Shut-in Magician

250 Luciera guilds and markets

When Xiu smiled and approached her, the woman looked at her slightly but immediately became a sales face.

"Hi, my name is Siu-Aquila. This is the Adventurer Alliance card."

When I gave it to her and showed it to her, she still looked surprised. Then I looked at Siu and asked him confused.

"Is this yours?

"Yes. It's mine. Uh, I just came to this country, and I need you to tell me something."

"Oh, yes. What is it like?"

Confused, she turned to the face of doing her job.

"I don't think this Grade 10 bulletin board has a detailed job in the Wang Dynasty, but who and where is receiving such things as repairs to exterior walls, pavement work, loading and cleaning up, for example?"


She looked like a ho, then smiled.

"Perhaps you are from the State of Steyburn?

Looking at what Siu is wearing, she asks.


"Really? In this Latvian country, such chores are based on giving slaves."

"Are you a slave?"

"Yeah. I know there was a royal decree in Steyburn not to place slaves in prominent places within the King's City. The criminal slaves are engaged in tough work in mines and such, so I guess you never saw them either."

"Yes, I've never seen slaves"

I knew I was there, but Siu hadn't seen it yet.

"During the harsh winter months in our country, we will return slaves to the king's capital, the city, etc., and use them as a workforce. The death rate of slaves will be reduced, and there will be no more untreated cases, so there will be two birds a stone."

"I see, that's a good idea. So, construction, etc., is also scheduled for the winter."

"Yeah. Avoid summer and plan in anticipation of the slave workforce in winter. Of course, if there were any urgent cases in the summer, you would divert the slaves. There are open slave cities in Latricia, and there are many of them."

I speak as a matter of course, so Siu also answers normally, but I knew the word slave would catch my face.

"If they took the tenth grade rank in Steyburn, it could be a little rough here. If you ask, you can also get a job about advanced people, what will you do? In that case, even if you can accomplish the request, you'll only get a penny."

"Oh, it's okay. I've decided that it's topical grade 10, but the Guild Commander told me that grade 6 would be good."


"Eh, I grew up in the back of the mountain, and rock pigs and third-eyed bears can usually be hunted. And I've crusaded Grande Formica together, so it's okay."

"... huh?

I knew just about that I should name a ghost dragon horse or a black ghost horse, so I mouthed a low-ranking warcraft, but she looked confused.

Without knowing if it can't be done up there or down there, I'll probably try to add it up.

"I've also hunted a bunch of goblins and cobolts, but still no?

I asked my boss, and the lady at the reception shook her head.

"Oh, good. Ah. Then you'll come back for work when you're settled. Thank you for today."

I bowed my head and thanked her, and finally I heard her name.

"Excuse me, may I ask your name"

"... it's Juliana. How did you get to Luciera?

"Next time, I'm enrolled in the Seeker School of Magic. I don't know how to get a lecture, so I'll make a plan, and then you'll come on your day off. This guild is open regardless of the day of light, right?


"See you next time. Excuse me."

I left the guild behind after the meeting. He didn't look back, he didn't have a visual metastasis, so he was a siu who didn't notice that Juliana had a weird face.

Now, thinking about what to do next, I decided to look for a restaurant or a stall because it's something I'm hungry for, too.

but there are no stalls or anything in the middle of winter. Siu searched the market as he was stunned by his silliness.

"It's cold."


Walk side by side to Ferres, who hammers you not cold at all.

Ferres didn't seem too cold thanks to his natural fur, and on top of that, he seemed to be using magic to outrun the cold even more.

Siu himself endured the cold without magic.

Even so, the cold is shriveled because the robe you are wearing is an example fabric made of Grande Alanea yarn. This is a new tailoring. Of course, the color is dark ash, but I used the red skin of the fire dragon for a bit on the edge. I think the soft leather, tanned and thinly extended, became fashionable between the heterogeneous materials, but Caspar looked weird.

Anyway, I'm wearing a robe made of that super luxury material, so the body part isn't cold.

My face is out so I get a cold breeze, but I think it would be good if I felt the season again. I don't feel alive if I magically cut everything off, and I was half enjoying trying to get used to the cold, unless I was flying over it.

"Oh, there was a market."


That was just the market and it was vibrant. People seem to be walking less because they are passing busy hours in the morning, but still noisy.

There was plenty of room to walk with Ferres, but for that matter, there were also chills of those who looked gnawed at the fact that there was a horseman.

"Oh, boy, take the beast with you. Be careful!

"Yeah. Thanks. By the way, isn't there a store in this corner where you feed me delicious food?

"This place? Not a fancy restaurant?

"I like the common folk's. Delicious, common people's shops. I don't have a stall."

"Ha, it's this cold, there's no stall out there!

"If you want something from the stall, you have to come in the morning. There's going to be a stall on the street. There's heating on this street, so the stall leaves in the morning and night."

The woman next door who was listening spoke to me.

"It is. You were late. Too bad."

"Are you a common man?

"Yes, I am."

"You look beautiful for that. He's wearing a good robe, and he's taking the beast with him."

Yes, if people look at it, they'll know the robe is using something good. Though it seemed scattered at the magic school in Lowal.

"The goodness of this robe, you know? Everyone made a fool of me that it was Lowal. Dirty colors."

"Really? I wonder if Lowal's people don't have eyes."

"Isn't there a lot of adventurers? There are so many adventurers here, we have fat eyes too."


While we talked about that, they taught me that people in the market often go to the store. It'll be a little back street, but they're three minutes away on foot.

Siu took Ferres on his way.

The store was only described as a mass cafeteria, but it smelled delicious.

When I opened the door, it was past noon but a few people were still sitting.

"Can I come in with the horseman, too?

"What size?

"It's a freshly fed beast."

"That would be nice. It'll be cold, and let him in quickly."


Come and invite him inside, Ferres sounded happy. Then I knew the interior was warm, and I was cutting the magic. It's clever.

"Oh, that's really a fay race. I haven't seen you in a while."

Several of the guests also look at Ferres unusually.

"You're so quiet."

"I didn't make a scene in rare things because I cheated with the tutor. I don't see riders in the city, but isn't it a good idea to take them all over the city?

"No, it's okay to take me with you. It's just that we have a lot of nobles and the common people don't get to see them. The beast of the adventurer of the stream is also kept by the beast rider near the outer wall, so we rarely bring him inside. Well, the deposit is expensive, but it's safer than walking in the king's city."

"It is."

"From what I've seen, you're a wizard apprentice? If you're a wizard, it's not weird to walk with you. That said, it's unusual to bring him to such a common place."

With a bitter smile, the owner of the store showed me the menu.

He asked for a recommendation and dished out the same thing for Ferres.

The store owner took the liberty of undertaking it for me.

And all the dishes served were very delicious.

Something like French bread with plenty of cheese hanging on the outside on crispy bread and scorched. The soup was stew, but because the bread and cheese are thick or lightly flavored. The stock is effective, so it was light but delicious. The stock seemed to be made from rock pigs and flying rabbits. The main meat dish was rock pork steak, seasoned only with salt and pepper, but rich and delicious.

"... Smoked? No. Oh, are you aging it?

The shopkeeper seemed to hear me even though I was just whining bumps. I came out of the kitchen and stood next to Siu sitting at the counter.

"Boy, your tongue is fat. Yes, I've aged it."

"Wow! Even though it's hard"

It's really hard to manage meat in this era. I don't have a fridge, and I don't have a thermometer, so it's hard to store.

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