Shura Emperor

Chapter 653: arrogant

"Zun Jia!" Tai Wuji bowed and bowed, "Please forgive Wuji's eyes and eyes, and don't know Zun Jia face to face! Father Wang is thirsty for talents, and he is destined to ascend to the great treasure, and he needs the help of people like Zun Jia!"

"If Zunjia is willing to serve the father and king, I can guarantee that Zunjia will enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth!"

This person is too strong, so if you don't stabilize this person, it is obviously impossible.

He didn't take Shi Hao seriously before, he just thought he was a passer-by, an unlucky ghost. After Shi Hao showed his strength, he was promoted to "Your Excellency", and now it is a higher level. Became a "respectful driver".

"This son, you are righteous and help you, and ask good people to do it to the end!" Chang Feng also said quickly, "The Fourth Highness is the most suitable heir to Dabao. You contribute to the Fourth Highness, and you will be the minister of the dragon in the future!"

Shi Hao shook his head: "I don't care about your struggle for power and position at all, but I am a stingy person. Whoever wants to kill me, I will kill whoever, is it fair?"

Tai Wuji's face sank involuntarily: "Zun Jia, you are too much! I tolerate you everywhere, just because the father is thirsty for talents, but I am not really afraid of you!"

Let him say anything.

Forbearance everywhere?

Who is shouting and killing.

Shi Hao laughed, not interested in nonsense.

"If that's the case, I'll send you all to **** together!" Tai Wuji said sensibly, drawing his sword out.

Om, the body of the sword trembled slightly, like a living thing.

This is a spiritual tool, and it is as high as six stars. If it can activate all its power, killing the cast royal court is like playing. However, he is also the caster of the royal court, and if he wants to unleash the full power of the spiritual tool, he also needs to pay a high price.

Therefore, it was only at this time that he sacrificed this treasure.

"Die!" he roared, slashing his sword.

Boom, the sword gas turned into a blood wolf, and it rushed towards Shi Hao.

Shi Hao opened the black hole and swallowed the blood wolf.

Huh, I saw that the blood wolf suddenly disappeared, but reappeared in an instant, but it was smaller, but disappeared again, it was swallowed by the black hole again.

——How many black holes are there now in Shi Hao’s Little Star Universe?


The blood wolf kept disappearing and reappearing, but when it rushed to Shi Hao's front, it was pitifully small, and after being swallowed by the black hole, it did not appear.

As long as there is no crushing advantage, the phagocytic ability of the black hole law can be brought into full play.

Tai Wuji was stunned, he was gasping for breath, his eyes were full of shock.

Such a fierce blow was actually resolved by Shi Hao without moving his hand?

This guy... is it a master of repairing the temple?

He couldn't help trembling, and his heart was miscalculated.

The battle for the throne between the eldest prince and the fourth prince has come to an end, so the eldest prince's lineage has even done the act of kidnapping hostages.

Now both sides are fighting with all their strengths, and the only son of the fourth prince is also secretly hidden somewhere, so there is no need and no way to send out too strong experts to protect them.

The same is true for the eldest prince. The nine kings who dispatched him also compressed and compressed their hands before they were drawn.

I thought it was enough to have him, but I didn't expect that a mysterious master would be killed halfway, and he would lose the whole game!

He knew very well that his father was at a disadvantage in this battle for the throne, so he would use the last resort of kidnapping hostages, which was a helpless move.

If this move fails, then their lineage will be finished.

"Respect, if you have something to say-"


Shi Hao punched out, knocking Tai Wuji's head off: "Tell me about your sister!"

Who did he provoke?

Just eat a meal, and you want to silence him, thinking he has no anger?

"Thank you Engong for your righteous action!" Chang Feng got up and gave a reluctant salute. He was severely injured by Tai Wuji's blow and was seriously injured.

Shi Hao smiled: "I helped the Fourth Highness this time?"

"Yes, Your Highness will definitely thank Your Excellency." Chang Feng said quickly.

Shi Hao nodded: "Okay then, let's go to the imperial capital together. After taking the thank you gift, I'll leave."

Chang Feng couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. You are too realistic, aren't you even polite?

"Why are you still stunned?" Shi Hao had already started to leave. Seeing that Chang Feng didn't keep up, he turned his head and urged.

He is going to the imperial capital, not to thank him, but to know where it is, how far it is from Genting Star, and how to go back.

Of course, it's nice to have a thank you gift.

"Oh." Chang Feng hurriedly walked over to the human-shaped iron armor and patted it on it. The chest of the iron armor opened, and he carried the young man inside out, and then pressed it again, and the armor disappeared.

Shi Hao was very interested and asked, "What is this?"

Chang Feng was surprised: "Don't you know Ling Jia?"

"Haha, from the countryside, with little knowledge, you can introduce me to me." Shi Hao smiled, not at all embarrassed.

Chang Feng is still surprised, the spirit armor is known to all women and children in Chaobaixing. What kind of poor mountain did you come from, and you don't even know the spirit armor?

He thought for a while, organized the language, and said: "The spirit armor is made by the craftsman, it has the characteristics of a spirit tool, and then the array pattern is branded by the array master, which can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and has powerful attack and defense. Effect."

"The stronger the spirit armor, the more spirit stones it consumes."

"My spirit armor is only five-star level, it's not enough to defeat Tai Wuji at all, it can only be used to protect the prince from being affected by the battle."

Shi Hao was very interested. Although there were also casters and array masters on Genting Star, there was obviously no such thing as spirit armor.

On different astral bodies, although the martial arts civilization is similar, there are also some differences.

Shi Hao nodded, and did not rashly ask which star it was, otherwise people would definitely not believe that he came from a remote area, but would suspect that he came from another star.

Gotta be careful.

The three of them walked, the young man in brocade clothes was still carried by Chang Feng on his back, and it took a long time to wake up.

"Why don't you kneel when you see this prince?" The young man was so arrogant, he immediately shouted at Shi Hao.

"Prince, this is our savior, you need to be respectful!" Chang Feng said quickly.

"I don't I am the prince, the future prince, the emperor, everyone will kneel down when they see me!" The young man didn't listen, obviously spoiled.

Shi Hao smiled, but he grabbed the young man and kicked him.

"Ah!" The young man was in pain, screaming and tears streaming down his face.

"Engong, Eun Gong—" Chang Feng's voice was trembling, this is the prince, the fourth highness is such an only son, as long as the fourth highness ascends the throne, then this is the prince.

Shi Hao ignored it, and after a few more strokes, he stopped.

If such a arrogant person is not well educated, he will become a foolish ruler in the future.

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