Shut-in Magician

202 Burglar Ambush

If you can fly all the way over the king's realm, you'll be relatively safe. People never come in on their own, and they should be constantly crusading warcraft, etc. Above all, the forest is taken care of. There are few warcraft in such places. But not all the vicinity of the King's Capital is King's Land.

Besides, if you think about the knights who are showing tiredness, you should go straight back. After all, Siu chose to leave early. The sky above the king's realm is off, but it is good to proceed straight to the king's capital.

Naturally, the enemy thought the same thing. There was a raid just an hour away in the Wang capital. The opponent was also a beast rider, but the number is as low as three. Except you're pretty good at it. It's not just Siu's Appraisal, I can tell from looking at it. Because the men have been racing up the dark night forest at a fierce speed. Even in Siu's Sensory Transfer, he rides fairly accustomed to horsebacks.

"Damn them!

Aurich scolded looking back. But not quite.

"It could be a thief for kidnapping purposes. Mr. Aurich, keep going straight to the King's Capital. The direction of travel is that way. Leo, look closely and remember!

To put it that way, Xiu flied a big fireworks toward the king's capital. Large fireworks rise in the dark night sky. In an instant the area was brightened. Even without the use of the night's eye, a settlement around the King's Capital was seen in the distance. After this forest, you will enter an area where the fields will spread. I have nowhere to hide, so I just have to let it run all at once. Siu strongly commanded Leo, the horseman of Aurich.

"Leo, fly me to death! You don't have to worry about the back. Just turn around and go!


Listen to Siu's orders. No, he ran through the sky like a bullet start. Follow the rest of the horseman in advance. I'm one foot behind Leo the leader, but I'm desperate to be left behind.

The thieves tried to chase that, but of course there's no way they're letting you go. Siu put up a net called "Elastic Wall" to stop it. I can't see it because it's due to spatial magic. The thief was bounced back to the net. One falls in recoil and the horseman rushes to pick it up. The other two groups managed to get in shape and look around. The only thing left is Siu. The men stared at Siu and spit.

"Shit, you're a wizard!

"I'm gonna get this guy first. It's a pinch."

He moves fast like a familiar thief. Well trained, and more used to fighting than the knights named Airborne. The men quickly regained their position.

But that's what I assumed beforehand. Siu was ready.

"Condition Decline" and then the captive net. "

Capture nets are made of normal nets, not strong acids. I threw it at him on the throwing instructions. Warcraft opponents cannot use it because it is pulled a thousand times, but people can stop moving. The ability was significantly diminished due to decreasing status and weakened the movement of both horsemen and beasts. There's the trap net. The men fell. Sometimes you'll die if you have a bad beating as it is. Xiu used the "Elastic Wall" just in front of the ground.

The men didn't seem to know what it was or suddenly. There's nothing extra to be said about this during the investigation.

When Siu also went down to the ground after them, Ferres asked him to go find the rest of the group that fell into the woods. It would not be dead because of the sound of a broken branch when it fell. Siu approached the two men. The net speaks to the men with it covered.

"Will there be warcraft around here? If so, would it be dangerous to keep it this way?"

No reply from the men. It seems like a hundred million people talk because of their reduced health and magic. Siu thought about what to do with the men. You can't be killed by a warcraft because you stick it out into the country. Well, it's out of the question to keep it covered with spatial magic. I don't want to find out.

"I think I'll dig a hole and have you go down there. If you cover the hole with a junction, the Warcraft can't get in that easily either. You'll need less magic tools in the junction, and most of all, it's easy."

When I slapped Pong and his hand, I immediately used magic. The ground the men were sitting on makes a zung noise and steps back. Siu also went down to the hole and placed a gel for the junction in the center. Then put down the grumpy men and go back to the ground. Just in time, Ferres dared the man back. The horseman is following with a chick and a drag on his leg. Earlier, Siu "recovered" the man and healed his injuries. Next, "State Decline."

"Thank you, Ferres. Keep it in that hole."


Ferres, without hesitation, dropped the man with his head poked into a hole a step lower. Siu now speaks to the horseman.

"You guys come here. All right, all right. I healed you with Recovery. If you want to run, run, if you want to wait here, watch out for the Warcraft."

There was no animosity toward the horsemen because the riders were losing their will to fight. I am depressed and crouching on the spot. I stopped taking him home because he was kept by thieves and because I didn't know how to handle Delf. The Delf tutor will take care of them. I'm curious, but there shouldn't be any great warcraft because it's close to the King's Capital. Besides, if there are three horsemen, there's no problem.

Siu looks down at the hole a step lower and deepens the hole further.

"Wow, we're gonna bury him alive."

Men with no magic or strength were only moving their mouths. We're scared of ourselves being attacked. I guess I became a thief without any readiness. They are idiots. He's a big idiot.

"If you wait there, someone will come. Bye."

Peeping from the top and calling out, he also placed a gel for the junction at the top. Unless a big powerful warcraft comes, it's safe. The pair of round gels that destroy this junction are at Siu's disposal. If we give this to the national personnel, the surrender of criminals will be the same. Siu shouted "good luck" toward the hole and rode Ferres. I looked back only once and saw the horsemen, but they lay idle. My mind seemed tired, even if my strength and injuries were healing.

Siu watching is hard too. Shake that feeling off and order Ferres.

"I know you're tired, but follow me at full speed. The Plums miss you."

"Nyah, nya, nya!

Okay, hey, good luck! And, Ferres got off to a bullet start without even showing tiredness. It was a brilliant launch that made me wonder if it was faster than Leo's.

I didn't use the metastasis because it would be troublesome if they investigated the temporal matter later, but I felt sorry for using Ferres badly for that.

but Ferres didn't seem tired at all. He flew off without slowing down at all. Besides, as soon as the Leos got into sight, their ears fell.


I've already arrived, and it seems boring somewhere.

"Ferres, how much do you like to fly..."

As he shrugged, he waved his voice up to the knights who seemed to be stuck in objects flying like bullets from the rear.

"Hey, it's okay."

Then, you were horrified or the line was disturbed. Then slow down a bit.

"Because the thief has caught me and dropped me in a hole. Maybe the gendarmerie later? You should report it to."

"Thank you!

"Yeah. You're almost there, see, I see the lights in the distance"

When I pointed, I saw a light beyond a mountain. Even in the middle of the night like this, the lights are burning brilliantly in the Wang Capital and the Territorial Capital.

Besides, we're in the middle of a fuss right now.

As we were proceeding with a slight slowdown in that way, we felt caught in the omnidirectional search.

"I guess I'll pick you up. I'm here."


"Fei Long, I think. There's also a horseman. Wow. Pretty much a group. Is that it?"

I found something that I found out I was continuing my appraisal.

I wonder why it's not a flying dragon in the Delf country.

Just must be on your side. Captain Svalf, Sanael and a knight named Lazzaro follow at the beginning. Liliana seemed to be putting up a horseback. It was the kids I didn't know, so this one would belong to the Delf country.

"I'll turn up the lights. Meditate your eyes! Ignition Ammo."

The little lights rose over the sky, and at the point of arrival, they became loud and bright.

Likewise, the opponent - although it was lazzaro - shows the light. The peculiar rhythm is a signal from the Oscarius family.

"I knew it was a rescue team. Good for you."

When I turned to the side, Aurich looked like he was about to cry, and then he squeezed his face tight. Yes, not if you're still distracted. The knight should not be relieved until the prince has definitely arrived at a safe place.

On the other hand, Sverda was pulling out her shoulders. Horrible, I was re-cuddling the plum. The plum remains trembling. Some of them would have been scared, and they're losing strength because they kept flying over the night, albeit in the summer.

Gently, I used fire and wind attribute magic to warm the plum for you.

Plum turns this way in surprise. Siu snuck up and put his index finger on his lips. It means to keep it to yourself. Prüm, nodding, was clinging to Sverda. It was warm and maybe I wanted to tell him that too.

Rescue had also come from the first unit of the Kingsguard Airborne Regiment in the Delf country, and Sverda was found adorable. The first squad seems to protect only the king above the law, so even though they are direct descendants, they are grandchildren, and for Sverda's sake, the third child, they would not be forced to send them unless they were cute.

The prince seemed perfectly relieved to find a knight with a face.

Aurich was praised, but was also told that there would be a rigorous retraining later.

Siu also talked to the Dragon Knight. Ferres is flying around tightly on Svalf's flying dragon Priscilla. You seem to mistake it for a festival or something because it's midnight and you're making a fuss. I smile, but it was bad for Priscilla.

There, the leader of the Airborne Regiment came.

"I'll see you with Lord Siu. I am Guerra-Weimar, First Lieutenant of the Kingsguard Airborne Regiment. Thank you for saving the prince and my knights."

"You're welcome. After this, then you can leave it to me, right?

"Whatever. I'd like to take you straight to the Imperial Castle."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't."

"... what?

I saw the Svalves holding their heads in the back. Yeah, 'cause I kept thinking about what I couldn't do.

"I'm getting a job at Adventurer Guild, so if you don't take what you collect, you'll be reduced. And it's a herb, so some people are waiting."

"... no, but"

"If you're asking about the situation, I'm staying in Neuheim, so I'll ask you tomorrow night as well. It's late today, and if you go to the guild and finish processing, it's morning."

Besides, I put in the meaning of not having my child labor any more, but that seemed fortunate enough to pass on. Even though he looked confused, he said he understood and understood.

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