Shut-in Magician

216 Each Hometown

On his return he passed without ever descending on the side of the Delf State, where he took a long break on Ritted territory shortly after entering the State of Steyburn.

Many took a temporary sleep, and the knights, unluckily on the lookout, looked sorry.

After that, he ran once again all the way to Loire without going down somewhere, no, he kept flying and arrived a little early in the evening at the Fei Long departure site of the Oscarius mansion.

It's also tiring to just be riding all the time, and Siu and Ferres made a big stretch.

The knight would have been more nervous and tired, but he's not on his face.

I wave goodbye to the knights I have become friends with, and once I enter the Oscarius mansion.

I tried to go home right away, but I was advised to rest and go. Hans was also guided to the mansion, so Siu was to enter through the main entrance.

It was Libert from the answering machine, Anna, and Cyril's wife, Amanda, who was taking a summer shelter in the territory.

Amanda was left to her to talk about Hans, so much so that she sometimes taught the aristocratic children how to be polite.

When I watched him be taken to the reception room in a smart way, the family order Liberto led Shiu to the reception room for the family.

"You must be tired. Come on in, Anna's special honey milk and treats."

"Thank you"

"Oh, we don't have to be polite like that. Oh boy."

"If you'll stop being a boy"

And I laughed, and Libert winked. It's an eye-catching family order.

Siu drank warmed sweet milk, and Ferres also drank the same.

"Uh, that's horrible"

"You can also get tired when you're on a flying dragon all day. I don't want to be the only Dragon Knight."

"This, Anna or"

Noticed Anna didn't give a shit, and then she told me how hard the knight was and made me listen, and changed her target after Naff, the adopted child, showed up in the room.

"Excuse me, Master Siu. Anna likes kids, so she keeps talking to people who certify kids."

"No. She's a lovely mother. Speaking of which, Mr. Kilik was very attentive."

"She was a nanny too."

"Were you?"

Siu shut up because she had heard that they had no real children, so something unfortunate had happened. You read that, Liberto said subtly.

"Soon after our child was born, Kirikfang was born, too. Anna was a nanny. We were growing up side by side. But one day when you two were young, a warcraft stampede occurred during a territorial inspection. Our son has missed his escape. It's not who's fault, it's just bad luck."

Libert went on, calmly.

"My husband, Kilik's parents also died at that time. Fortunately, your predecessors who had been hiding were returning and became guardians until Master Kilik had grown up, so we were able to pass up the crap that was common in aristocratic homes."

"It was hard for you to lose your child."

"... because for that matter I felt like Kilik and was allowed to treat him like my child"

"You were a good grandfather."

"Thank you very much. It was somewhat of a mess."

"Oh, well, you're a blood muscle"

When I said, Liberto laughed. You look nostalgic, yeah, uh, nodding over and over.

"It's been a lot, but that's why Anna deals with this, no matter how she feels about her mother. I've dreamed about Lord Siu as if he were my grandson, and that he was Kilik's hidden son."

"Ha, ha"

"I was hoping the story of my adopted son would move on."

You're taking the story that way! and Siu waved hastily.

"No, it's outrageous. Uh, well, it's time!

"Oh, no."

"Mr. Riverto, too, please, get Mr. Naff! She bought a souvenir."

So I took Ferres out of the room.

He resigns from the Oscarius mansion and slowly returns through the aristocratic city.

I thought about this past year as I walked relaxed with Ferres.

It has been a whole year since he came to King Lowal Capital, but Siu now thought he was back.

I can see this is like my second home.

"It's a lot of life. Hey, Ferres."


"Almost to school. Ah. I wonder if there's a lot more."


Pretending to be tail, Ferres walks cobblestone looking nostalgic too. From time to time, I smell it and check the roads. They're checking to see what kind of horseman went through.

I walked back to Belius Toolstore, feeling slowly nostalgic for the King's Capital that way.

Emina was just about to close the store.

As Siu ran over, Ferres also shook his tail in a grand mood.

"That, Ferres. Ah, Siu!!

"I'm home, Emina"

"Welcome back. I'm glad you're feeling better."

She let me through the store door and Emina locked the inside.

Then he pushes Siu and Ferres into the aisle that leads to the back.

"Look, come on in. Grandpa was waiting for you."


Proceed down the crossing and enter the main house.

Apparently he had noticed the noise. Grandpa Stan looked out of the living room and smiled.

"How did you get back? Welcome back. Was the martial arts competition interesting?

"Yeah. I'm home. There was a lot going on, was it funny? Anyway, there's been a lot going on."

"That's good. A lot of life. A lot of things. Come on, come inside."

Go up to the main house and head to the living room. Emina calls from behind.

"Hey, I'll have dinner over here tonight. I'm gonna tell Dmitre! Oh, I'll get you dinner."

"Emina, I'll make it."

"You're tired of just coming home. Fine."

"Yeah, I want to make it. You don't want to make it anymore."

Emina stopped, looked back, and smiled bitterly.

"Hey as always! Okay, then, please. For once, we have something for ourselves. I'll bring that. Wait!

When I said that, I ran off with a bummer. As always, it is Emina.

"Fair enough, restless..."

Grandpa Stan tells me like he's stunned, but his voice is laughing. I love that cheerful grandson.

"Then lend me the kitchen. We hunted over there, so there's meat."

"Then again, go to a fight competition and hunt."

"I picked it too. I also went to the market and bought a lot of vegetables and condiments from Delf country"

"You went to a martial arts competition."

This is also a frightening voice. But there's a grin on that face.

"Eh heh. But they saw me everywhere, and it was funny, I guess. I knew it."

Learn more at meal time, promise, and get to cooking fast.

Meanwhile, Grandpa Stan played with Ferres.

Ferres loves Grandpa Stan for playing with his eyes full. Besides, I haven't seen him in a long time, so his tail is probably swinging.

"Oh, all right, all right. Lovely."

He was stroked, had a toy ready, and Ferres seemed very satisfied.

By the end of the dish came Emina and Dmitre.

"I just got back, I'm sorry, Mr. Sioux"

"Yeah. Because it's my hobby to make, and I couldn't make much over there"

"But you interrupted Uncle Borderline's stay at the inn, didn't you? Then you could have eaten a lot of delicious food."

"Yes! I don't envy you!


"This, Emina or"

Emina had been noticed by both of them and was tongue-in-cheek.

So to the three of them, Siu told them about the horrors of the cuisine in the Delf country.

"It's delicious, it's delicious. But it tastes bad. Because it boils so well, the taste is dark in my eyes, and like this, it stays in my mouth."

"... Really?

"I think it tastes good at first, but from day two it feels a little bit"

"Uh, no. That's fine with me."

"So insatiable. Once, I rented the inn kitchen to make it, but only the ingredients over there, so there were restrictions. I knew Lowal's ingredients were plentiful."

"If you siu. It's loud for food."

"You'll find out once you eat Emina, too. Delf has a tough winter, lots of preserved food, few leafy vegetables, and no variety. You don't like potato dishes and hard black bread every day, do you?

"Yeah, no way."

"When I think about it, this is so extravagant, isn't it? We're free to eat what we want. Blessed and happy. I thought again. I can say loud about food because I live happily in a peaceful country."

"Really. I can eat sweet food, too. I've never had a problem with food. Glad you were born in Steyburn, me."

That's Siu's dialogue. I was born in this world, I'm glad. I think I'm really happy to be born again as a free living person.

"Oh, that means you're glad you were born to your grandfather's grandson. Thank you, Grandpa."

If Emina had said that, Grandpa Stan's face would always have increased and he would have a gentle smile.

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