Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 918: : Ruins of Kunlun

Youlong auction house.

Within the splendid conference hall, Tianlong held a cup of spirit tea and tasted the taste.

At this time, the head of the Nanpai City Youlong Auction House, Bai Bai from Tianlong walked in and said: "Tianlong, the situation is a bit bad."

"what happened?"

Tianlong put down the teacup in his hand and said solemnly, "What happened?"

"The people you asked me to follow have encountered some problems."

Master Bai smiled bitterly, and then briefly introduced what happened to him on the Blue Dragon List: "This person named Ye Xiaohu, was really talented and did not live up to our attention. After he slashed his way against the sky, He defeated Kunlun King Gaisu again and has now entered the ruins of Kunlun. "

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Tianlong looked at Master Bai in a puzzled way: "Master Bai, what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that it's not this, but what happens later."

Master Bai shook his head helplessly, and then introduced to Tianlong: "Soon after he entered the ruins of Kunlun, the people of Daoxian City came and reached an agreement with Wu Dejun of Nanpai City, wanting to join hands to deal with Ye Xiaohu. In this way, Ye Xiaohu offended Daoxian City, Nanpai City, Yaowang City ... and Hanli Xianzun who was responsible for the ruins of Kunlun this time. "

"Oh, I didn't think this Ye Xiaohu was still a troublemaker!"

After hearing Master Bai's words, Tianlong not only did not have the shock of the past, but calmed down more: "But this is also good, otherwise we will not continue to do things.

"Dr. Tianlong doesn't quite understand, don't you suspect that he comes from the earth, do you want to have a good relationship with him?"

Master Bai looked at Tianlong puzzled and said with a confused face: "Now Daoxian City Allied Forces are waiting in Nanpai City. Once that Ye Xiaohu returns, they will be ambushed by them and killed. We do n’t get any benefits at all, so see if you negotiate with them and let them give us a face? "

"No, for such a big thing, why don't you Long Auction House slap it down alone?"

Tianlong shook his head and rejected Master Bai ’s proposal: “It is impossible for us to cooperate with others because it is easy to leak wind.”


Master Bai is very worried, so Tianlong Ningmei thought for a moment and said: "Relax, I will not let Ye Xiaohu be in danger, because he is the clue to our return to the earth. We must find him and protect him. So not long ago, I have communicated with the headquarters, and now the headquarters has been mobilized from each master, and secretly rushed to Nanpai City. I believe that it will not be long before they will all rush to Nanpai City, when the time please Master Bai, you are responsible for entertaining them. "

"I know."

Master Bai nodded and said, "I will arrange this properly."

Tianlong continued: "Besides, I asked you to investigate the source of Ye Xiaohu. What happened to the investigation you arranged?"

"I investigated and based on the clues, I looked into the surrounding void. However, no traces were found, so I suspect that Ye Xiaohu appeared, not the place where he appeared in the first place, so if I investigate further, then Need more time and preparation. "

Youlong auction house will naturally not sit still, so while they are waiting for Ye Xiaohu, they are also arranging people to explore step by step, looking for more clues.

So hearing Master Bai's words, Tianlong Ningmei said: "Continue to explore, don't stop. If you encounter any difficulties, you can tell me directly, I will help you solve it."


Hearing Tianlong's words, Uncle Bai nodded seriously.

Immediately after that, Tianlong made some deployments to make Master Bai always stare at the loop of the space-time channel, Dao Xiancheng and others, and where Ye Xiaohu appeared.

Of course, the traces of Nangong Xingrui and others, they also let people monitor, obviously this is a good place for intelligence sources.



When everyone is nagging and analyzing Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu has successfully crossed the space-time channel and landed in the ruins of Kunlun.

"Who is talking about me?"

Ye Xiaohu stood on the ground, rubbing his nose and said, "Does my parents miss me?"

"Yes, after all, I have been away from home for some time, and there is no way to communicate with them, so they think I am right."

Ye Xiaohu hit the dust on his body, and then frowned, "However, if you enter the ruins of Kunlun, if there is anything to gain, it will not be far from the days when you left the ruins of Kunlun and returned to the earth."

After seeing Daozi and others, Ye Xiaohu felt the pressure deeply.

Obviously, the Kunlun world is not as weak as Ye Xiaohu imagined, but because of the accumulation of thousands of years, there have been some soaking up, and some masters, which may even threaten the safety of Ye Xiaohu's life.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu chose to enter the ruins of Kunlun, one is to improve his cultivation, and the other is to find some traces of the demon through this place.

In the mouths of the people in Kunlun's Ten Cities, the original indigenous people of Kunlun became the devil.

However, these demons are natives of the Kunlun world, so Ye Xiaohu believes that they know more about the Kunlun world, and their traces will be spread throughout the Kunlun world.

"What should I do next?"

Ye Xiaohu stopped thinking, and then calmly observed the surrounding environment.

Under the observation of Ye Xiaohu, everything in the ruins of Kunlun appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu. The entire ruins of Kunlun let Ye Xiaohu look around without reservation ~ ~ It turns out that this is the Kunlun of the fairy Pavilion. "

Ye Xiaohu's eyes lit up, but he knew how he should walk. Ye Xiaohu analyzed: "According to this fairy's living habits in heaven, he will definitely build the core of the palace in the northeast direction. So I just want to If you want to go in one direction, you can find his palace. "

After making up his mind, Ye Xiaohu moved forward step by step.

A few days later, Ye Xiaohu came to a high **** and picked a plant that had become extinct.

Just as Ye Xiaohu was about to get up and leave, he heard the footsteps of a pedestrian in his ear.

This made Ye Xiaohu immediately vigilant and lying quietly on the earthen ground, listening to his ears, and soon a person's voice was heard in Ye Xiaohu's ear: "The fools in Nanpai City , Still fighting for a stop to enter the ruins of Kunlun, but we do not know that we have quietly infiltrated into the ruins of Kunlun with Master Devil, charging us the secret treasure we want. "

(End of this chapter)

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