Oh! That's him. What, that guy, he's back in production?

"Blacksmiths are the main thing, and now we do everything in the production relationship"

"I see, is that right? So, you're smart, too."

You seem convinced.

"Hey, a good student came in this year. Good luck with that. Ha ha."

I laughed luxuriously and went back to class.

The teacher seemed to get a passing score, which was good.

Of course, I can take classes even if I can't pass. In the first place, it's his job to teach those students.

In the afternoon it became basic gymnastics.

Because it's a class to make up for the wizard's lack of health, healthy children like Siu were treated as flying classes in just one class. If you don't have to come next time, you'll get tattooed, and it's over.

However, I was simply happy to have a flying class because basic gymnastics was all about running, flying, and arm-and-bust.

But then the same goes for the day of fire, but also for the day of water, it only gets better if you go to class for the third time only. I have a feeling there's going to be more blanks, and it's troubling.

When I talked to Alarico, he replied that it was okay to review the timetable, so I was going to spend the whole week changing it.

It is easier to take production classes, for example, for two consecutive time periods. Change it after consultation with the teacher so that it is in line.

Anyway, since I took the rest of the exam.

Tree Day had ancient language analysis in the morning and joined Caspar. I chose it because it lasted for the first and second time, but Kaspar was for the same reason. The only time I come first thing in the morning is during this class for Caspar.

He seemed so happy to see that he was cowering beside him, and not only Dan, but the people at the mansion were all smiling and dropping off Kaspar.

The class content still doesn't leave the basics, but there were signs that I might look forward to it in the future.

The third time limit again had many remarks in the basic theory of witchcraft that, as always, had nothing to do with class.

The students looked fed up too.

At the end of the class, the students who comforted me last time said they were going to protest, so one of these days my teacher is really going to change.

In the afternoon he was a teacher by the name of Jerve-Martinson, in a class on the creation of magical ceremonial analysis. He was a clean nobleman with a baron position, but a casual personality and a polite way of teaching.

Kaspar had also taken the course and had asked several questions.

It's lively enough to fall short of normal.

The good thing about him is that he doesn't try to hear everything from people, he studies for himself.

I know Siu is developing and creating demonic props, but he rarely comes and asks. Great attitude to study on your own. There were also many questions for teachers to get tips on how to bury their understanding.

Of course, if we're in class, it's a good thing we teach each other, so they ask us, but I respect that attitude of trying to think and knit ourselves.

It's just that it's flawed in the balls that get too indulgent and crazy sometimes.

"I'm spinning around so much, but I guess I ended up with this! What kind of magic ceremony is that?

There was going to be a lot of solitary talk like that.

Between classes, he also did weird things like replace the analyzed sorcery ceremony with an ancient language. I am a fan of the ancient language magic ceremony at its roots.

Golden Day continued with exams in the morning.

Linguistics, pharmacology and then, originally, production would come in, but it moved to water day, so it was vacant and an exam of attack defense practice in the afternoon.

In the course of that day, I found out that I had passed and became an exempt and flying class.

Golden Day was to be completely empty.

The next day, Saturday, there was also only a second time limit, which was a test for the organism but it was vacant because it passed the test. After consulting with Alarico, I decided to increase the number of specialty subjects because it would be all free time if it stayed this way.

I also have consultations with the teachers so I will hear the results the following Tuesday and that day I went home in the morning.

I made candy in the kitchen this afternoon because I had free time. I was going to put it in a bottle I made in production class. At first I planned to make throat candy for medicinal use, but I came on board step by step and started making different flavors of things.

There are many types of sugar, so it's fun to just think about combinations, and I also made a lot of candy using the large amount of fruit I was harvesting last year.

Place candy in a clear, sliced, rounded bottle, a carpet-shaped bottle, a pink carpet-shaped bottle, etc.

I feel good if I arrange it separately for each type.

The colors look good and cute even if you mix all kinds.

When I was snoozed, Susa came to the kitchen.

"If you think it smells good, was it Master Siu after all"


"What is that?

I explained because they asked me with an excited face.

Candy is a common people's treat in this world, but it is expensive to the extent that it cannot be bought by children. Because sugar is not so cheap. Sweet food is really hard to spread, sweet to say fruit, and seems to be to the extent of having natural things divided from acquaintances.

Still, there are many opportunities to eat sweet treats when living in Wang Du, and maids would have had a lot of experience eating them.

Even so, it still seems happy to have a ton of them.

"Wow, that's beautiful!

"I'll leave the decorations in the bribe room, so eat them all."

"Are you sure?!

"Yeah. But if you eat too much, you get fat, and you get tooth decay, so be careful."


The maids have grown as the two of us carry them to the bribe room. The smell seems to have made me unbearable.

Siu is told he can be free, so he made a few modifications to the bribe room and made shelves. Line up the glass bottles there. I pinched a piece of paper in the description that said what kind of candy was in which bottle into the shelf by pinching it in the glass plate.

"Strawberry milk looks delicious."

"I like peach milk."

"Apricots look good, too."

"You also have throat candy. For coughing. But it must be bitter."

"Oh, it's not bitter. Because it mixes fruit and sugar that goes with the herb."

"What, really? Wow, glad!

"You cough up in the winter."

When the maids were making a hell of a scene, an off-duty escort came too.

He unexpectedly liked the sweet ones and wanted some so he gave them one wrapped in a small piece of paper. He was cute because a big man would happily receive it with both hands.

I also advised the maids to give them their personal glass bottles and take as many as they wanted and put them in the room.

When I said that if I was going to run out of candy in the bribe room, I would make it again because I would make additional candy, and the maids who were reluctant at first also enjoyed the colors with all kinds in a bottle, little by little.

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