People with red skin know the wood demon!

They are visitors from other worlds just like me!

Evan squinted slightly, feeling a hint of danger.

Although the peace in Shengjing has lasted for thousands of years, this peace is like a soap bubble, very fragile and bursts with a single prick.

Two years ago, it was not Evan who should have appeared in Shengjing, but the wood demon clan.

It is conceivable that with the strength of the wood monsters, these ghost exorcists in Shengjing may be difficult to resist. Even with Jingtang and Yue, the probability of defeat is as high as 99%.

Although Jingtang and Yue are very difficult to deal with and extraordinary natural talent, at this stage, in terms of strength, Wood Monster Race is far above him.

The people of Shengjingjing will either end up as prisoners or be killed to the last one.

Think about it carefully, since the Wood Monster clan knows where Shengjing is located, naturally others will know.

The emergence of these two people is as it should be by rights.

A very important question arises here. Will more people know about it?

Will there be more people from outside the world appearing in Shengjing?

If you don’t figure this out, you’ll really be upset.

And the appearance of the two people also surprised Evan. They don't look like the people of San Lo Continental, do they come from the other world?

Evan had many questions in his mind, and couldn’t help but ask: "What are you looking for?"

"Since you asked this sentence, it seems that you know the wood The existence of the demon." Leopoldo nodded satisfied, "Tosio, don't care about that ugly creature, the lord of Shengjing knows the wood demon, and our guess is indeed correct."

"Then what are you waiting for, let him take us to find someone!" Tosio strode towards Evan.

"Ryoko, take all the teachers and students out of the gym."

"Capital, what about you?"

"Me?" Evan pursed his mouth "I haven't done anything for two years since Jingtang and Yue died. I don't know how strong I am now. I just want to use them to try their skills."

"Duzhu." within the valley Ryoko tried to speak but stopped, she wanted to dissuade, but at the moment, no one can resist the two people except Evan.

"What are you doing in a daze, do you think I will lose?"

"No, the capital will definitely win!"

"Sisi, you Also leave, and take Gong out by the way."

The two did not stop everyone from leaving, they were obviously only interested in Evan.

"What are you talking about?" Tosio grabbed Evan, and Evan found that his palms and skin all over his body were faintly metallic.


Evan grabbed Tosio's hand.

A wave of air shocked from the two of them.

Tosio's eyes widened a bit. Although he only used 30% of his strength, Evan was able to block it, which really surprised him.

Evan has spent a lot of time training his body these two years.

He keeps exercising and then keeps getting stronger.

He found himself infatuated with this feeling.

With the diet in the nightmare, his body is getting stronger and stronger, and his pure physical body has reached the level of transformation two years ago.

"Leopoldo, the Lord of Kyoto, Interesting."

When Leopoldo heard it, he knew that Tosio was serious. I'm killed, and I expect him to find the Wood Demon."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Tosio replied.

Evan laughed, want to kill me?

A huge force came from Tosio's hand, and Evan restrained his mind and responded with all his strength.

"Four percent!" Tosio sneered and found that Evan was still supporting.

"Sixty percent!" Tosio's smile disappeared, and he browsed tightly knit.

"Bacheng!" Tosio's face regained a smile because he found that Evan's body was trembling and was on the verge of a limit.

"Unexpectedly, I was able to pick me up 80%! I am worthy of being the master of Shengjing. But unfortunately, I can be Level 4, and you will never be able to reach it!" Tosio shouted: "90%! "

Can't hold it, Evan knows that this is his limit.

Evan really cares about what Tosio said can be Level 4, what's that? But now is not the time to explore this question.

Pig change! Bear change! Deer change!

The heart beats vigorously.

Next moment, Evan’s body swells, his muscles bulge, and then are compressed. Each muscle fiber is like a steel bar, full of strength. Evan’s height keeps rising, and he arrives in a blink of an eye. The height of 2.5 meters is like a Little Giant.

His legs have become slender and powerful, and while having the ability to bounce, the power contained is also extremely strong.

This transformation is different from two years ago.

Evan's body is not excessively swollen. After two years of training, his muscles have been greatly developed and can accommodate the strength of the bear crest.

The proportions of his body after his transformation are already approaching the King of Myriad Beasts he has seen before.

But if you want to be exactly the same, your body needs further exercise.

Watching the whole process of Evan's transformation from close range, Tosio was shocked, but he still didn't think he would lose. After all...he could be Level 4, don't, how could he fall into the third ability? Class world.

"The pure physical body test is complete. Now it’s time to test the strength of the bear change." Evan is taller than Tosio, looking down at him condescendingly, "By the way, after the bear change, my The strength will increase three times. In other words, your 90% strength is equivalent to my 30% strength, understand?"

The voice fell, an extremely violent force moved towards Tosio impacted.

"What? How could it be?" Tosio gnashing teeth, he used his full strength, but in the face of the violent power transmitted by Evan, he is like a sailboat in the sea, so unable to withstand a single blow.

bang! Tosio couldn't support it, and fell to his knees. The wooden floor was directly knocked out of two big holes by him!

"How can people in the third-level world have such a strong power?" Tosio couldn't believe it.

"Because he is not from this World like us! Tosio, get out of here!" Evan’s power mode is completely different from those people I’ve seen before, and Leopoldo immediately reacted. His crimson's skin cracked, and raging flames burst out of it.

Like a fire man.

The temperature of the entire gymnasium rose by more than ten degrees in an instant, and it became very hot.


Tosio groaned, broke his arm, got out of Evan's hand, and flew out diagonally against the floor.

Leopoldo opened his mouth, a hot red and white Fireball formed in his mouth, and then moved towards Evan spit out.

The hairs are straight up.

This move cannot be hardwired!

Evan's legs bend slightly, but he ejects violently.


The Fireball blasted on the ground, bursting into extremely hot flames.

The surging heat wave assaults the senses, and only the aftermath makes Evan feel like being burned.

The flames dissipated, and a huge charred pit appeared in the middle of the gymnasium.

"If you are hit by this move, surely skeleton doesn't exist."

The hair warning is just a crisis reminder.

Cannot be used as a standard to measure battle strength.

Evan remember.

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