Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 913: : 7 cities are not as good as 1 city

"How do we get it?"

"Who knows Gaisu best and is under his command, is this our only chance?"

"To say who knows Kunlun King Gai Su best, then of course he is his opponent."

"No, it should be the sister of the fairy city, because only she will get along with the Kunlun dynasty. After all, the two of them have signed a marriage contract since childhood."

Lan Yuezi and others looked at the representative of Fairy City.

Under their eyes' attention, the Rainbow Fairy could only stand up daringly, and saw her smile with a bitter smile: "Although I am very familiar with Gai Su, I have no way to be sure of winning."

"However, if you believe me, then I can indeed put forward some suggestions to expand the hope of victory."

The Rainbow Fairy took a deep breath and said to everyone: "We have seven people, and we can use different strategies. For example, I can assist mental attacks, Brother Liu Yudong is responsible for active attacks, and Brother Jinshen Luohan is responsible for positive resistance. You can harass and look for Gai Su ’s weakness. As for the Northern Boxing King and Wu Yuesheng are responsible for the harassment, Brother Huang Youjianxian can be used as a reserve team to always remedy the loophole and urge us to attack. "

Upon hearing the words of the Rainbow Fairy, everyone immediately acted in accordance with the strategy.

Because they knew the terrible situation of King Kun Su of Kunlun, they could only cooperate in the face of such a situation, and success and failure were all in one move.

However, in the face of their combination, Kunlun King Gai Su stood calmly, looking at the sky with his hands on his back, as if he had no opponent in front of him.

Fearless, fearless ... Obviously, the heart of Kunlun King Gai Su is very strong and has reached an indestructible point.


At the next moment, Liu Yudong, who was the first to arrive, had already punched out and punched directly into the face of Kunlun King Gai Su.

"Good to come."

At this point, Kunlun Wang Gai Su finally had some reactions. Obviously, he still quite recognized Liu Yudong's combat effectiveness.

It's a pity that Liu Yudong's age is relatively old, so his talent and potential have been shaped, and there is no way to threaten him.

Therefore, Kunlun Wang Gai Su waved his sleeves, and suddenly a gust of wind rolled over, and Liu Yudong's body roll was deviated from the past.

Immediately after Kunlun Wang Gai Su pointed, he looked like Liu Yudong's chest.

"Golden Lohan."

Liu Yudong, who is good at attacking but not good at defense, uses the power of the whole body to evade after seeing the movement of Kunlun King Gaisu, and at the same time eagerly calls the Golden Body Luohan Road: "Help me resist this.


The golden body Luohan, who was close behind, came out directly behind Liu Yudong and shouted, "Bodhisattva body."


Along with his call, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky, covering the golden body and Luohan.

Immediately after the finger of Kunlun King Gai Su, he clicked on the golden body Luohan.

The golden body Luohan snorted on the spot, the whole person retreated a dozen steps, and some blood stains oozed out of the corner of his mouth, which surprised the golden body Luohan and said: "How could this be possible, I also battled with the distracting power. , It ’s impossible for them to hit me with one stroke, why can you hurt me with one stroke? "

Everyone present was a genius in the ten cities of Kunlun.

Everyone's talents are very good, so at the peak of Infant Realm, or a half-step distraction realm, you can already contend with the ordinary early power of distraction realm.

So in the face of a Kunlun king Gai Su who had just completed a breakthrough, the golden body Luohan in a half-step distraction, was actually injured with only one move. This is obviously unreasonable!

"Don't take those losers, **** ... compared to my Gasu."

Kunlun King Gai Su proudly stood in the original place: "I Gai Su, that is destined to inherit the Kunlun Realm and become the supreme king of the Kunlun Realm, who will rise to heaven in the future."

"Did you get an opportunity to become an immortal?"

Kunlun Wang Gaisu's words were obvious, so Liu Yudong and others screamed: "What is the opportunity to become a fairy?"

Since the masters of Kunlun's Ten Cities, conquered the Kunlun boundary, they have been exploring the ruins of Kunlun. As a result, they failed every time and failed to find an opportunity to become a fairy.

But they never imagined that some people discovered this opportunity today.

Not only the geniuses of Kunlun's Ten Cities, but also the audience around them, Ye Xiaohu and Han Lixian Zun looked at Kunlun Wang Gaisu curiously.

"Well, since you want to know, then I will fulfill you."

Seeing Liu Yudong and others inquiring, Kunlun Wang Gaisu couldn't help but smiled smugly, and immediately followed a stroke.


At the next moment, a mysterious force enveloped the body of Kunlun King Gai Su.

This force is a fairy.

With the exception of Ye Xiaohu, everyone saw this power and fell for it.

Even Hanli Xianzun couldn't sit still, grasping the armrest above the chair with both hands, widening his eyes, staring at Kunlun King Gai Su.

Only Ye Xiaohu remained calm.

Although Ye Xiaohu was very curious at first, what was obtained by Kunlun Wang Gaisu.

But when Ye Xiaohu saw what Kunlun King Gai Su brought out, he immediately knew what it was, and suddenly reduced expectations for Kunlun King Gai Su.

Because that is the ordinary source of immortal energy, but some ancient immortals, in order to train and train their disciples, so the refined immortal gas, to assist the disciples to practice ordinary immortal gas.

Of course, to obtain such an immortal energy, you can really understand the mystery of becoming an immortal by enlightening it.

"The previous plan was annulled, and now we have only one chance, that is, everyone will take action together and see if we can defeat him."

The Rainbow Fairy knows that the general trend is gone, but let them admit defeat, they are not reconciled.

So she called on everyone to shoot together ~ ~ Yang Yuezi and others also understood the idea of ​​the rainbow fairy, so everyone nodded and shot towards Kunlun King Gai Su together.

"Alright, let's win by one stroke."

Seeing the Rainbow Fairy and others shooting together, King Kun Su of Kunlun also took it seriously, and dared not have any care.

I saw him take a deep breath, then patted seven rainbows and other humans with the palm of the fairy tale: "Qiankun annihilates the palm."


With the thunder of Kunlun King Gai Su, a punch to the Rainbow Fairy and others.

As a result, the Rainbow Fairy and others, after supporting for ten seconds, couldn't support it. They were patted on the ground by King Kun Su of Kunlun on the spot, and they bleed blood, even if they didn't die, they also lost a layer of skin.

Victory and defeat.

Seeing this scene, Kunlun Wang Gaisu turned his back proudly, carrying his hands, and said to Ye Xiaohu as at first: "Now it's your turn."

(End of this chapter)

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