Shut-in Magician

253 Hunting in Winter Mountains

Krall asked me to speak normally because I was in a position to be taught, and I was close to my age, so we stopped saying respects to each other.

I walked up to the rock where the swarm of rock pigs lived, but in the meantime I would talk about the signals of the hands of the adventurers and what they needed to hunt.

Safeguards such as the luggage that Siu now has, but each of them has to have a minimum, were explained in a sour way. Krall also nodded again and again where he seemed to know because he watched Ruland coach other adventurers.

He was also studying, so he told me what he had learned about the activities of adventurers in this country.

"Anyway, I don't think I should have many sheets of oil paper."

"Rain and moisture control. Ah. Is it that amazing?

"Yeah. So the demand for oil paper is high. Also, you can sell cold resistant materials at a high price."

In addition, there is a high demand for firewood due to the high use of firewood in addition to demonic stones for heating?

"However, firewood needs a drying process, so in case of haste, the wizard's demand is higher. Even wizards hire fire and wind attributes."


Latricia has the highest school called the Seeker School of Magic, but there were several magic schools underneath it because of its position as a university school. There are also the first and second, third and third schools of the Royal Luciera School of Magic, especially in the Wang capital of Luciera.

They say there are magic schools in other major cities.

"You have a lot of wizards."

"As long as you have the minimum amount of magic, your parents will send you to school."

"What about Klaru?

"I guess I'm finally averaging. That's why I didn't go to magic school."

I know because I was appraising it, but as he declared, Krall's magic power is nineteen near the average of ordinary people.

"I wish I had at least 20. I could have gone to magic school."

"In Latricia, you can go through in 20."

"When you can use life magic, it helps you get a job. So parents can't do it, but let them through."

"Heh. They have to be at least 30 in Lowal. There were exceptions."


"I only have 20 magic powers."

"... What!!

He looked back a lot in unexpected ways. Siu signals with his fingers firmly.

"It's about to be a nest hole for rock pigs. Quiet."

"Oh, yeah."

Because he seems concerned, Siu indicates forward with the fingering signal he just taught, "I'll tell you later, now concentrate".

Krall also squeezed his face as soon as possible.

Even so, my face is covered with a cloth with only my eyes in this fur hat, so maybe that's the atmosphere.

There's a beast path, so we've come down a path that's not so deep, but it's in a snowy forest.

Ferres is on guard around the woods, above the trees and flying fluffy. This was also part of Ferres' training. Ferres is in the middle of remembering to detect signs. It is more powerful but more elevated than man because of its nature as a beast.

"Here, wait. It's the easiest place to see, so watch the hunt from here. However, you can never move. That you can't even make a sound. I'm gonna tie the line, okay?

"Yes, sir"

Set aside the magic props for the junction, Siu moves on without making footsteps.

When you step on the snow, a missy noise sounds, so it goes at the same time as the wind sounds and the sounds of the beasts.

Letting Krall form the best spot under the wind, Siu quickly headed to the nest hole.

The rock hog had the male of the adult beast exiting and entering the nest hole.

Detection showed a few young males in the back and about ten females. He's got a big stomach, so he'll be the next kid. It was found out that the young male would be the first child of the leader of the flock.

This time we also needed weapons to show our strength.

I took out the spinning stick that was fitted in my hips.

Easy is a mass projectile, but I can still use it because I have eyes to use it in a new place.

While I was wondering if I had to think about a new weapon again, Siu ran down towards the rocky nest hole that had become a basin.

I notice the leader male first. I noticed and tried to advance, but not long before I could step on my feet, I fell under the grip of Siu's baton in my brain.

"I knew I couldn't stop it."

A big body can't do it with a stick.

"I guess I'll use Kunai. Do you manage to become a weapon with the aid of magic"

Where the rock hogs who perceived the anomaly came out, they defeated them in turn.

He threw Kunai while hanging his magic with "Reinforcement", "Blast". Kunai, who gained explosive propulsion, inflicted a light fatal wound like a bullet.

The females remain in the nest hole, so they lit the smoke and threw it in. It didn't have to be carried to the back using the wind attribute, and the females felt strange and panicked, and it all came out.

I thought of them because they were winter mountains anyway, so I created an ice blade and dropped them. Then I also tried to adjust so that my head was down toward the slope. He'll bleed out on his own.

"It wouldn't make sense if I used wind attributes to throw it."

Ice Strike Magic is compound magic, and I'm starting to feel like a wasted on-parade if I were to use it.

I still feel like it would be better to drop the ice from a high position and use it. Like it's hard.

Some of the famous uses of space magic that were found in ancient books are methods of transferring spears and the like to high positions, dropping them, and then putting them in the space vault along the way, removing them as weapons while retaining their power, but they are moves that cannot be used as sioux who do not want to use space magic in public.

"I wonder if water cutting would be more user-friendly."

It's convenient to have gravitational magic, but I can rush out of my head thinking about it.

I can't help it with more skills that I can't use any more.

Think of magic that can be used in public.

"For now, is that a rock pig in front of you? Feresu! Come!

"Ha ha!!

"You can hunt."


When I thought I had come down from the sky like a bullet, I kicked lightly on the ground and redirected, I immediately rammed into a swarm of rock hogs.

It quickly bites to death with the splendid fangs that have stretched. It was a blow. The second one is also covered and bites off the neck.

The third one rushed after him to escape confusion, and the main body of although he killed him because scratching and biting him with his forefoot nails became disastrous.

"Oh, this isn't for sale, is it?


I seem to have failed myself. It dripped, and it shriveled.

"Reflections later, can't you? Forget it, Ferres."


"Yeah, it's not. Ferres, you're getting better at hunting, but there's something a little off about it, isn't there? They're understated, so we need to hunt more spare time. You're in trouble when you're confronted with someone in your class, aren't you?


"If you get it, fine. I'm sorry you're mad at me. Well, I'll reward you later, so will you keep an eye on me till then?


Ok...... and still looking around a bit apart in a depressed manner.

It's pathetic, but I must also say it strongly for Ferres. Cat-type riders are not so strong individuals that they needed training to be able to defeat their opponents in one blow. Chasing him and scratching him with his nails or biting him out of the open is not a good way to fight for Phae Race.

If you don't remember the value of the product, it was important in hunting with you. Even so, even Siu can't say what looks great.

"... Klaru! That's enough, come here."

"Wow, okay!

I summoned Clar, who stood still. He must also be taught what hunting is like. It was very important.

First of all, I left one only this time to put it all in a magic bag to prevent it from freezing. Of course, he's draining blood and tightening everything that made him faint. Then, work the remaining one out of blood on the spot.

"Sometimes it seems that it's hard winter to freeze and carry it as it is, but it's better if you can drain the blood. Because it really stinks when it thaws. It's like an enemy that makes meat worse, so you need to drain blood without a wizard. You need some temperature to do that."

'Cause it freezes.'

"Yes. Now I've set the line, and now I can cut off some air flow. Start a fire here, I'll work on it."


She also had Krall's magic props for the fire, so she attached them to me. I also bring hardened wood chips. They said these were a portable adventurer must-have, and Krall had his chest stretched out because they were basic.

"It's just this, it's expensive, isn't it?"

"In the long run, is it more convenient for a wizard with fire attributes?"

When I said that and laughed, Krall also laughed small.

"Well, then I'll try. It's easy to do with rocks and trees. It would be useful to have a pulley. Will you watch?


He says it's a magic bag. Take the rope out of the backpack and wrap it around the legs of a rock pig.

Install the pulley above and below the rock and strike a metal plate that receives the rope at each point where the rope is likely to break. Rope in turn, pulley through.

"I'll help!

"No, look. Because with these tools, you can do it alone."


Further stretch the pipe made of light iron and secure it to the rock. Now I could make some slopes from the bumpy rock. I'm also going to pack a pipe under the rock pig. Slowly pulling the rope, the rock hog slowly moved. At the oblique point, put the rope through the anti-return device and connect it to the hook you were hitting beforehand.

These are made exclusively and use a pulley to lift them, but even easier because they just spin the stick around with this principle.

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