Shut-in Magician

246 Taste Pride Confrontation and Hypermagic

Human beings in this world are more or less equipped with magic for everyone. It has existed since birth.

However, depending on the amount of magic, it often involves life and death.

When I was young, my body was not able to accept the amount of magic, and a theory also tells me that I can't circulate magic vegetables well in my body, but I often die because of it. It's also called hypermagic.

I can't cure the fundamentals, so my family just has to watch me softly.

Because of this precarious body, magical children are all sickly. Always next to death, raised with care.

Until he was five years old, like all other children, he was called "a deposit from God," and the mortality rate hasn't changed much. The problem is till the age of ten. In the meantime there is a particularly marked difference.

It's just that after this decade, I'm relatively secure, and a fifteen-year-old adult, my parents were finally told to unload my shoulders.

That's about as hard as it gets for a kid with a lot of magic to grow up with.

Rigdor was also another highly magical child, raised with care from an early age.

However, he used to be a mess as that temperament, and every time he left the house, he went out to play.

"So come on, around my house, I knew there were a lot of merchants, right? That's why a lot of kids who seemed to be able to play were looking for the merchant."

"Or just now?

"Yeah. But now that I think about it, my house is huge for a merchant, isn't it?

"Right. The Alliance introduced me to a big businessman."

Ha, Rigdor laughed. Laugh, then lay your eyes down a little.

"All the kids around are small to medium sized houses. My parents are coming. So, kids don't like that, do they? Again, it's a bad year. One or two above me, and it's solidified, and there's no one else, my child."

"You're your brother's age, right?

Rigdor has a brother named Garnier.

"My brother was smart, and the school was different, because he had an unusual personality like studying the store without playing because he liked business. Yeah, well, those guys, they didn't seem to like it. Anyway, that's how I got my eye on it."

We finally find ourselves sitting in the gap between the stairs, and Ferres is falling asleep in front of us for a long time. Because of this, I was able to sit back slowly with a few gaps.

"You're bullied, but you didn't notice at first, and you thought you were playing, and you were following those guys around. Because I was really stupid."

"You just wanted a friend."

"... yeah, well, hey"

I laughed in the light and then looked at the water splash in the fountain.

"But while they were taking me around, they left me. In the rain, I didn't even know where it was, and if I'd been a little behind on my discovery, I'd be dead, and I'd be making a fuss."

"Oh, so"

"You know my family and the police force know I can't go alone, right? So he asked me kindly who I was hanging out with and I answered honestly."

"Are you resenting that?

"Yeah. Since then, I haven't been out on my own, so I've never been stunned or done anything."

"Speaking of which, are you alone today?

Usually a housekeeper should be escorting you. I also come to Siu often to visit, but I will never be alone. Even though my body has grown stronger, I also know my parents' anxiety because I'm only thirteen.

"Oh, that's right. I missed it. But when I got to the venue, I would see someone, and I thought if there were so many people, I'd be relieved. Either way, we were gonna split up when we got to the venue."

"Aren't you worried?

"Hmm. What do you think? We talked about the venue being close enough, so maybe we went straight to the festival. Oh, don't be mad at me. Do it. I was looking forward to the festival."

He treats the housekeeper who has been working in the mansion since before Rigdor was born like a relative, Odishan, and he seems to love it.

"So is it okay if I'm playing later?

"Yeah. I'm hungry because I could skip breakfast to enjoy this."

At the same time as I said it, there was a loud curculout. Ferres woke up surprised.

"Buha, I'm sorry! Ferres, this, my belly sounds fine."


He seemed unsure, tilting his neck, and Ferres sat with his forelegs aligned on the spot.

"... Way to go"

Rigdor shrugged small as he stroked Ferres' head.

"Talk, listen, thanks"

Hearing that, Siu laughed all the time.

"You're welcome."

With a small voice about whether or not they can hear you, answer that.

I found an ally named Rigdor, so when we were talking about splitting it up and buying it, I joined Akiera and the others. In addition, Vivi and Leon also came, so we all did the math to collect the purchase.

Some of the children in the nursing home had an unexpected increase in the number of people, so they each decided to buy a quantity for a few people to share. The funds redistributed what they brought. Sneaky Siu keeps extra, even though it's pretty tough with the kids' pennies.

Leon and Rigdor seemed to notice, but they kept quiet.

I asked Ferres to secure my seat.

Let him sit on the stairs, put up a sign.

"I'm taking a seat. You can touch it, but be nice!

When I told him it was an important assignment, Ferres sat back with his nose rough as if he had been motivated.

When I went back after buying out, there were several pairs of parents and children with children around Ferres.

Seeing Siu and Ferres waving his tail happily, they noticed that the Lord was back, and they complimented him with a mouthful of "He's a pretty girl".

"I wouldn't be mad at you at all if I touched you, and this kid was happy. Thanks."


"Compared to eating among friends?


"We're coming too. Can I have a look?

"Go ahead."

Wow, it looks delicious, my young father said, and the kid looked happy.

"Shall we go buy it soon? Well, thank you."

The parents and children each thanked each other and left.

Welcome, thank you. Thanks to them, no one is sitting around Ferres. It's like he was securing a seat for me, and it helped.

"You think amazing. I mean, Ferres, you weren't often stolen."

Rigdor approached me as he spoke like he was frightened. Looks like the others are back.

"Because I'm already a beast. Plus, I put a ribbon on your medal."


"Ferres also received a medal from the state. I'm hiding it because it's a shiny treasure, so I gave it a short cut."

"Oh! It's real! I just thought you made something elaborate for Ferres again."

"I won't go that far. See, you're going to be noticed walking the festival horseman, aren't you? That's why I put it on you just in case."

I see, everyone is listening and nodding.

"Let's eat and compare faster than that."

"Oh, yes, they do. I'm too hungry to stick around anymore."

Everyone laughed doedly at Rigdor's words.

When Xiu took out the impromptu desk on the spot and installed it, it returned to its original hustle and bustle, although the surroundings were a little deflected.

"I still don't have half the work to do."

Everyone arranges the plates while saying things like that. Stay standing but this will be good again. Ferres seems to be concerned too, so I gave him something he bought extra.

As we all said it was delicious, we continued our troubling conversation that it was delicious.

"I mean, hamburger, sooo yummy!

"Me too!

"I like this, too, amazing. Hey, how do you make this? I wonder if I can make it."

"He wrote me how to make it, beside the store. I guess that means you can make it at home."

"That's right. I'm asking you to write down the basics. And then there's creation. I wonder if I should season it to my liking in every home."

"Uh, yeah!

"But isn't it tough?

The girls stand on the side of making and think, but the boys were dedicated to eating even.

Rigdor is amazing too, but Leon is eating with the momentum of wondering where he's going to get in.

My brothers and sisters at the foster home cautioned Leon not to eat Bakubaku outside because he was so clumsy. Rigdor and Vivi are surprised at how it goes. I guess it's because I'm far from Leon at school.

Home cooks had their own ideas.

Just, is this home cooking? and some of the suspicious contents, but none of those seemed to have stretched their votes either.

"I don't make things at home that take a long time to make."

"Really. Isn't it absolutely made by a man?

And the girls are spicy.

By the way, it was served by one of the most popular major restaurants.

It was a shame that the customer didn't grow their legs because they sold the good ingredients at a good price.

However, I think the flavoring itself is delicious and very well worked out.

The problem is that this is not in keeping with the spirit of the Games.

If there was a next time, I wonder if we could each confront each other by purpose, and it was Siu who would stick with the plan in his brain.

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