Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 172: Three years of itching (6)

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of each world Su as soon as possible!

Gu Yuanzhou woke up from the hospital bed. As soon as the assistant noticed his movements, he immediately looked over and asked: "BOSS, how are you, and where are you still feeling unwell? The doctor said that something was wrong, it didn't matter. Right , I'll call you a doctor first! "

His assistant has a lively personality, saying that the wind is rain, and he is going to ring the bedside bell. Fortunately, Gu Yuanzhou pulled people in time.

"It's okay." He spoke slowly, and his head still hurt. "I vaguely heard the woman's voice. Who helped me?"

"Oh, it's a girl named Shen Ye. She was just passing by. It is said that because her mother had been ill in bed for a long time, she learned a little bit of this knowledge, so she came in to help and was very kind."

"is it?"

"Yeah, her work unit is near the building, small company, I haven't heard of it, but the girl is quite smart, I talked to her a few words, my brain is quite lively, but unfortunately, it was because of her mother's illness I was dragged down, and I was admitted to a key university, because I couldn't take care of her mother, so I stayed in the local area. "He bounced out, and it was obvious that after a while, the charm of the people convinced her.

"Are people still there?" Gu Yuanzhou interrupted him.

"Still there, I just chatted with me and was left by me. Do you want to thank me in person?"

After the assistant said BOSS nodded, he went outside and called in. Shen Ye's face is beautiful and beautiful, although the clothes she wears are not expensive, but wearing them has a big-name effect and outstanding temperament. After knowing Gu Yuanzhou's identity, he did not have any embarrassed expressions towards him.

Gu Yuanzhou had been lifted up by the assistant, his eyes slightly dimmed after she came in, and then thanked her.

Shen Ye shook his head, "It just happened, I think if someone else passed there today, it would be the same as mine. And, I just reminded them that they didn't do anything."

"Why not!" The assistant chimed in, "Although I didn't hit the wound, it wasn't nothing. The most important problem is that fortunately, none of us touched your head at that time. The doctor said that if the treatment was not good at that time, It is easy to go wrong, thanks to Shen Ye's reminder. "

"Thank you." Gu Yuanzhou said sincerely, "If you have any need, you can tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you, as a thank you for helping me."

Shen Ye refused.

"I really didn't do anything." She said.

At the end, she left her contact information under Gu Yuanzhou's request. After Shen Ye left, Gu Yuanzhou thought for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask the assistant: "Is it only her who saved me?"

The assistant put him a glass of water, and after listening to him for a long time, he finally reacted. "Ah, you mean Wen Zong. I almost forgot her."

Gu Yuanzhou jumped in his heart, "Mr. Wen? Is she there too?"

"I went there temporarily. Wasn't there another government official who visited the construction site with you at that time? She asked him for something, but it happened to happen. Thank you, Mr. Wen. At that time, there was a lot of chaos in the construction site. Knowing to make an emergency call, one person could n’t explain clearly. It was Mr. Wen who contacted the nearest hospital and temporarily blocked the news for us, so that there was no media to disturb her. She said that you should wake up and make a decision whether to send the message Letting go, also at the company level, she told me a lot of details. But she arranged everything and left, and I did n’t have time to thank you for her. ”

Gu Yuanzhou recalled certain sounds in his mind. At that time, he didn't completely pass out, and he still had a vague impression of what was happening around him, but he couldn't open his eyes and his consciousness was chaotic. At first, a strange female voice suddenly appeared, and then cold fingers flicked across his head, neck and body. It seemed to be checking, but the surrounding was still noisy and disturbing, making him want to shut them up.

As he became more and more painful for this, he heard the voice of a familiar woman. In a scene of chaos, she directed calmly, just like she showed at the negotiating table every time. The people who had caused him a lot of headaches, after she appeared, calmed down surprisingly, and she directed their respective divisions of labor to do her assigned work in an orderly manner.

During this period, he often felt that she appeared beside him, asked him about his condition, beat him up and down, and ran around for him.

When he was in a trance, he thought of it somehow, and suddenly felt that marriage was not as bad as he had imagined. If he could marry a wife like her, the concept would be in sync and the thinking would be in sync. It can make him feel more at ease.

The assistant sighed next to him: "Mr. Wen is pretty good. The two companies have always been right. I thought she was not easy to get along with. I didn't expect it was just a previous cooperation. It may have been a matter of life. , And it ’s thoughtful for you. Sure enough, it ’s only at the critical moment that you can see a person ’s character. "


When Wen Ying received a call from Gu Yuanzhou, she was arguing with Yan Zhengqi.

At first, the atmosphere between the two was pretty good. Based on Yan Zhengqi's recent performance, she treated him a lot more tenderly, and the tension between the two eased. After dinner on this day, I watched a classic old movie together again, which was a movie they liked during their student days, and it aroused many memories of the two.

When the man and woman in the film embrace kisses, he leans over and kisses her lips. She leaned back on the back of the sofa, indulging his intimacy, and climbed his back with her hands.

At this moment, his mobile phone on the sofa vibrated, and he didn't notice it. She asked without questioning and picked it up. The screen displayed a message sent by Shen Ye. In order to thank him for the learning opportunity she provided, there was also a shy emoji at the end.

She can feel her affection for him only from the lines between the words.

The enthusiasm receded from the body like a tide, and she threw the phone on him to block his movements.

"What?" He was a little embarrassed, and then saw the screen, his expression disapproved, smiled and said, "I never heard that there will always be a day to peek at my phone, I thought you would not do such a thing."

He meant to be a joke, but when he saw her frosty expression, she realized that something was wrong.

"I was peeking? OK, just when I was peeking, when the woman was insecure, she could do everything." She sat up and slipped her slippers off the sofa. "It shouldn't be more appropriate at this time. Ask the man what has done to make her insecure? "

He spread his hands and leaned on the sofa without talking for a long time, rubbing his brow, "What can I do, don't be so sensitive?"

"I'm sensitive?"

"Isn't it? I did something wrong again!" He frowned sharply and threw the culprit's mobile phone aside. His emotions were equally bad. "I commute on time at this time, go home on time, and do not participate in any activities. To make you happy, you are still not satisfied, what else can I do? It is a thank-you message, are you up to it? "

"What learning opportunities do you offer him?"

She poured a glass of hot water and walked back to him.

"I think she is quite talented. She was dragged down by her family, so she enrolled in a foreign course for her to study for a period of time, which is good for her future career development. She should not be buried forever. At the bottom ... "

"Yan Zhengqi, don't you understand? Who are you, who can build a future for her, and her mother didn't plan to take this step for her, do you care?"

"I don't understand anything." He scratched his hair anxiously. "You don't understand, I just pity it! You have to think so much. You don't know, she is like you, and she has the ability to be strong. If you swap positions with her, don't you want someone to help you this way? "

She grabbed the ear of the mug and stared at him for a long while, and chuckled softly: "Man always thinks so self-righteously, do you think that I would be moved by tears? There are so many women in this world like me, You have to help each one and marry them home? "

"Don't steal the concept!"

"If she is really like me, then she won't accept your help. Every point I earn is earned by my own efforts, not by men."

He distorted her statement and sneered: "Yes, you are not relying on men, I am relying on women. If there is a mention of Mr. Wen, this company has already been bankrupted by me, and I would like to thank Mr. Wen for me. s help."

"Yan Zhengqi!"

Seeing that a greater war was about to erupt, he took a deep breath and said, "Let me be alone."

Wen Ying walked to the balcony and looked back on the road. The man was burying his head in his palm, looking very frustrated. Perhaps this was the haze that lingered in his heart.

In the winter, the wind blew like a blade on the balcony. She wore a thick coat to keep her body warm, but her face was still stung by the scrape.

But facing Yeyue, my heart can be much calmer.

Divorce, of course, she can easily say divorce and easily start another life, because she is not the original owner, she is an outsider, she can withdraw at any time. But one reason she chose to do the task is to experience a different life, and what can this ever-decreasing marriage life bring to her? Perhaps it was to make her understand that marriage deteriorated like a quagmire, dragging the husband and wife and all related people of the husband and wife into the mud. They had so many obstacles when entering into marriage, introducing each other to their friends, the approval of the relatives of the woman, the resistance of the man to the family, and the struggle they had made for the future. Divorce means everything Restart.

If she is the original owner, then this is the only life for her. All choices must be considered twice. Be careful. Will divorce be happier than before divorce? Maybe this marriage can still be recovered? No one can make mistakes. Although he has a naive personality and lacks responsibility, he may not be better. Find another person to adapt again. The other party will also have various shortcomings. Can she endure? Or she will no longer get married, and will be her partner with her father. Will she like this kind of life when her father dies after she dies?

Sometimes life is like this, the two are clearly unhappy together, but have not reached the point where they can't go on at all, so they can only torture each other, looking forward to one day suddenly bright, peak circulation.

The future is full of uncertainty, and the past was once so sweet, she couldn't find a reason to make her ruthlessly make a decision.

On the silent terrace, the ringing of the mobile phone rang abruptly. She pushed her hair behind her ear and answered the phone.

"I am Gu Yuanzhou." The man's magnetic voice passed into her ear like electric current.

"Gu, what's the matter?"

"I want to thank you for the last thing ..." He stopped halfway through the words and suddenly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Huh?" She said, "Xie doesn't have to be. Gu must have two more affections in the future, and show mercy to our people. This is a very good thing."

She bypassed the sensitive question, and he seemed to realize something, without asking.

There were several sheets of information on his hand, and photos of Shen Ye were placed on it. Because Shen Ye refused to accept his gratitude, he was ready to help the leader where she needed and Quan Zuo returned his favor. Unexpectedly, he found something unusual, but he did not expect that the other party would be involved with her husband. The “supported woman” in the assistant's mouth was the other party.

The unusual voice change in Wen Ying's phone call also made him realize what she was experiencing now.

In the original trajectory, he had misunderstood Shen Ye and mistakenly believed that she was involved in her marriage to Yan Zhengqi, which caused many entanglements. But this time, compared to Shen Ye, his focus was clearly shifted.

"It is true that Mr. Wen, I never forget to seek benefits for myself." The man's tone was two points softer, and the way was, "I still want to thank you. I can ask you to make a request, as far as I can. I can achieve it for you. "

Gu Yuanzhou is ready, she will have some requirements in business competition, for example, let him make concessions on important projects, but who knows will hear her ask: "So, Gu always can tell me, what are your men thinking about? ?"

The author has something to say: Gu Yuanzhou: I do n’t know what other men are thinking, I only know what I am thinking.

Wen Ying: What are you thinking about?

Gu Yuanzhou: You.

Wen Ying: So does President Gu know what I am thinking?

Gu Yuanzhou: What are you thinking?

Wen Ying: You ...

Gu Yuanzhou: (Heart is blooming)

Wen Ying: (Next sentence) Pull it down.

Gu Yuanzhou: ...

Wen Ying: How old-fashioned tricks, dare to use me to tease me?

Yan Zhengqi: and ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


The progress has been a little slower. Recently, because I am playing outside, I have no time to think very carefully and it is difficult to edit the text. I also worry that the progress in the previous writing is unnatural, so it seems that the progress is slow. Writing here today, I feel that I should be able to hurry up later. Aooo, but there is no guarantee that the quality of the article will be better than when I am at home when I am tired.

I struggled with leave and quality updates that may not be so good.

I think I will try my best to guarantee the update first, unless the itinerary is too full, or the writing is too bad, I will ask for leave early in the bulletin board of the copywriter?


I probably got a magic spell that can't be updated on the last day of every month. I want to ask for nutrient solution (wow wow crying) Do you still have a month left? OK, pity and pity. I'll give it a little bit (to raise the bowl). If I can go to the homepage nutrition list, when my tour is over, go back to find the time to repay it!

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