Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 939: : Slaughter all of you

"But your master is dead."

"Conscience chooses wood and dwells, you can't desperately want a dead person."


"Only in this way can you survive."

"We will create a great prosperous age together."

"Come, hug us!"

Han Junlei and others continued to bewitched Longyi.

If Long Yi's mind is not firm enough, then it is estimated that he has been persuaded.

However, after going through a series of things, Long Yi's heart was much firmer than in the past, and I saw it roared: "Since the master is dead, then Long Yi will also go with the master, so you will be buried with me. ! "

Long Yi burns his own blood, and is bound to fight Han Junlei and others.

"No good, go away."

Seeing this scene, Han Junlei and others knew that Long Yi had released his trick.

Such tricks that burn natal blood are often very lethal. If they are careless, they may be killed for it, so at a critical moment, Han Junlei called them to hurry and go.

Just as they turned around and planned to run towards Kunlun Xiaoyaozi and others leaving the place, they found that a person came out from inside.

Not fast, not slow.

But it gives people a breath that is hard to resist.

This person is naturally Ye Xiaohu. I saw Ye Xiaohu facing the dragon across the distance: "I'm not dead yet, so it's not your turn to burn my blood for me."

"the host."

"Ye Xiaohu."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's voice, everyone stopped.

Long Yi even quickly stopped burning his blood and gave up his life, and ran to Ye Xiaohu's side: "Master, those of Kunlun Xiaoyaozi, didn't hurt you?"

"Relax, a group of shrimp, soldiers and crabs will still not hurt me, Ye Xiaohu."

Ye Xiaohu snorted, then said to Han Junlei and others: "Now I have killed them one by one and let them go to Huangquan completely."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's domineering words, Long Yi and others grew their mouths one after another.

Because of Kunlun Xiaoyaozi and others, they only left for more than ten minutes.

As a result, more than ten minutes passed and all three of Kunlun Xiaoyaozi died in it.

Understand, that is the master of three distracting peaks!

"This is impossible."

"You must be lying."

"Yes, garbage like you, how could Kunlun Xiaoyaozi's opponent."

Han Junlei and others could not believe this fact, so they came forward to refute Ye Xiaohu.

Faced with their refutation, Ye Xiaohu reluctantly said: "Nobody believes in saying something true in this world. Never mind, whether you want to believe or not, it has nothing to do with me, because you will soon Kunlun Xiaoyaozi has been company. "

"Long Yi, you are watching and seeing how I played against them."

After a simple command, Ye Xiaohu walked past Long Yi and went straight to the nearest Kunlun Shicheng genius master who said: "You are the first."


This genius in Kunlun's Ten Cities has been so contemptuous since he stepped into the distracting realm, so he punched him furiously and went straight to Ye Xiaohu's face.

Ye Xiaohu didn't dodge anything. He stretched out his left hand and grabbed his opponent's fist on the spot.

"You can die."


There was no accident, Ye Xiaohu directly kicked him violently.

When he flew into the air, he immediately burst like a bomb, emitting a cloud of blood mist.


"He is so powerful."

"One-on-one is not his opponent, everyone goes together."

Han Junlei and others looked at each other, so they took out the way to deal with Longyi again and used it on Ye Xiaohu again.

Long Yi who saw this scene, quickly stepped forward and said: "Master, I will help you."

"No, just stand by and watch the show."

Ye Xiaohu, however, prevented Long Yi ’s goodwill, and instead went into the encirclement of Han Junlei and others: "You only have a chance to breathe to survive, otherwise you will have no way to breathe the freshest air."

A breath?

What kind of joke?

Wasn't it done in the blink of an eye?

Han Junlei and others heard Ye Xiaohu's words, and they all made dissatisfied voices. At the same time, they also condensed the strength of the whole body and wanted to kill Ye Xiaohu in one blow.

But when they sent out their supernatural powers, they saw Ye Xiaohu behind them, and stood out two spirits of the same size as his body.

Seeing this scene, Han Junlei and others knew what was going on, and made incredible sounds.

It was almost this moment that Ye Xiaohu, who released the power of the soul, launched a death attack together with the two spirits, attacking opponents around him one after another.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

A series of mumbles sounded, and Han Junlei and others were blown away by Ye Xiaohu.

After landing on the ground, some people's entire body burst, and some people shattered into a corpse, let people look past the panic.

"too weak."

The Divine Realm is weak for Ye Xiaohu now, not to mention Ye Xiaohu has two souls.

So Ye Xiaohu shook his head and returned to Long Yi, saying, "How is your body?"

"I have no problem ~ ~ The recovery of the earth dragon family is fast, and with the real blood of the holy beast, the recovery of Long Yi is even more amazing. Although it is not a 100% recovery, it has not been seen. There are obvious scars.

"Now that you have already recovered, then let's leave this place now and return to Nanpai City!"

Ye Xiaohu was anxiously looking for Er Leng Zi, and naturally it was impossible to stay in Kunlun ruins.

Long Yi anxiously said: "Master, the treasures in this place have been collected by me, do you need to count them first?"

"no need."

Ye Xiaohu spread his hands and said: "The most precious things have been refined by me, and I will give you all the rest!" Ah!

Facing Ye Xiaohu's generosity, Long Yi was very excited.

But after being excited, it remembered another question and said: "Master, what are we going to return to Kunlun Ten Cities, why not leave Kunlun Realm directly from this place and take a look at the earth?"

"I will go back."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and said seriously: "After we find your two masters and make sure that he is not in danger, take him back to earth together."

"Two masters?"

Saw that Ye Xiaohu mentioned the second master again, and the dragon was more curious about the two stuns, so he didn't issue any more questions, and followed Ye Xiaohu directly to return in the same way.

This time there was no Jiuxiao Sky Thunder and no obstacles, so Ye Xiaohu and his party quickly returned to the entrance to the ruins of Kunlun, and stepped into it and returned directly to the Nanpai City.

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