Shut-in Magician

204 Fighting Games Main Match, Quarterfinals

When he arrived at the arena, he was taken to the general seat, not the noble seat.

Rigdor and Digirre said they were exploring everywhere and finding the best place, and yesterday Leon seemed to watch it there too.

"It's powerful, but come on. I can't believe the Warcraft Entrance."

The Roman Colosseum is also a face defeating arena.

There are battle tournaments between humans here, and there are events that make Warcraft fight each other. And using criminal slavery, you think there's also a covert killing with the Warcraft? I haven't published it very much, but it seems that anyone knows.

Each of the circular arenas has a large entrance and exit to the east, west and north, and people go up through the gate to the tabular stage.

but there is also a small but sturdy entrance and exit if you try to shift it forty-five degrees to each. This one also had a metal gate, which was opened during the tournament and was only separated by a metal fence. I mean, from there, I know exactly what the arena looks like.

I was gladly told that there were other rooms that became the type of barn that spiked up from the basement, and that I could look up from it and observe it because it wasn't locked.

"But dirt and dust fly in, so it's hard to get into your eyes and mouth. I'm dismissed."

Seemed to disapprove of Leon. No, even Siu doesn't like to watch it from that place.

Still, I've often found this place.

"Because it's a beast entrance and exit, people don't come in. It's close to the stage, isn't it? It's a fence up here, and there's a defensive layer to the inside, so we're a little bit off the stage."

"Well, it's close here. But for that matter, I think it's dangerous."

"For once, he said the defensive junction was up, Senior Kiahi."

"What are you, a senior?

"You're an adventurer!

Gladys is my brother, but where is he drawn to?

I was tilting my neck, and Leon slapped me on the shoulder.

Its eyes are tender.

"Never mind. Siu is also a senior, but that's where we stand first as friends."

"... I didn't give a shit there, oh, yeah"

If I had talked about that in an adorable way, the main battle would have begun.

"Ah, it's Gladys. You're closest."

"I chose that place. We'll move later."

I got my nose back rather rough.

His brother, Gladys, won the main battle and went on stage as the head of the Swordsmen.

Starting today, instead of each event playing side by side at the same time, each pair alternately plays a winning match. Today, four sets of matches were organized in the order of swords, weapons in general, no weapons, and groups.

Tomorrow there will be semi-finals and finals, with an awards ceremony and closing ceremony in the afternoon.

The sword, the weapon in general, seems to be played by the end of the day until the semi-finals, time adjusted.

Some people see tiredness in a series of wars, but the power of potion, or physical health, looks good.

The game is twenty minutes, during which time we settle. They said if they didn't, it would be judgment, and the judges were looking down from the room they had stabbed out on a wall with a good view of the arena.

There are judges on stage. The referee was alone on stage and the game started with that signal.

Siu doesn't know about the sword, but I knew Gladius well enough to look good and sift the sword. It's quick, and where it stops, it stops and shows.


"... that sentiment is a bit, isn't it strange?

"I wonder. I think it works beautifully when you get stuck with the remnants of a sword or something like this."

"... I guess they have different sensibilities"

"I think something terrible is being said"

"It's my fault."

Rigdor didn't play against me and watched the game with a serious eye. Leon with the sword is more calmly watching the game.

"Tony's shining again."


"Ah, Tonitrus sword. Gladys nicknames the sword."

"Same nickname as Antony."

"Right. When I first heard it, I almost laughed."

"That guy looks good when he's fighting or seriously talking, why, like, is he missing out sometimes?

"Do you think Leon too? Me, too. I'd look like a swordsman if I kept my mouth shut."

I was talking to him, and the game was over. The opponent admitted to losing.

You shouldn't kill people at a martial arts competition. If I kill you, I'm disqualified under any circumstances.

Winning or losing depends on admitting the loss, being injured and not being able to continue the game, or judgment.

Sometimes the audience made up their minds even if they didn't judge if they could tell they were obviously kept getting hit and weak.

"Brother with dark hair wins -!

"That's right, that's all you've been pushing! I honestly want to admit I lost."

"Tony's brother won! I win."

And well, this is how it gets noisy. Many people can't stand those audience voices and admit to losing.

Rigdor was jumping as happy as he was about me on a low ceiling.

I don't even know what that means. Ferres is jumping. Although in his case he really flew and hit his head on the ceiling.

It seems Gladys, who has decided to move on to the semifinals, has another game in the late afternoon, so he had a circular to rest until then. He was either going to watch the game with the Rigdors or go out all over the city. He was soggy.

"You're the only one who looks like that when you've been given a special lounge."

Kiahi was poking Gladys with a frightened face. He's a little tense and glad his buddies won.

"It's pathetic, I'll stay with you. I hope so, right?

"Is that true! Tia's sweet."

"It's okay. Instead, if you win, you get paid."

"... Tia is Tia after all"

"Oh, I wonder what that means."

Sioux and his men were distracted by Kirch and kicked out of the room because they could not see the fighting field from the break room.

Rigdor also seems to be concerned about the whereabouts of the game, putting his brother down and going back to where he can see the arena better.

The general weapons group is over, and the spear man has just returned in a whim.

Next up is the unarmed group. This is a complete fleshshell battle and also the most unfamiliar battle for the Sioux.

You can say it's at the opposite pole of the wizard.

When the game started, now Leon was also looking on stage with a serious eye.

Appraisal shows a man with the title of fistfighter and a man with the title of kicker fighting.

Each other, with their fists and feet, they're supposed to be funny, but, well, normally they fight? It was an extension of something like that.

I imagined it was exactly like martial arts because it was unarmed, but I felt closer to a prowl in one way or another.

No, I did think the fists were enough to break the stage floor with great force, and the flying and spinning kicks were amazing.

It was quite different from the likes of Karate, Judo and Aikido, and only Siu continued to watch without a glance.

By the way, Ferres seemed to enjoy being Ferres, pampering narrow walls with his tail and feeling like he was in the game.

It's not very interesting for Siu because it's so far from being a contender.

It's too late for me to even notice.

Such a siu, but the team battle could be seen funny.

This is also a brainstorming battle, where leaders and staff can successfully stand around and make wins by directing them, so that even those who are weak can remain until the end.

Humans are funny things, and when those who look weak win, they're kind of happy.

Even in the arena, spare applause was sent for the party that the thin woman instructed and won.

"Wow, that's where I left off"

"You know what?

"Yeah. They told me I'd lose all the time from qualifying. It's an adventurer party called Cardus."


"It's rare that a woman is a leader."

Leon told me to whine. Rigdor nods at it.

"That's right. That's why they were after me, but the shields are strong."

"That guy, he's a wizard, right? But you don't use magic."

"Yes, that's why it's extra noticeable. The wizard said he could still win without using magic. That's amazing."

"You're smart, aren't you? If there was a staff member at the party, it would be different."

"I'll never make it!

"Don't say it with confidence.... Well, I can't either"

"Even though Leon is calm."

"Leaders and staff are unsuitable. I've been alone until recently."

"Oh, you did!

I talked to him, for example, and the next sword set game began with a break.

This is sixteen times, and at the end of the day I wonder if there are still semifinals, which is a bit of an eating wound.

Siu said no to both of them and decided to leave the place.

Only a little, he stared suspiciously at me, so I promised myself I wouldn't stick my neck in the extra thing, and I walked out of the special seat.

Siu entered a tool shop near the guild as he walked out of the arena and wandered around the city.

"Excuse me. Can you buy me a hangover pill?

"Yeah? You're not the herbalist around here."

"I'm a tourist who came to watch a martial arts tournament, but I'm a wizard. When I heard they were sold out, I thought they would sell the stock."

"... which, let's check. Let me see if you have a guild card at last."

Ask each of them to show it to you and confirm it. I mean, neither is a problem, and they bought it at a high price when it was in good condition.

With more pennies, Xiu grinned and went back to the square in front of the arena.

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