Shut-in Magician

222 Invitation to live with Soba

The Barracks Department manages and directs everything necessary to replenish soldiers, weapons, food, etc., making it a need for backward support. Naturally, the transport route must also be within the scope of control and must also be accessible for civil work.

They're not just going to be studying on the desk, they're going to be doing classes that actually build transportation routes.

I couldn't do it without being good at reading the map either, and Siu came in later, which meant that even the barracks department was taught that stuff by students who hit juniors.

"Map, you read fast..."

"Yeah. I like it."

I was told there was no need for respect, so I was speaking quickly and normally, but the seniors were pulling a little.

Speaking of which, you were used to the mountains.

"Yeah. I grew up in the back of the mountain. That's why I'm good at making high and low topographic maps."

"Oh well. All right, enough of this."

"Next time, let's do this."

They pulled it off, and now they showed me the materials I needed to build a road.

"... Um, sorry. I can make roads."

"Seriously! Yabe."

"Oh, so you can also make it with magic?

"For once. However, because of the low amount of magic, it can't be a big deal. I'm good at making a path through the woods."

When I said that, they laughed at me.

Then they ask about inventory management, which is absolutely necessary for backward support, and for some reason the students compete for the speed of calculation at the same time? I was to.

Siu could do the math, and he quickly won, and it seemed like he dropped everyone to the bottom.

At that time, Valen just told me that she remembered.

"Oh, you guys are idiots. You challenged Siu to a battle of calculations? This guy jumped before he took math classes in basic disciplines. You can't win."


"You have your own way of calculating, don't you?

"That's arithmetic. But before that, it's convenient to use this kind of thing."

I tried to get the van out. I also made it for Emina, but it's a surprisingly popular tool.

A substitute for no magic props or anything, just to aid in the calculation, but it was very convenient in this world without a computer.

I don't have any paper, so I can't write it down. It is also troublesome to erase a single brass pull plate, so it is time for the van to be useful.

"... this is funny"

"You can calculate when you get used to it, so it's convenient. Now you can multiply and allocate."

"Oh! That's good."

In the end, it was time for a bang workshop just in the middle of the class.

The students all want it, so I promised I'd make it by the next day's class, and the class was over.

That day, if Ban was so popular, I put my face on the Merchant Guild to see how it felt. Surprisingly pleased, it may take a little while to remember, but it was accepted that each calculation is not a big hassle because it is something to do repeatedly and remember.

A patent application was filed immediately, and after this, tools that were not magic props would be spread.

Tree Day has advanced classes in corrections, then the Barracks and their supplements (I was just given no more supplements, though I was scheduled for), and in the afternoon I am a graduate student.

Caspar also made souvenirs of old books bought in the Delf country, but everyone had fun analyzing the ancient language.

Of all the school classes, this might be the best place for Siu.

"Speaking of which, Siu. You're going to Seeker next year."

"Yes, probably"

"Then you're in the same grade as me."

"... what?

Caspar looked up and saw Siu.

"This year, I think I can go. Good grades, too. If you go, we'll have the same grade."


"I'm also after Claire and Dino, so they'll probably be together. Unless there's so much mistake in the paper to be submitted at the end of the year."

"Wow. That's an amazing face."

"... don't you look a little nasty?


I shook my head and laughed. Kaspar doesn't go into this sort of thing, so Siu knows it.

"I'm busy renting mansions now. Why don't you come live with me?

"Uh. But I heard there's a dorm."

When you show off your memories of remembrance.

"Stop it. I just get harassed."

"That's right - Siu. You've never lived in a dorm before, have you? Don't dream."

Dan and Boris caught my eye.


"Yes. There's a relationship up and down, and it's troublesome. By and large, I can't distinguish between individuals."

"... does that mean they take things?

"I do. Even the aristocratic child, man is man. There's a certain number of bad habits, and harassment does more insidious things to the nobles."


"Then even a little freak would be better off with Master Caspar."

"You're terrible with freaks."

"If you're working for Master Caspar, it's hard."

With such a mouthful, Dan and Caspar are close. Dan apparently went into graduate school with Caspar, but now he looks like he's having fun taking classes and he's not surrounded by it.

"But I'm free to do it for you, okay?

I don't know anyone as free as you.

"Master Caspar told me! Siu, you're amazing."

"You knew Siu was amazing, Dan."

"Oh, but then, wouldn't it be a problem if we were with freaks?

Vigo pinched his mouth even though he didn't seem to be listening. Even though he's also a junior, he can say quite anything he wants.

Though such a loose feeling is also a good part of this class.

"You need a common sense person."

Lambert whines securely. As big a body as ever, but his voice was small.

"Who's the common sense guy? Senior Dino would understand."

"Where's Senior Claire? I think you're stubborn that you're out of company."

"... they're all terrible words, but we haven't decided yet if those two are going to get into the Seeker"

I'm saying something worse about Caspar, but you don't seem to realize it.

I had no choice, Siu gave me the guidance.

"Um. Senior Caspar hasn't decided yet, either, has he?

Moments, everyone pulled away.

Even Dr. Egge, who listened to everyone chatter in silence.

"Uh. It's a joke, a joke"

That's what I said, the air remained solidified for a while.

Someone later, the best freak is Siu, right? He said.

After class, I had time, so I decided to write a plan on artificial underground labyrinth making.

Doing it in the classroom of a year, the Argeos came back.

"Oh, Siu? That's unusual. I can't believe you stayed this long."

It was Argheo who said that, unusually, came close to Siu.

We weren't unfriendly, but we weren't good, and now that we're almost out of class involvement, we haven't had a chance to talk.

"Yeah. Because I came up with something new and they told me to submit the paperwork"

"Sounds like a lot of things to me."

When Argheo said something to the surrounding people, he stood straight next to Siu.

Looking up wondering what it was, we were alone in the classroom at some point.

Even so, the other kids are hallways. I hadn't noticed the division in the classroom since it wasn't far off in omnidirectional exploration.

"What's going on?

"... you will graduate this year and enroll in Seeker next year?

"Probably, though. It's not settled yet."

"No, I hear it's settled."

Was it from his father or was it the kind of affirmation he heard from a clear muscle?

It's not even like him, he opens his mouth several times saying it.

"I aspire to be a Seeker too. I can't do it this time, but next semester or next semester, I'm going to make it."


"I taught you a lot. It wasn't like waking up once or twice."

Is that right? and although I tilted my neck, don't say anything extra before Argheo who looks serious.

"... for the remainder of the time, but will continue, as a classmate, no"


"... I mean, that's it"

Is that so hard to say? You don't look like you're selling fights, and if you think you're a strange kid.

"As a friend, oh, no, you're a good enemy! Keep it up, please!

"Oh, yeah."

While I was distracted, I laughed a lot.

As a boy, these attitudes are funny and cute.

Was it embarrassing that Siu laughed, Argeo turned his face bright red?


"Yeah. No, it's not. Because I was happy. Well, then, as a friend, I need your help."

I shook the plan and asked. Then Argheo jumped right at me. All right, let's do it. I thought I'd do anything, the tone sounded great but the attitude was cute.

Later, for a while, Argheo had forgotten his surroundings and Siu and I were immersed in making plans.

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