Shut-in Magician

220 Pharmacology stories and strategy department stories

"Everything has to be over, but it's done."

"... what do you mean?

Seeing the classmates who had solidified, Siu hastily reworded.

"Everything, too many degrees means it's not as good as what's missing."

Oh, I see, and everyone nodded.

"Too much good stuff can be poisonous. So much for everything."

After that, arrange lotion and the like.

"It's funny because, depending on the combination, we can have new products, and pharmacology is the basis for that."

"I had an image of an injury or illness when it came to herbs, but it sounds like fun to hear that."

"Because medicinal herbs are close to the generic name of what's good for you. Oh, yeah, look at this."

Get a new bunch of leaves out of the magic bag and show them to everyone.

"It's just a secret here. This is a precious winter herb that makes it the finest medicine. It is also called miracle grass because it is very rare and difficult to collect. It's also written at the end of this book on pharmacology, so read it later. They say the main ingredient in this is recovery, enough to revive the dying. If it's that amazing, you want it, don't you?

"Ugh, yeah."

They were all staring too surprised and stunned.

"But, hey, this is too strong and needs a lot of attention to be used. Wrong, putting it in your mouth as it is causes an exorcism of magic. … which can lead to death."

With that said, everyone retreated.

Siu slowly looked around at everyone.

"... in case you don't know that you know knowledge, not at all"

Someone swallowed a gokuri and a spit.

"It would help if you took it because it's a precious drug, don't even think about it. Misuse of use can be outrageous. Although the tail of a fire scorpion is fiercely poisonous, adding certain herbs will neutralize it and make it an advanced anesthetic, a medicine that will free you from suffering. Poisons and pills are the same thing. So is pharmacology, but knowledge is surprisingly useful in life. For example, even during these exercises, you did, didn't you?

There was finally a sound of clothes rubbing in the shiny classroom.

"You did. I thought there was nothing useless about learning at school."

When Alestro opened his mouth, everyone started talking one after the other.

"At that time, I regretted why I didn't study more properly."

"You guys are good. We've had a rough time."

Severi complains.

"Really? But I heard you made it back to the camp early."

"With a crawling body. Everyone's hurt, but there's not enough herbs. The healer was the best healer for the seriously wounded, so he couldn't reach us."

"It is. But there were no serious injuries to the students, were there?

When Rigdor asked, Severi answered with a face that looked serious.

"Look, an escort at Miss Hildegardo-Cassandra's. I helped the students get back to the camp. Put your life on the line. So even the nobleman didn't complain."

"Oh well."

"... there should have been plenty of herbs in the woods then, but none of us could medicate it as one. That's pathetic. The teachers weren't quite there."

"I gather and protect students, so I guess I was desperate?

"That's right. Mr. Argeo was putting together his freshman year instead of his teacher. I was so sorry that I couldn't do anything."

"Yeah. So you also attended this supplementary course? It's great to do it voluntarily."

"... well, yeah"

Severi scratched her head in the light and turned to Siu.

"Thank you. Thanks to you, I remember. It's hard to remember because pharmacology is just a teacher reading books all the time anyway. But looking at each helpful drug like this, I can also look forward to remembering each herb."

"Yeah. Thinking about combinations makes it easier to remember again. I think it's a good hand to all compete in memorization."

"Oh well. That's good."

Rigdor agreed, and after that, he was searching for an easy way to remember by making it look like a card, one by one, and by type.

Although time pushed me somewhat, the next step was to do magic practice in a small courtyard.

It's actually a magic class, so do it in conjunction with a mix of tactics.

I thought I should do this while I enjoyed it, so I decided to play with the game feel.

"I'll fly a wind ball made of rubber, so take it any way you want. You can crush it. However, it shall be picked up so that the number is known. The most people win, let's compete."

Looks like I'm motivated by Russia.

The girls were confused, but I thought about it, just in case I had to take it instead of shooting it off.

"Can we throw a party?"

"Of course. I'll use magic, if you'll just abide by it, you can do anything later."

That said, each of them started discussing it.

Eventually, they started competing, partying with a few people at a time or sticking it out on their own.

Everyone panicked because windballs move irregularly due to Siu's magic.

I make it bare by mistake and the fire attack magic is about to hit students who were face to face.

Girl students who were good at defense prevented it.

"Oh well, do I have to worry about these things too"

"Hey, isn't it important to adjust the power of attack magic?

Vivi told everyone to hear it.

"You just learned about saving money, didn't you? At these times, high power is necessary. If I adjust, I won't hurt my people by mistake while I can conserve my magic power."

"Right. It's tough, but let's let it down."

Even as we compete, what we find out is that each one of us puts it in his mouth.

We were starting to work together gradually, so that the women's parties could take away the wind balls.

Each has only a small amount of magic, but one creates a wall with a wind attribute, and the other creates an air flow with a wind attribute there. That's how we work together to make our way and attract it to hand.

Arestro was a small, one-handed western bow that weakened its power, and the retrieval took the form of Viktor using an air cannon to fly it to the edge.

Everyone used their own methods to compete with each other and ended the class with pleasure.

It's good to make up for it, even if there's something missing.

Everyone seemed to notice that.

In the afternoon, I was in a strategy class, and this time it was all there.

"As you will see during the exercise, the strategy we study is to investigate beforehand and make plans based on all assumptions, and no matter how much we do, it is not enough. In fact, what is said to be unexpected happened on that occasion"

Einar looked around at everyone and spoke smudgingly.

"How many times the hell have you heard the word that there will be a stampede of warcraft? I was surprised myself. I was surprised at myself. You were used to peace. Embarrassed as a teacher in the Department of Strategy"

"But, Doctor, this department was originally supposed to learn how to think as an army, so you can't help but think against the Warcraft?

Edvard showed concern like a student chairman, but Einar shook his head sideways saying no.

"Of magic school, it's a class. If this is the college, I can see that. No, but that's not what I'm trying to say. From now on, I think we should all think carefully about the strategy, including myself. Nevertheless, an item on Warcraft Stampede would not be included in the future, as it had the purpose of school exercises. That was the least probable issue. But as someone who learns in the Department of Strategies, I can keep it in the corner of my head. When planning, based on that, I think we can apply it when things happen."


Everyone was nodding with a strange face.

"Even if it's a big deal, I'll think of it for once. Like a board game, let's think about what's ahead with so many hands. Making those thoughts from time to time will surely help any future life."

He seemed to want to tell them again as a teacher after they were all here.

I wondered why by now, but I knew why in Einar's next words.

"I think we all know, unfortunately, that Miss Hildegardo-Cassandra has left school. I didn't dispose of it as a school side, but I knew there was a problem. That's why I didn't refuse her offer. You're familiar with this, too, because there are noble children, but you seem to be talking about it in the social world. It also seemed to have been tightened out of parties to each house that would take place during the summer. You guys were alumni, so I'll tell you what, she didn't commit a serious sin. It was just shallow and stupid. But this is something that other students can say. Of course, there was such a thing about me."

Once stopped, Einar looked around at the students.

"... I think she was unlucky. Her worst side came out when I shouldn't have done the most. Even more unfortunate was the escort involved in it."

Moving his gaze further, Einar looked at Siu. Smile gently before seeing each and every one of the students again.

"One of you could have been the same. I want you to chew that up a lot and take your upcoming student life seriously. Because she can't do it in this school anymore."

There was an indescribable aftertaste in the singular classroom.

To change the air, Edvard raised his hand and spoke.

"She'll regret it, too, and she'll be reflecting on this. I'm also open to dealing with the kind of bullying in the social world these days, and I was one of them studying the same subject, so I'd like to help you if you need anything."

"Oh, do that for me. It really helps, because you'll hold on. Okay, well, let's get to class. From today onwards, we will be selecting the reports that are necessary for planning."

The students in the back seat, who usually didn't seem to be listening, also had a serious attitude as soon as Einar's class started. The class continued quietly this day without the usual blurring to hear.

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