Shut-in Magician

Visit 228 Marquis House

The day before was tough until late at night.

But I woke up in the morning at the usual time.

Ferres was as noisy as everyone else, so he still seemed like an ogre, but when Siu tried to go out, he was jumping up in a hurry.


Don't leave me alone, it seems.

Get dressed properly and head over to Argheo's house.

We headed to an overly luxurious mansion, close to the royal castle of the aristocratic city.

As always, they let me bare without anyone being done at the gate leading to the aristocratic city, but just as the Dolph Gallen family gatekeepers do not hide suspicious eyes against guests coming on foot.

"Good morning. My name is Siu-Aquila. I was your classmate, Argeo, and I promised to come and see you today. This is my guild card. And then there's the passport for the Oscarius border uncle and the Fedric Marquis and, ah, the royal castle."

Without having to take it all out, a man like a butler jumped out in a hurry.

Even though it's far from the mansion to the gate, I noticed it arrived a lot. Besides, the butler came to me, not an apprentice or a housemaid.

The gate soldiers were also surprised, then they looked at Siu many times and saw the pass at their disposal before hurrying to salute him.

"Please, come in!


Awesome power. While I thought the power of backwriting was great, the butler gave me a polite greeting and guided me inside.

"I'm sorry to interrupt all of a sudden. I came to visit, truly flattered."

"No. My husband won't ask me out with a compliment."

The story seemed to be telling.

Last night, Siu communicated with Argheo.

You can't just suddenly send it to the lord of the great nobility.

Of course, it would have been rude to Argio.

"Ah, Argheo! Sorry, yesterday suddenly"

"No. I'm surprised to hear from you. But if you think about it, you developed it."

"Oh, communications magic props"

"It was also useful at school, so I bought it quite a bit at home. It took me a while to get it."

"Sounds like you had a lot of givers and a hard time getting them into circulation."

"Really? I don't know much about economics yet, but that's what it is."

Argheo, waiting in the front door, invited Siu in casually.

Get me through to the reception room properly, and the maids won't change their complexion when they see the common man Siu, and that's the people employed by the great nobles.

"So, he said he needed to talk to you. You didn't come here to see the Holy Beast, did you, Father?

"Oh, of course I'd like to see the Holy Beast!

"... Oh, yeah"

Just a little bit, but they made me look frightened.

"You know, about Oliver's house, I want to talk to you."

"Oliver's? What's wrong with the Sturden family?"

Algheo looked up, given the name of Oliver, one of his surroundings. There seems to be some information in my head about what this is all about.

"Yeah, a friend of mine is a relative of the Sturden family."


"I'm just being treated badly for someone in a noble house."

And, the circumstances - explained.

"... did every family member say something like that to the relatives of their home? Oh, my God."

"So, that's when another friend broke in and helped you."

"Hmm. Was it common people to be that friend? If..."

"Yeah, he was a baron. So, in fact, he's been thinking about the person, and if he's in so much trouble, I'd love to help him, if you don't mind, let him take the form of a marriage."

"... oh, I see. You know what?"

You look difficult and you seem to be taking me seriously.

I don't even drink tea. I do my hand on my chin, and I'm roaring hmm.

"It's called impoverishing a relative woman, I honestly don't think you'll forgive me. So you came to my house."

"I thought Argeo might come up with a good idea. Oliver's not an heir, is he? Even if I talk to him, he says it's annoying the other way around."

"Right. By the way, what's that, a relative woman? And may I ask the Baron's name?"

"Yeah. The woman is Mr. Edra-Starden. Your opponent is Mr. Berhelt-Asmus."

"... wait a minute. Wait, wait."


I did my hand on my forehead and watched Argheo wrinkle between my eyebrows, and I heard a laugh.

It was Astro, the master of this house, who had broken into the room.

Actually, I knew they were listening. It's not so much a bug. There was a hidden room in the next room, set up like a sound collector.

Of course, I also knew he was in that room in omnidirectional exploration.

I guess I've been using that room for generations and listening to a lot of things. Very aristocratic.

"I heard you were suddenly coming to see me, and I followed you, but haha!

"Good morning. I'm sorry to bother you in the morning. I've come to visit you sweetly in your words."

"Mm-hmm. Come on, sit down."


Though I stood up and greeted him, I immediately did not hesitate to sit back on the couch.

Astro sits across from Siu's diagonal. Argheo sat next to it, too.

"... you know what they're asking?

"I hope so," he said.

"Hehe. Right or right. Yeah, about earlier, there seemed to be something about the Sturden family that lacked their behavior as aristocrats. Let me tell you something tough from me."

"Does that mean that you can include Edra, a good adult, in acknowledging her moderate determination?

"Hehe. That's right. But, Lord Sioux."


"As such, it is not clearly stated. Nobility is a way of avoiding words."

"Ha. But it's troublesome when you're fooled. Because each person's life is at stake. Oh, you two."

"I will not deceive, but oh, is Lord Siu bright in commerce too? A merchant is the best contract. The idea is understandable to me too. Nice to meet you."

Thank you, and Siu bowed his head.

"Nevertheless, I wonder how they get that far for the two old"

"Because I'm old. You two don't have time for this. Then I feel it's right for a young person with time to move. Before we do that, it's best because we're friends."

"Friend, huh? You are a funny kid. I would say a dignified friend to such a masterpiece. So I wonder what Oscarius Borderline Uncle has to do with it."

"Ah, I'm a friend"

"Hmm. So what about this kid?

"Argheo is also a friend. Right?"

"Oh, yeah, you are"

He looked facetious and Argheo nodded. Astro stares at his face wonderfully. And I laughed small.

"Right. Is this child also a friend? You're a crazy kid after all."


"Great. So I guess that's it."

"Ah! I'd like to see the Holy Beast."

With that said, Astro raised a single eyebrow.

"... right. Well, you can take a look."

"Uh, can I play?

"I don't mind. Argio, you deal with him."

"Yes, Father"

"Are you sure? Aren't you busy?

No, I shook my head and Argheo lowered his head to Astro.

Astro waved, saying it was good, and left the room.

I guess there was something going on that only led to parents and children.

Siu hurried to drink up the rest of the tea and stuck Argheo to the beast house.

Ferres, who had kept it, was a little unfaithful inside the beast house.


When Siu comes, he pins his tail and runs over with a nymph.

"What's going on?

"Ha, ha, ha!!

- He says that none of it will help me, misses me, wants to abandon me.

"That, he didn't play for me. I wonder if they're all busy."

"... you, the words of the horseman, oh, have the tuning magic"

"I don't have it, but I don't know how to tell. I wish I had more skills."

"It won't increase, usually"

Oh, really? I thought so, but I didn't say it.

I speak to the people in the beast house, and they forgive me, so I go inside.

There were also many riders, but there was a holy beast in the widest space in the back.

Wow, it's Slapenil.

It's a white eight-legged horse. There are eight of them, but they are not spiders. The appearance is the horse itself. They say that two of the eight bottles are almost degenerate and will not be used. He also seemed to move like a horse, like two front and four back legs.

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