Shut-in Magician

239 Proposed gourmet showdown

In the Merchant Guild, he also met Erica, who is in charge of rights.

"Expand the distribution of vacuum packs?

"Yeah. Even the Adventurer Guild now has regular slime captures, and even with a significant increase in numbers, we can handle them. There are more factories."

"But surely the Adrid family was building the factory, right?

"Yeah, the Adrid family's buying up the rights. But I have contacts from all over because it's too reputable and user-friendly. So you can't make it to run the factory all day. So, we're discussing a joint venture with the others. The right to sell belongs to the Adrid family, but it belongs to you, and I thought I'd go through the conversation. I'm a patentee."

I saw his face in the guild, so he just called me. They were all going to talk from L'O'Neill.

"Thank you very much."

"Oh. You're as polite as ever."

Others told me about the current situation, such as the dressing.

At the end of the conversation, Siu said something about the dishes he behaved like to the royalty.

"That looks delicious. A new recipe..."

"I'm offering Oluza a recipe that fits the rice, and it looks like Doran and the others are making a new menu by mistake, so I'm not telling him this time."

"Really? But, you know, I'd like to try a hamburger."

"That's right, that. It goes great with rice, but it goes great with bread, too. One way or another, it's for kids, and I'm thinking maybe I can't sell it in the street."

"Oh. Is it for kids?

"Adults will love it, of course, and I think it's suitable for older people who can no longer eat meat. It's just a taste that kids prefer."

"Yeah, it is. I'd love to try it."

Because his eyes were gleaming, Siu took it out on the spot, just saying it was all right.

"This. Go ahead."

"Wow... what a delicious smell!

"If it's good, if anyone else is free, you can call me. There's more."

"Really!? I'll call you soon!!

I left in a hurry.

By the time he came back, he had brought in a large crowd, and Siu laughed bitterly.

Zafiro also came back when he was talking cute.

"I think it would be absolutely fashionable if I tried selling this at my birthday."

"Oh, really?

I just thought about it.

"But you're going to Latricia next year, and because of that, you should spend your birthday with your friends."

"But Senior Zafiro, you don't have this! It's better for the world to spread this delicious stuff!!

My colleagues were also snorting at the newcomer's staff who preached.

"... Mr. Siu, speaking of which, you said you could make this all kinds of ways, right?

"Yeah. It's versatile. It also depends on the type of meat, the formula and the vegetables you mix. There are many ways to bake them. The sauce can also be devised for each."

"... I wonder, this, what is asking you to publish the basic recipe and have a competition for flavor"

"" "What" "

Everyone looked at Zafiro surprised.

"Of course, I'll have the recipe patented. On top of that, you're free to use it."

"Oh, then I don't need a patent fee. Rather, I think it would be nice to have different ways of eating. Interesting event, maybe we can make it an event. Maybe we should try something else, not just a hamburger."

"... that's amazing, isn't it?

"Hey, it's not gonna be an interesting eyeball event."

"Ah! Well, how about an eyeball event competing for the flavoring of hamburgers and an event competing for dishes from each specialty, try it"

"How, are we competing? Someone's got a powerful back shield, and it doesn't mean you can't manipulate it with money."

"Right. Depending on the outcome, it leads to the future of that stall."

"Wait, wait. But it's seven days from now!

"... All right! Then this time it's us, let's do it. And I need you to give me a voice where you can help me. Someone I know who cooks for me. So, let's see how it goes and get it fully operational after next year."

"" "Yes!!

I strained out and raised my voice, but is it okay if it was seven days ago?

One of the sayings is also Siu, so after turning down that he would not be selling all the time, he offered to help.

"I'm totally off tomorrow and the day after, and I'll help. Because it is also set up during Birthday or ready to go. I promised my friends during the day, but otherwise I'm free."

"... I appreciate it, but he's still a working kid"

When Zafiro said as if he had been frightened, he was nodded from other faces.

Siu doesn't have a working consciousness, it's just fun. I don't know about tiredness, so maybe that's what it seems like.

"Uh, you'll all be tired, so I'll plug in the potion."

I took the minutes out of the magic bag for now.

"Also, I have ideas about how to vote and how to run it, if you like, so let me join you"

"... really, that helps wow. Hey, don't you want to get a job with us in the future?

Erica has invited me. Zafiro is nodding, and the other faces are half serious about his eyes. I guess I'm tired and tense before Birthday.

"Uh, for once, I'm an adventurer and a wizard..."

When I lowered my voice and said no, I was exhaled into a grand sigh. I was told many times that it was a real shame, but I took part in a meeting that began abruptly.

An event I used to watch on TV and would love to join if my stomach was sturdy.

I didn't think I'd plan that after I was reincarnated.

Even, thank God for my healthy body.

"So it's a taste bragging showdown in home-cooked dishes, and voting means using a fork."

"Yes. And I'll make the disposable forks. I saw it all over the place last year, and it was made of wood, so I was wondering."

"What do you mean?

"You don't have any body? I want to make it out of reusable materials. Using a fork instead of a ballot paper saves you the hassle of collecting it, and you can reuse it and it's two birds a stone."

"... but something of that material"

"This time I'll make it all by magic, but you just have to divert the vacuum pack material."


Erica embarked on herself in surprise.

"Are you going to use that?

"Yes, change the formula and stiffen it. It's molded. When reusing it, it can be used as many times as possible because it should only be purified and melted again. Even if it degrades, it will be saved from melting, so it's no problem."


"Re-use... I didn't have that idea!

"Oh, but you reuse your clothes, right? Same as that one."

Clothes are something that is lowered from the upper class, but the thinking is similar.

Zafiro and the others nodded.

"Indeed, it is often reused in other materials. However, the idea of melting it and creating the same thing again is new."

Am I? and tilted his neck, but continue with the meeting.

"The fork is a new form of thing, and, uh, this is it"

Use production magic on the spot to create shapes. The fork had been taken out in front of me as a sample, so I used it.

"This is an unusual form, though?

"You haven't decided what kind of food you can cook this time, have you? This is called a fork spoon and it can be used for both. Because it's home-cooked, you can try this for convenience."

"... I mean, when you can use it for both, hey, you can drink this"

It seems to be simulating how to use it in your brain by correcting it.

"Patents, apply for patents!

At some point Katarina, who was in it, rocked her body, and Erica,

"We also need to discuss the reuse of forks."

and stuffed.

To Zafiro.

"Shall we also pack a story about how this eyeball event works? If we do this right, it will be a huge event."

That's what they said, and Siu was held until this evening.

Ferres, who had kept it in the beast house, rotted infidelly and was contacted by a man from the bottom of the beast house to finally pick it up in the room where the meeting was taking place, but because of the discussions he had been discussing ever since, Siu was slapped with his tail from Ferres until the next day.

On windy days the venue was to be secured and the stall group occupied in the square of the usually large park was to be lowered slightly back. Positioning was the day before Birthday, so it was a rough business.

However, since we were to redo all the planned drawings, we spent more than half a day just doing this replacement job.

There was a wide variety of things to do to give voice to even more acquaintances and to create flyers, and the staff who were having a hard time just preparing themselves were truly hollow.

There was also support from the Adventurer Guild and the Housekeeping Guild, and it seemed that they managed to keep it.

Of course, Shiu magically did the necessary materials for setting up the venue on a light day. The magic power seemed so amazing that they appreciated that they would never have been able to progress without this.

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