Shut-in Magician

261 Classroom visits and timetable preparation of lectures

We should have made our way to the classroom sparingly, but we arrived five minutes ago.

"It's both of them."

"... Siu, you say surprisingly?

Dino said something like that roughly.

Krall seemed useful and sat in a nearby seat like a Hildegard escort. Pathetically, it looks a little tearful.

And there seemed to be an invisible battle in the rear waiting seats, mainly with Camilla, a private knight, staring around like a beast.

I can't have that one.

I don't care, Ferres is waving his tail and coming and going in front of Camilla. That's definitely fishing popularity. In a hurry, he used communication magic to summon Ferres.

"No, 'cause if it involves oh. If you don't stay quiet, I'll have you wait at the mansion, okay?


I sobered up, okay, I stroked my head and pointed to where Dan and Cornelio were.

"Go away. Shall we go to the beast house later? If you have friends, you can wait there."


Yes, I replied and went back to the rear.

A teacher came in at the same time.

In a hurry, the students turn forward.

First class. Everyone looked serious and listened to the lecture.

I listened carefully to the lecture in the morning and headed to the dining room for lunch.

They don't interact directly with money, they seem to record student cards on crystals. It is a system that will be settled later.

Siu is a member of the Adventurer Guild, so he decided to have it automatically withdrawn because he has some money in there.

Nobles and the like seem to be able to deliver bills to each house. I don't care but I was a little impressed with the late payment system.

Tuition is a prepayment system because if it is trampled down, it will be difficult.

They also have a scholarship system, which naturally exempts top performers.

"Don't be surprised."

"Before I do that, I want you to do something about your attitude towards that Miss Hildegard. I was harassed and the class didn't even come in half my ear"

Dino's stupidity was also right to left, and Caspar was making judgments about this one by one.

By the way, Siu is the same, making judgments in his mind.

Ferres didn't seem to think about it and was eating it deliciously.

"You've had a bad attitude towards her for a long time."

"I didn't like the sense of justice."

"Oh, well."

"I just didn't like it when it was just school life, but listen to what you did when the incident happened. Spring"

"I don't know what that was."

Shiu asked, wondering, as we were talking about the smudges.

"How do you know that?

"The kids around Edvard tell me. Besides, the only seriously injured person who showed up was her escort, and a wound she was able to protect her students. Besides, he lost his arm."

"Because the school side wasn't a student, because it wasn't public, but it was up for conversation between escorts. Besides, this kind of thing sounds like a lot."

So is it also because of Sioux's report?

I wrote it as it is, so it also conveys her actions to the upper echelons of the country.

Kilik and others who commanded the crusade were angry, and in that sense, I guess she no longer has a place in that country. You must have managed to get into the Seeker.

It was pathetic to think so.

"... there was no escape, was there? It looks like he was ruled out in the social world."


Senior Caspar, I'm not in the social world.

"Something troublesome. I didn't go. By the way, I'm not a senior anymore."

I giggle, so did Siu.

"Yes, sir. Uh, Senior Edvard said that, right? So, he said I'd be careful because it's like that kind of harsh and pathetic. 'Cause it sounds like a big deal for a woman of her age to be banished from the social world."


Caspar replied that he didn't seem to care. He's not really interested.

Speaking of which, she wasn't awarded the Viscount after all.

"Really? But he's my first child, so he's the Duke, right? It's not good."

"My son-in-law's in trouble."

"I don't care."

I praise my shoulders and look like I don't care about my heart. It seems so incompatible.

After finishing his meal, Kaspar, exhaled slightly, elbowed to his desk behaving so that he supported his jaw with his hand.

"By and large, there is no escape and we go to schools in other countries. But why the Seeker? Whether or not she put it in with her grades. How angry you are to think about how much money you have piled up on a high-ranking wizard to make you write references. If you're going to a school that fits your height and reflecting on your past work, you're not reflecting on it."

"I guess so."

"I'm just putting a knight aside trying to make a duel noise, and I don't think he's reflecting on it, no matter what you think."

Starred by Dan, Kaspar corrected his posture and then stretched out thoughtfully.

"I'd rather do an analysis of the ancient sorcery ceremony than that soon. I can't believe I want to take it in a specialized subject, but I still can't. I can't stand it......"

"Oh, yeah."

Dino shouts out his voice, but even he can't talk about people. Because you're a soldier station idiot.

Tomorrow, I tried to say the name I came up with.

"Department activities, we can make them ourselves."

Gabba and Kaspar turned to me again.

"They also have it in the graduate department, so maybe we could hang it up. Seems like there aren't many students."

"Where did you get that information!

"From fellow librarians. I made friends. Second year people."

"Siu! I like you!!

They held me.

Ferres got a little grumpy, which was the trouble.

Later, although Hildegard and I had several opportunities to meet each other in the face, Kaspar, in a good mood, was able to stay safe because she didn't seem to see her.

Dan praised me.

While Dino frightened me,

"I wonder if there are any barracks..."

I was also asked, for example.

By the way, the military station technique seemed to be incorporated into the Strategic Command Section of the specialized subject.

Dino looked a little fed up about whether he was going to take the course with Crail this time. So I added a word that would be a no push.

"I don't even have a strategy to follow. So Senior Hildegard is with you."

He looked as if he had been shot in the brain with Gunn, and it solidified.

When Siu smiled bitterly, Dino took Siu's hand to shrug.

"... I learned strategy and the barracks. It's Siu, of course, you take it, right?

But Siu was heartless.

"I won't take it ~"

"Oh, no."

"I have so many other things I'd like to take. Mostly, I didn't like it and took it, that."


"It's the result of nothing else."

"... what?"

Well, while forgiving him, Siu decided to stay away from anything dangerous.

Thus, when I took four days to look around at them all, I made a timetable for the course to be acquired.

I gave it to Alarico on Saturday morning. They said I could keep it in my locker, but I took it anyway.

"You must have been Siu-Aquila, right?

"Yes, now please"


I received it and looked from top to bottom, and my gaze returned up again.

"... isn't it overstuffed?

"But there's a lot of specialty and graduate studies I want to take, too, so I want to get them early"

"... well, it would be easier to fly."

"Can you fly?

"If you pass the exam, though. Oh, no, can you give me a minute?"

I put the paper down and pulled the paperwork out of my desk drawer.

"You're sure."

Read transcripts and other materials.

"... well. You might want to take the exam first."


"Do you want to take it?

"I want to take a class"

"Hmm. You sound like a serious and good student. but depending on the teacher's judgment, it also makes the flying class, so think about it."


When I bowed my head, Alarico called me.

"How was Eghe-Mortke?

He's a teacher at the Lowal School of Magic, and a teacher who took care of all of Kaspar.

"Ah, yes. I enjoyed your postgraduate guidance."

"A report from him says you're very good. You think it also speaks ancient language? I'm looking forward to seeing you in my class."

He smiled.

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